Sneaks (SNEKS) 155 13.24 (-0.94)          Final Destination 6: Bloodlines (FDES6) 3 15.97 (-0.04)          NBC: St. Denis Medical (STDMED) 25000 10.94 (-0.40)          Face/Off 2 (FCOF2) 92 15.65 (+0.02)          Final Destination 6: Bloodlines (FDES6) 3 15.97 (-0.04)          Face/Off 2 (FCOF2) 92 15.65 (+0.02)          Cupid (CUPID) 30 0.72 (-0.02)          Sneaks (SNEKS) 999 13.24 (-0.94)          Cold Storage (CLDST) 299 4.92 (+0.02)          Cold Pursuit 2 (CLDP2) 5 2.20 (+0.01)          Untitled Event Film Directed by (UEFCN) 20000 122.92 (+0.99)          Crazy Rich Asians 2: China Rich (CRAS2) 130 33.48 (+0.10)          Crawl 2 (CRAW2) 3 20.90 (+0.02)          Werewolves (WEREW) 10000 16.15 (-0.22)          Francis and the Godfather (FGODF) 1505 0.14 (-0.01)          Eddington (EDNGT) 3 20.16 (+0.03)          El-Alamein (ELALM) 6000 0.34 (-0.02)          Francis and the Godfather (FGODF) 1995 0.14 (-0.01)          Voltron (VOLTN) 8174 65.47 (+0.14)          Bullitt (BULIT) 59 28.45 (+0.16)          King of Kings (KOKNG) 11200 16.24 (+1.16)          King of Kings (KOKNG) 9200 16.24 (+1.16)          The Wild Robot $105M Blockbuster (TWRBT.BW) 25000 16.25 (-0.08)          Moana 2 (MOAN2) 150000 279.70 (-2.57)          Black Friday (BLKFR) 349 1.11 (-0.02)          Assassination (ASSNT) 10000 15.20 (+1.63)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 1078 78.25 (-6.40)          Blade (BLAD1) 49 89.28 (+0.09)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 150000 78.25 (-6.40)          You Should Be Dancing aka Untitl (BEEGE) 3 20.43 (+0.06)          Beetlejuice Beetlejuice $250M Bl (BEET2.BW) 25000 16.71 (+0.28)          Scary Movie 6 (SCAR6) 150000 25.00 (0.00)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 497 78.25 (-6.40)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 50000 78.25 (-6.40)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 300 78.25 (-6.40)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 2000 78.25 (-6.40)          Baby Driver 2 (BDRV2) 3 8.62 (-0.01)          Flow (FLOW) 10000 6.59 (+0.33)          Flow (FLOW) 10000 6.59 (+0.33)          Bambi (BAMBI) 60 23.65 (-0.06)          Balls Up (BALUP) 3 32.31 (+0.03)          The Senior (SENIR) 144 3.64 (-0.39)          Flow (FLOW) 10000 6.59 (+0.33)          Bag Man (BAGMN) 8 1.58 (-0.01)          Astaire (ASTAI) 150 9.59 (0.00)          The Senior (SENIR) 992 3.64 (-0.39)          Moana (MOAN1) 1000 174.75 (+0.97)          Assassination (ASSNT) 200 15.20 (+1.63)          Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Ve (ASPD3) 3 203.04 (-0.38)          Top Gun 3 (TOPG3) 20000 227.44 (-1.16)