Yes, If I cheat on my taxes or commit a felony, I take them on their word, but when it comes to a lack of knowledge of a pending Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor, man landing on the moon or even getting 400 miles up, the assissination of JFK, MLK, and 9/11 terrorist attacks, no way.
There are only 3 options.
1. George H Bush did not go into Bagdad to capture Saddam Hussien because the 1992 elections were close and he felt it in his own best interest to end the war so he could avoid the negative side of a continuing war and ease his way back into office.
2. The UN sanctioned George H Bush preventing him from continuing the war and the extermination of the Iraqi people from the air.
3. The Congress prevented him from continuing the war and accept the freedom of the Kwaiti people as a victory.
I'm not a fan of the current "loose change" conspiracy theory. For things like this you have to look at the events leading up to event in question.
1. For some reason George H Bush failed to capture Saddam Hussien for his war crimes against his own people and Kwait.
2. He lost to Clinton in the 1992 election.
3. WTC attacked by bomb in 1993. Certain US ships attacked. Clinton does nothing. Iraqi Military break no fly zone repeatedly and does nothing.
4. Y2K fears and the 2000 election flawed in Ohio, Florida and several other communities. Everything from ballot stuffing to disalloowing all votes and all voters to be counted. Who benefits? Gearge W Bush, George H Bush's son.
5. All arguements, lawsuits and media reports of the flawed elections end, September 11, 2001. New headline and new beginning of history starts.
I am entitled to my ideas, speech and expressions. You don't have to agree with them, but until the Constitution is fully depleated of human rights, we all get to say what ever we feel like saying and morn the events of our time in our own way.
I would start preparring for the New York Riots. The Mosque, if built at or near the former World Trade Center Site, is going to burn most likely with people in it. While we're at it, lets build a Christian Chruch in Afghanistan and see which one stands the longest.
I really think the we went the wrong way on this one. I can imagine the Gulf war still being waged. The only difference, the WTC would still be standing and 3000 more people would be alive today.
Sorry for the rant in your personal grievence thread. I'm not the only one who was way off topic.