What does your username mean?...haven't seen one of these in awhile {nm} Dec 19, 08:32
I'm a fan of the San Jose Sharks hockey team...most hockey fans know them by just their team color - teal {nm} Dec 19, 08:33
My name's David, and slappy comes from the name of a band my friends used to have (and I was the manager). It just stuck... Dec 19, 08:51
My busness is Binn's Travel Dec 19, 14:36
Travelling in a bin? We've got just the bin for you! Small bins! Big bins! Red bins! Blue bins! :) {nm} Dec 19, 15:06
We can bin it in a box, we can bin it with a fox; we can bin it in a house, we can bin it with a mouse... {nm} Dec 19, 21:07
You should book us all a trip to NY! {nm} Dec 20, 09:05
I am the manager of The African American Fund, that is how I got this username. {nm} Dec 19, 15:23
I dont like Forest Gump, Harry Potter, Armageddon, The Wizard of Oz or Hunger Games. {nm} Dec 19, 15:32
I wanted to be a lawyer, so I wanted a legal term. Was going to go with ilibel {nm} Dec 19, 16:05
ohh!...lol {nm} Dec 19, 16:32
Father's name is 'Pro'. Mother's name is 'Minor'. They named me 'ROTO'. {nm} Dec 19, 19:44
Fairly self-explanatory. {nm} Dec 19, 21:08
Interesting question! My youngest (of 7) is named Lorne, and has autism...therefore I am for Lorne! {nm} Dec 20, 07:32