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The ONLY logical thing in your post is "It's only PLAY money" The rest makes no sense at all...

Posted by: mustang2355 on Oct 19, 08:55 in response to Flash's post Remember also, that people from ALL time zones play HSX,...

I'm not sure how anyone could know how many people are on HSX at any one time, and also trading any one stock at any one time...  It's a pretty safe bet that not very many people were trading GOOSE at 3:00am between the time I clicked submit & it was executed.  It's not like a was trading FANT4 or JACKO.

For prices to move between the time your order is placed and when it executes, is called 'chuckage' and it's been happening since as long as I can remember here (10+ years).  Slavery went on for thousands of years.  Just because something is happening for a long time doesn't make it right.

Also, I've seen TONS of people buy a stock, and the price has not gone UP one bit, the same holds true for people selling a stock...so to say that once a player buys (or shorts) a stock the price should THEN go up or down, is not realistic.  Acutally it is realistic.  It happens everyday.  A person buys, stock goes up.  Person sells, stock goes down.

If you've 'lost' over $100K because of these trades, then may I suggest you take HSX's weekly survey and pick up $50K each week....much easier than trying to pick a penny stock short and hope it drops by a quarter...  A fifty cent stock that drops a quarter is a 50% gain.  If you get a 50% gain wouldn't you take it?

I used to play Cold Cash every day, along with surveys when my port was small, and I could sometimes make $200K a week....not EVERY week, but sometimes it makes up for 'losses' like the issue you are encountering....

Repeat after me:  "It's only PLAY money...it's only PLAY money."  It is only play money... and it's fun to play.  What is not fun is losing before you even had a chance to begin playing.

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