R.I.P. R.Kelly Apr 25, 05:09
Having trouble confirming this now. {nm} Apr 25, 05:31
Disregard, sorry I jumped the gun.....apparently, Scott Baio died in the exact same accident. lol Apr 25, 05:39
aww, there goes my "Trapped in the Casket" joke {nm} Apr 25, 05:42
Thew news about Baio made me sad, but the R.Kelly joke made me laugh. It's been a rollercoaster of emotion this morning. {nm} Apr 25, 07:33
Wait a second. Turns out Baio's NOT dead after all. Well that's nice. {nm} Apr 25, 10:17
I think it was really Mark Twain...reports of his death were greatly exagerated. {nm} Apr 25, 13:22
Huck Finn = one of my least favorite books of all time. Also on the list: Catcher in the Rye and almost everything else from high school. Apr 25, 14:00
A lot of people died in that accident.........too funny if you google the image........ Apr 25, 14:04