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CelebStock and StarBonds

I will try to give a little tutorial, but there is some math involved (Did I really have to know that stuff in later life?)

Posted by: BONDS 21 on the horizon (a.k.a mrbinns) on Jul 31, 12:45 in response to horrorfanatic's post yes thank you sir! anybody care to explain it in english?

If there are 5 or more movies in the TAG, The TAG or Trailing Average Gross is the total of the last 5 released movies divided by 5. If we call them A, B, C, D, E the formula is

Old TAG= (A + B + C + D+ E)/5

Now here comes that 6th movie, F.  It will replace A in the formula, so the new formula is now:

New TAG= (B + C + D + E + F)/5

If you subtract New Tag minus Old Tag and simplify it becomes:

New TAG -OLD TAG = (F - A)/5     

As a rule of thumb, (and this is how I post this from time to time) you subtract the old movie total Box  (A) from the New movie Total Delist and divide by 5 and this is the adjustment to the TAG at the time of adjust.  A negative numer (Old>New) would be a subtraction from the TAG, a positive number is added to the TAG.  This number, prior the the Tuesday adjust is referred to as the EAP, the "Estimated Adjust Price," which is not locked in stone until the actuals are known.

Why do you want to know an EAP ?     Beacause Bonds are a point to point game.  The question is always what will the value be at the next adjust?    Once you know the EAP, you have to compare it to the CURRENT price.    If the Current Price is > EAP, then you would short the StarBond.  If the Current Price is < EAP, then you would buy the  StarBond (long)

In the case of JDEPP, as disappointing as LONER was (is?) it still did more business thant TOURI which it replaced in the TAG, so the TAG went up.  Had LONER not done as badly, lets say 50 M more at delist, it would have contributed 1/5 of the extra box office (1/5 of 50 is 10) and the adjust would have been at a greater amount.   As recently as 3 months ago, LONER was priced at about 140.

HSX players have access to public charts, like How Profitable, or maintain their own.  They were anticipation an EAP of about 119 when LONER was up around 140, and invested accordingly.   When LONER crashed, investors in JDEPP bailed out and or shorted.  This drove the price down. In so doing, it actually dipped below the EAP.   As a result, at the end the proper investment was back to long.   With all of these back and forth investments, you always have to take the commission (2%) into account on each flip.

A lot of folks who are newer to HSX have troubles understanding the StarBonds system, so I hope I have answered the questions for many others.

Still puzzled?   That is why us geezers hang out at the StarsBoard, or at least this one.

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Queen Latifah (QLATI) 25000 71.11 (-0.25)          Sneaks (SNEKS) 150000 14.76 (+2.75)          Michael Mann (MMANN) 25000 62.30 (-0.25)          Halsey (HALSE) 25000 66.90 (-0.25)          Sally Field (SFIEL) 25000 93.54 (-0.25)          Motor City (MTRCT) 150000 13.54 (-0.19)          Project Hail Mary (PRJHM) 150000 118.04 (-0.77)          Bonhoeffer (BNHFR) 1 6.39 (-0.07)          Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi (STRW1) 43000 134.77 (-0.97)          Scream 7 aka Scream VII (SCRM7) 150000 44.91 (-0.25)          Brothers (BROHS) 7996 0.03 (+0.01)          Wuthering Heights (WUTHR) 55000 38.24 (+0.27)          Mission: Impossible - The Final (MISS8) 10000 163.64 (+0.26)          Mission: Impossible - The Final (MISS8) 10000 163.64 (+0.26)          The Outrun (OUTRN) 4995 1.33 (0.00)          Paper Tiger (PTIGR) 39000 21.17 (+1.86)          Gladiator II H$70 Put (GLAD2.PU) 25000 4.94 (+0.56)          Wicked H$100 Put (WICKD.PU) 25000 0.99 (-0.12)          Wicked H$100 Call (WICKD.CA) 25000 8.69 (+0.13)          Golden aka Atlantis (ATLNT) 150000 34.41 (-0.23)          The Outrun (OUTRN) 1495 1.33 (0.00)          Gladiator II H$70 Call (GLAD2.CA) 24999 1.43 (-0.50)          Relay (RELAY) 150000 4.17 (+0.81)          Sneaks (SNEKS) 40000 14.76 (+2.75)          Gladiator II - Opening Weekend (GLAD2.OW) 100000 67.93 (-1.19)          Gladiator II - Opening Weekend (GLAD2.OW) 99999 67.93 (-1.19)          Empire Waist (EMPWS) 1496 0.07 (0.00)          Sneaks (SNEKS) 149999 14.76 (+2.75)          Wicked (WICKD) 89999 295.53 (-0.15)          Wuthering Heights (WUTHR) 150000 38.24 (+0.27)          Heretic (HERTC) 12500 25.18 (-0.31)          Spa Weekend (SPAWK) 150000 13.15 (+3.15)          Heretic (HERTC) 12500 25.18 (-0.31)          Sneaks (SNEKS) 150000 14.76 (+2.75)          Paper Tiger (PTIGR) 150000 21.17 (+1.86)          Empire Waist (EMPWS) 3996 0.07 (0.00)          Spa Weekend (SPAWK) 60000 13.15 (+3.15)          Anaconda (ANAC3) 70000 38.67 (-0.18)          Sneaks (SNEKS) 30000 14.76 (+2.75)          Super/Man: The Christopher Reeve (STCRS) 998 1.93 (0.00)          Valiant One (VLNT1) 150000 6.40 (-0.11)          Sneaks (SNEKS) 150000 14.76 (+2.75)          Super/Man: The Christopher Reeve (STCRS) 2002 1.93 (0.00)          Spa Weekend (SPAWK) 12000 13.15 (+3.15)          Spa Weekend (SPAWK) 150000 13.15 (+3.15)          Sneaks (SNEKS) 12000 14.76 (+2.75)          Him aka Goat (GOAT1) 150000 19.92 (-0.45)          Spa Weekend (SPAWK) 150000 13.15 (+3.15)          Gladiator II (GLAD2) 150000 172.89 (-1.00)          Gladiator II H$70 Put (GLAD2.PU) 25000 4.94 (+0.56)