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CelebStock and StarBonds

Since nobody posted math, this is to protect everyone and hlep VeronicaMarsFan

Posted by: StarBondFund Short the Pats (a.k.a StarBondFund) on Jan 10, 12:02 in response to VeronicaMarsFan's post Olivia Wilde star bond halt today to which number will it...

Go to the Detail page for the StarBond, in this case OWILD.

If you are not sure about a movie, such as N3DAY, click on the link and you see "Inactive" so this is already delisted and counting toward the TAG.

The next movie up is TRON2, which delists today.  The current price is approx 145.  (BOM shows 147.9 so I will use that amount) Count down 5 from there on the filmography (Watch out for still in release limiteds, but there are none in this case) and you get TURIS which from the link did about 7.

Thus, since OWILD has more that 5 old movies in the filmography, TRON2 replaces TURIS, 147.9 replaces 7, a gain of 141.  Dividing by 5, you get about 28 of a gain in TAG.  Add that to the current TAG of about 17.3 and you get about 45.3 approx  

Now compare that to the current price. You have a couple of hours left to buy or short.  heh heh

But those are the figures.

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Zendaya (ZENDA) 50 148.63 (+0.06)          The Wedding Banquet (TWEDB) 29999 8.49 (-0.13)          The Wedding Banquet (TWEDB) 150000 8.49 (-0.13)          Tom Cruise (TCRUI) 10 157.21 (+0.50)          On Becoming a Guinea Fowl (OBAGF) 10000 0.98 (+0.01)          Not Without Hope (NWOHP) 150000 0.03 (+0.02)          The Senior (SENIR) 150000 1.20 (+1.05)          Wolf Man (TWLFM) 15000 30.43 (-0.05)          The Mastermind (MSTMN) 150000 3.54 (-0.07)          Ryan Reynolds (RREYN) 200 119.55 (+0.06)          In The Lost Lands (INTLL) 34000 9.21 (+0.39)          Moana 2 (MOAN2) 35 281.66 (+0.78)          Long Day’s Journey Into Night (LDSJN) 150000 0.25 (+0.04)          Long Day’s Journey Into Night (LDSJN) 150000 0.25 (+0.04)          Return to Silent Hill (SHIL3) 150000 7.62 (+0.03)          Justice (JUSTC) 150000 0.12 (+0.04)          Mission: Impossible - The Final (MISS8) 48976 164.08 (+0.70)          Justice (JUSTC) 150000 0.12 (+0.04)          Downton Abbey 3 (DWTA3) 150000 28.44 (+0.16)          The Fantastic 4: First Steps aka (FANF2) 50000 198.82 (-0.34)          Afterburn (AFBRN) 150000 17.14 (+0.08)          Hot Milk (HTMLK) 150000 0.17 (+0.04)          Batgirl (BATGR) 150000 2.40 (0.00)          Pharrell Williams (PWILL) 5000 133.76 (0.00)          Reykjavik (REYKJ) 150000 3.77 (+0.03)          Here (HERE1) 150000 16.45 (+0.10)          Hot Milk (HTMLK) 150000 0.17 (+0.04)          Gladiator II (GLAD2) 150000 172.42 (-1.47)          The Horror Fund 9 (SPOOK) 20000 20.27 (+0.23)          The Golden Years Fund (AARP) 20000 99.66 (+0.04)          Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans (LGBTQ) 20000 60.31 (+0.03)          Eric Larue (ERICL) 150000 0.10 (+0.04)          Pharrell Williams (PWILL) 5000 133.76 (0.00)          Eric Larue (ERICL) 150000 0.10 (+0.04)          Cruella 2 (CRUL2) 100000 23.99 (-0.04)          In The Lost Lands (INTLL) 45000 9.21 (+0.39)          John David Washington (JDWAS) 25000 24.16 (+0.25)          Cruella 2 (CRUL2) 100000 23.99 (-0.04)          Wuthering Heights (WUTHR) 15000 38.51 (+0.54)          High and Low (HILOW) 150000 19.06 (+0.06)          Sneaks (SNEKS) 60000 15.76 (+3.75)          Paper Tiger (PTIGR) 30000 21.33 (+2.02)          Paper Tiger (PTIGR) 29999 21.33 (+2.02)          Famous (FAMOS) 75000 23.11 (+1.40)          Famous (FAMOS) 39993 23.11 (+1.40)          Unstoppable (USTPB) 30000 9.38 (0.00)          Phoebe Dynevor (PDYNE) 25000 10.83 (+0.20)          The Brutalist (BRUTL) 21000 4.77 (+0.01)          Sam Raimi (SRAIM) 25000 184.30 (+1.50)          Nick Offerman (NOFFE) 25000 54.38 (+1.18)