Having said that, as the Fund Manager for BONDS, which for 12 years has been dedicated to the concept of "You can make H$ in the bond market," there are a few simple guidelines.
1) Definitely read and reread the definitions of TAG and how movies are added to, and subtracted from the TRAILING AVERAGE GROSS of a StarBond. There are times that the investment is counter-intuitive. You may buy a Bond for a small grossing movie, and short another one for a big grossing movie. It all comes down to what the new price (EAP for Expected Adjust Price) will be on the adjust day.
2) I Never suggest investing more that half of your portfolio in StarBonds. Movies are the name of the game.
3) If you go to the top of the page, look at Community>Tools of the Trade>Past Performance there are 2 fan sites that you can consult. Kai Gee 's site has a way to list all StarBonds with adjust dates that can be sorted by dROI (daily Rate of Income) which will point to the "best buys." How Profitable has a chart that has weekly lists, which for you might be the better tool, at this time. The HSX Dude has lots of good information, but does not post a long term chart.
Look at the charts and by Monday afternoon get in on a couple of big swings, before the StarBonds are halted. (See the Calendar for exact times). Get out after the Tuesday adjust when the StarBonds are no longer halted because they usually change direction the next day.
Take it slow at first. You have to build up the portfolio. Remember, this is a GAME, so have fun