[PEBER], [JABRA], [BRATN] and [QTARA] are all listed under "The Cast" in the production notes for [TGMES]. May 30, 21:16
doubtful they will get attached. its a documentary for pete's sake! {nm} May 30, 22:26
People get attached to documentaries all the time... Narrators, etc. {nm} May 30, 23:13
i would guess they are cameos, and cameos, for the most part don't get attached. {nm} May 30, 23:57
Doesn't matter. It says "The Cast" in the production notes, it's from an official source with official credits, so they have to attach them. May 31, 00:09
Did anyone actually see the film? btw...from your source, the credits do not list "CAST" at the bottom of the document... May 31, 05:00
Variety review mentions QTARA and BRATT ....but not the others May 31, 09:25
opps meant BRATN {nm} May 31, 09:26
All credited. {nm} May 31, 10:31
Cool, thanks. {nm} May 31, 10:35
Someday, not this week, Spurlock gets bonded. {nm} May 31, 11:42
Counting on my fingers and toes, I get SUPR8 delisting a week before TGMES for BRATN. {nm} May 31, 11:45
erase erase erase erase erase.....for JJABR not BRATN.....jumping back and forth too quickly. {nm} May 31, 11:47
yup, if super 8 makes 100 million by delist then jjabr dropped too much. {nm} May 31, 14:17
So now on top of everything else, HSX has completely changed its policy re: actors/filmmakers in documentaries? May 31, 16:06
i agree with you on this one, SS! {nm} Jun 01, 08:50
Wow, I've never seen such major Starbond movement in a day.. missed out on a lot of money. :| {nm} May 31, 20:16