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And some people are abusing the "Service Dog" rule.
Posted by: CrankYanker on Apr 22, 08:03 in response to Dave3626's post I love dogs, I have a dog, but if I see a sign in let's...
The strap a "Service Dog" vest on a Chihuahua so they can take it into stores and restaurants with them. It's the same as hanging a "handicap" placard on your car JUST so you can park close to the front door, not because you're handicapped.
I love dogs, I have a dog, but if I see a sign in let's say a cemetery that says "No dogs allowed" I keep the dog out. Why is so bleepin' Dave3626 Apr 22, 06:23
And some people are abusing the "Service Dog" rule. CrankYanker Apr 22, 08:03
Sort of on topic, google "Seeing Eye Cat", the stories are hilarious. {nm} arf Apr 22, 11:12
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