What if Fox News covered Trump the way it covered Obama? Apr 17, 13:46
Lol, but won’t do any good. The right has their hypocritical heads stuck too far up their rears {nm} Apr 17, 14:02
My first answer is a question: "What if everyone else covered trump the way they covered Obama?" Apr 18, 07:08
Because no other President including Obama bully/exaggerate/mislead and outright lie everyday like Trump does. {nm} Apr 18, 08:47
I think you totally missed the point. When all your competition is sharing the same customers, it is smart business to Apr 18, 09:32
My point is answering your question. It's not possible to cover Trump the way they cover Obama. Apr 18, 09:38
...if they want to retain journalistic integrity. So you admit Faux News is just Trump propaganda. {nm} Apr 18, 09:42
Well, you certainly hit all the Repub talking points w/o evidence to back it up. And then excuse Trumps 9000+ lies (to date) Apr 18, 12:21
I will delete my port if you can prove Obama life even 1000 times. {nm} Apr 18, 12:23
*lied {nm} Apr 18, 12:23
Don't delete your port. We need the comic relief! 1. "You can keep your doctor", 2. "Premiums didn't rise", Apr 18, 13:54
Wrong, PolitiFact you sourced shows Trump lied far more than Obama. Apr 18, 16:21