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There seem to be a lot of people who started on the same day

Posted by: Delathi on Oct 27, 08:37

I have been playing a while and I was curious to see when I started. I saw that it shows my start date as December 1 1997, but then I noticed that there are a crapton of people with what same start date and none before. Is that the date you started keeping track? Or was there something on that date tht said "OK, now it counts"?


Just curious.

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Maserati: The Brothers (MASER) 150000 5.50 (-0.02)          The Housemaid (HMAID) 150000 41.56 (-0.54)          Lucky Lu (LUCLU) 150000 2.20 (0.00)          Bunnylovr (BNYLV) 150000 2.44 (0.00)          Silent Friend (SLNTF) 150000 1.72 (0.00)          Adrift (ADRIF) 100000 3.67 (+0.06)          Rebuilding (RBULD) 150000 2.66 (0.00)          Maserati: The Brothers (MASER) 150000 5.50 (-0.02)          The Dutchman (DTCHM) 150000 5.55 (-0.14)          GOAT (TGOAT) 150000 27.68 (-0.81)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 150000 5.60 (+0.83)          Together (TGETR) 150000 11.28 (-0.81)          After This Death (AFTDH) 150000 2.15 (-0.11)          Adrift (ADRIF) 10000 3.67 (+0.06)          Menace (MENAC) 150000 1.82 (+0.02)          Acorns (ACRNS) 150000 88.78 (-1.00)          Hurricanna (HCANA) 150000 1.35 (0.00)          Adrift (ADRIF) 50000 3.67 (+0.06)          Victorian Psycho (VPSYC) 143333 16.95 (+1.60)          28 Years Later (28LT3) 10 114.34 (-0.11)          Gremlins 3 (GREM3) 150000 16.23 (+0.75)          Prince Charming (PCHRM) 150000 74.35 (-1.09)          The One (THEON) 10000 6.88 (+0.05)          Gremlins 3 (GREM3) 150000 16.23 (+0.75)          The One (THEON) 50000 6.88 (+0.05)          Sorry, Baby (SRYBB) 150000 5.80 (-0.07)          Heart Eyes (HRTEY) 150000 28.44 (-1.63)          Benedict Wong (BWONG) 20000 172.34 (-1.00)          Lunik Heist (LUNIK) 47236 18.23 (-0.01)          28 Years Later (28LT3) 10 114.34 (-0.11)          The Wager (WAGER) 10000 23.31 (+0.06)          Wuthering Heights (WUTHR) 150000 38.11 (-0.06)          Reminders of Him (RMNDH) 150000 17.08 (-0.10)          Demon Slayer: Infinity Castle (DSIC1) 150000 22.43 (-0.15)          Benedict Wong (BWONG) 24990 172.34 (-1.00)          The Wager (WAGER) 10000 23.31 (+0.06)          Bethlehem (BTLHM) 150000 33.32 (-0.10)          Sarah's Oil (SAOIL) 150000 23.33 (0.00)          Regretting You (RGRTU) 150000 36.50 (+0.06)          Avengers: Secret Wars (AVNG6) 150000 404.19 (+2.62)          Avengers: Secret Wars (AVNG6) 150000 404.19 (+2.62)          Thanksgiving 2 (THNK2) 150000 16.68 (-0.10)          Hercules (HRCUL) 10000 28.85 (+0.08)          Peter Hujar’s Day (HUJAR) 150000 1.64 (+0.02)          Roofman (ROOFM) 150000 23.79 (+0.06)          Him aka Goat (GOAT1) 150000 18.92 (-0.10)          Together (TGETR) 150000 11.28 (-0.81)          Hercules (HRCUL) 10000 28.85 (+0.08)          The Phoenician Scheme (TPSCH) 125494 16.10 (-0.15)          Friendship (FNSHP) 150000 9.84 (+0.01)