HSX Forum

CelebStock and StarBonds

I don't know if they still have it posted, but there used to be a list of the most widely held bonds, Mr and Mrs Smith were one and two...

Posted by: zeitgeist on Sep 30, 00:22 in response to RogerMore's post Hey, she used to be at $130 - cool your jets! :)...

which means lots of newbie players buy them and we never hear from them again, their purchases swell and tilt the market price.

but you shouldn't be holding a bond without a release date coming up, anything six months or longer can drift in unexpected ways.

Can someone explain to me how AJOLI got to H$109? {nm} DoctorMovies Sep 28, 20:52

twin manipulation Oleg Max Sep 29, 06:25

Hey, she used to be at $130 - cool your jets! :) (serious answer inside) RogerMore Sep 29, 06:29

and the price may stay there because...guys just like holding Angelina Jolie :D {nm} tealfan Sep 29, 08:57

I don't know if they still have it posted, but there used to be a list of the most widely held bonds, Mr and Mrs Smith were one and two... zeitgeist Sep 30, 00:22

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