StarBond Adjusts for 11/22/22 Nov 22, 10:03
GCHRI and TFELT seem incorrect Nov 22, 10:50
I agree, both incorrect {nm} Nov 22, 11:08
Likewise, my math corresponds with Abrasas' {nm} Nov 22, 11:37
I already cashed out those 2. Damn {nm} Nov 22, 11:43
I've already cashed them as well Nov 22, 12:19
You can easily Recover the Losses with the Right Transactions. Munch Double Commissions. Net +98% Recovery. {nm} Nov 22, 13:32
"Munch Double Commissions"?? {nm} Nov 22, 13:35
Munched Commissions on Cashing them Out. Munch Commission on Recovery. Net +98% Recovery. {nm} Nov 22, 13:56
GCHRI and TFELT have been readjusted, thanks. Sorry about the delay. {nm} Nov 22, 15:05
I cashed out after the initial adjust and my order history says I can't cover what I don't have Nov 22, 17:21
You could have Recovered Net +98% Recovery of the Losses utilizing the Strategy Posted Above (in a timely fashion). {nm} Nov 22, 20:02
I'm sorry that I work and don't have all day to spend monitoring a gaming message board. {nm} Nov 22, 20:13
You don't have to apologize for that. {nm} Nov 23, 12:57