I voted for Barack. There are issues I can lean to the left on. I am not saying this because I didn't like him from day one but I'm also not retarded enough not to pay attention. This isn't in specific order from worst thing on so just read.
1. Told everyone who would listen the HC debates would be on CSPAN ..how did that turn out? How come we can't impeach someone for lying? Why is it just OK to lie? Because others did it before him and because it's generally expected from politicans it makes it fine with everyone?
2. During the worst oil spill in our history he proceeded to play with the Jonas Bros. Golf. Talk about everything but. Block many people who want to help from helping. In fact just youtube a few videos of everything he has done since the spill started it should be enough to make anyone sick. Beyond that instead of showing any care for the country whatsoever his only focus has been using the Emmanuel approach of not letting the crisis go to waste to push cap and trade or the American Power Act. LOL...give me a break. Same thing as changing Global Warming to Climate Change.
3. Just the other day told people sea food in the gulf is safe to eat....to me this rivals telling people that the air was safe to breathe after 9/11. A retarded child should know better than to eat from the gulf right now especially with the toxins being used to combat the problem.
4. The BC issue still hasn't been settled. Bill Maher mocking you doesn't make something true.
5. Is pushing psychological warfare on the people of our country if not personally he isn't stopping it. Were in MULTIPLE wars. If I was President I wouldn't have allowed a song with the chorus yeah were going down to be replayed 3 times an hour on the radio. You don't put that in someone's head during a war. He should have had the sense to step in and stop it.
6. Just read the HC bill. There is NO ONE on the face of the planet that I'll let convince me I have to have an implantable chip in my body that has shown in MULTIPLE studies it causes tumors to develop in lab rats. It's in the bill. It isn't a crazy conspiracy. Read it. I'm not anyones cattle. Beyond that it is unconstitutional to try and force someone to buy something.
7. Appointed John Holdren as Science Czar. A man who wrote how we need to force sterilize the world in order to depopulate through vaccinations if necessary to save resources. The appointment is bad enough but it goes with number 8.
8. Before he was elected in 2005 he wrote about the danger of a possible flu pandemic. Also invested in stock. He could barely sit in office and I'LL BE DAMNED we have a swine flu emergency and unsafe vaccines that Holdren so fantasized of were pushed on people who weren't sick. Instead of standing up like a man to protect concered citizens who were highly suspicious of a clearly untested vaccine he protected the drug makers and watched as people were forced to chose between a possibly unsafe substance in their body or the loss of their job.
9. The first thing he did as President was to seal his records. Why?
10. Supports people OF OTHER COUNTRIES before he supports Americans. If I were President I wouldn't be siding with other countries before my own. It is also treason for an American President to hold positions within the U.N. that he has. An American president cannot have allegiences to other nations.
11. Appointed Cass Sunstein as a czar. A man who wants to ban free speech and believes animals should be able to sue people.
12. Appointed a KNOWN homosexual pedophile to be in charge of school children and had the nerve to give him the title safe school czar. Now look. I've kinda grown up about things if your gay your gay ...even though a world without the gay male would be heaven to me. Kevin Jennings wrote a book called queering elementary education. What kind of sick **** thinks to write that book? On top of it he was been in trouble in the past for asking 14 year old boys if they spit or swallow on top of getting into fisting debates with students. This makes schools safer? For who? Nambla supporting pedophiles?
13. He has **** on some of our longest running allies. If you don't think so you haven't read or paid attention to anything.
14. Has there ever been a time the American flag has come under a larger attack than under this guy? You think that is a coincidence? He doesn't want us to embrace being American he wants us to embrace being part of a global community. How about no Scott.
15. Extended the "Patriot Act" I don't remember him saying he was going to do that.
16. How many billions of our dollars during our worst economic time has he sent to countries that you know....aren't ours?
17. Critizes our immigration laws while clapping for the President of Mexico? A country with immigration laws 1000 times stricter than ours.
18. Offered a job in exchange for someone not to run for office. Remember?
I could make a list three times this long. If you think he hasn't done anything immoral my god...I want to live in your fantasty world.