the changeover.
The role in SPYGM was really small and would not have resulted in attachment. I cannot document the following precisely, but when (if) the StarBond was IPO'd in 2008 for DECPT and BABLY, DMac went back through her filmography. 0LEMM and 0HESO were not HSX stocks but were added to be included in the calculation of her TAG as they were released in the US, had ERC box office and she had major roles.
BASC2, SLPWD and STMNT were the HSX movies included and SWIMP not (although the latter probably was her US breakout role but that is another story.)
Generally, a movie does not get added to a filmography between adjustments, because that would change the TAG. So these 2 had to be there at IPO.
At least that is how I read it. There are not a lot of symbols in HSX starting with the 0. There were a lot more used during the conversion process to fill out the 5 prior movies rule.
In recent years, the use of more than 5 movies in an IPO filmography is becoming more and more "usueal" even though some of the older movies never have and never will affect the TAG but they are there for historical information.
I sometimes scratch my head at ex post facto attachments but hey, I do not run the game.