The Beatles Sam Mendes will direct four films about The Beatles, each...
Wicked Universal is adapting the musical sensation Wicked into a...
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or...they know there are better places right now to invest that kind of money.
Posted by: osmosis2003 (a.k.a Ossiemosis) on Dec 31, 23:16 in response to JDolphin's post the drop in [PJACK] today makes me think people don't...
quite a few movie bonds are undervalued at the moment and are moving $5 to $10 a day. Invest in those for a few days, buy back PJACK in a week and they probably only going to miss out on $2 of the $20 he is ARB.
the drop in [PJACK] today makes me think people don't understand bonds after all since he is ARB $20 - and that's not including any JDolphin Dec 30, 16:00
People don't understand starbonds? Stop the presses! {nm} Broiler Dec 30, 20:52
or...they know there are better places right now to invest that kind of money. osmosis2003 Dec 31, 23:16
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