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Some studio funds are run well, others aren't. I think the closest thing to what you are looking for is done in leagues

Posted by: RogerMore on Dec 21, 06:43 in response to ForceIndiaYTD2012's post okay. maybe we can use ome sort of a combination of all...

The Billionaire Society keeps track of how much money it's members make or lose on any given day

Its full of players that own every stock and don't play them frequently.  When the market is up, everyone is up and the league makes money. When the market is down, some active traders will make money, but many more will lose it and the league will have a deficit for the day.

Problem is you have to be a billionaire to join and see the daily figures. (Also, if you were to lose it seriously as an index. it's affected by new traders joining)

The other thing I do to keep my finger on where the market is heading is check the Moviestock page with the price changes. If the price change of the 20th biggest gainer is bigger then the 20th biggest loser, the market is up - and vv the market is down.  Not really an index though.

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Assassination (ASSNT) 150000 14.32 (+0.75)          A Real Pain (ARLPN) 150000 7.58 (-0.03)          Sneaks (SNEKS) 150000 13.97 (-0.21)          Sneaks (SNEKS) 150000 13.97 (-0.21)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 50000 83.81 (-0.84)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 150000 83.81 (-0.84)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 150000 83.81 (-0.84)          The Best Christmas Pageant Ever (TBCPE) 150000 28.96 (-0.09)          Sneaks (SNEKS) 49999 13.97 (-0.21)          Anora (ANORA) 150000 13.95 (-0.06)          Frank Grillo (FGRIL) 6 44.36 (0.00)          Pedro Pascal (PPASC) 25000 36.62 (+0.13)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 40000 83.81 (-0.84)          Oprah Winfrey (OWINF) 25000 58.02 (-0.17)          Olga Kurylenko (OKURY) 25000 66.49 (+0.25)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 50000 83.81 (-0.84)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 150000 83.81 (-0.84)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 150000 83.81 (-0.84)          Heat 2 (HEAT2) 1 34.81 (0.00)          Heat 2 (HEAT2) 1 34.81 (0.00)          Peter Dinklage (PDINK) 25000 100.94 (0.00)          Hamnet (HAMNT) 1 16.91 (0.00)          Hamnet (HAMNT) 1 16.91 (0.00)          Giovanni Ribisi (GRIBI) 25000 70.30 (+0.25)          Bonhoeffer (BNHFR) 50000 12.17 (-0.75)          Bonhoeffer (BNHFR) 50000 12.17 (-0.75)          Gravity Rush (GRVTR) 1 16.33 (0.00)          Giancarlo Esposito (GESPO) 25000 50.75 (+0.17)          Bonhoeffer (BNHFR) 50000 12.17 (-0.75)          Bonhoeffer (BNHFR) 50000 12.17 (-0.75)          Gravity Rush (GRVTR) 1 16.33 (0.00)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 150000 83.81 (-0.84)          Bonhoeffer (BNHFR) 150000 12.17 (-0.75)          Bonhoeffer (BNHFR) 50000 12.17 (-0.75)          Beautiful (BUTIF) 20000 8.84 (-0.01)          Wicked (WICKD) 150000 311.27 (-0.92)          Gerard Butler (GBUTL) 25000 51.13 (-0.17)          Bonhoeffer (BNHFR) 50000 12.17 (-0.75)          Pirates of the Caribbean 6 (PIRT6) 2000 43.76 (0.00)          Greenland: Migration (GRNL2) 1 16.20 (0.00)          Bonhoeffer (BNHFR) 150000 12.17 (-0.75)          Beautiful (BUTIF) 20000 8.84 (-0.01)          Greenland: Migration (GRNL2) 1 16.20 (0.00)          Astaire (ASTAI) 20000 9.59 (0.00)          Marlon Wayans (MWAYA) 25000 25.00 (0.00)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 1600 83.81 (-0.84)          Wicked (WICKD) 150000 311.27 (-0.92)          Greenhouse aka The Uninhabitable (GRENH) 1 33.02 (0.00)          Astaire (ASTAI) 20000 9.59 (0.00)          Greenhouse aka The Uninhabitable (GRENH) 1 33.02 (0.00)