[BONDS} is active and at the low point....18.20 BUY BUY BUY {nm} Jun 15, 00:30
bought bought bought {nm} Jun 15, 00:46
welcome back [BONDS] ! {nm} Jun 15, 06:20
[BGREE] is credited in [SUPR8] as Cooper, the creature. Also listed in IMDB. {nm} Jun 20, 23:07
I can't believe someone is holding short. Jun 15, 09:42
Stupid is as stupid does That's what my mama always said. {nm} Jun 15, 11:26
Question about some of the holdings Jun 15, 10:15
Radar ! {nm} Jun 15, 11:26
Okay, but why would you need a Radar share when you also hold 19,999 shares of the same security the other way? Jun 15, 17:03
It took me a long time to learn how to really use radar.... Jun 15, 18:46
I still don't understand how that gathers information that you wouldn't get just from looking at the 20K investment. Jun 15, 19:43