HSX lists CX Derivatives for all films that are offered on Cantor Exchange (CX) for auction and trading. PANCT is currently not traded on CX nor it is scehduled for ICO. Here's why:
Listing rules submitted to the regulatory agency stipulate that any film offered for trading on Cantor Exchange must first appear in either the EDI or RENTRAK Release Calendar as a wide release pattern prior to listing. For larger films, a wide designation is made very early, so their listing on CX often happens months before their release. For smaller films, the timing may be different. Paranormal Activity is listed by EDI as a limited release (which occured on 9/25). Currently there is no indication the films is slated to go wide. If there should be a change, and PNACT is designated as wide in either of those two sources, there would be a possibility the film would ICO on CX for trading, though timing and the current roster of pending ICOs would be a consideration.