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Respectfully, how and who determines what the prices "should" be? {nm}

Posted by: DTravel on Sep 22, 08:55 in response to durf's post I'm for it as well . . . maybe make the algorithim move...

Game change proposal: time to end the halt and adjust? Antibody Sep 21, 13:07

i personally like the way game is now. best of both worlds: Oleg Max Sep 21, 13:16

If the prices are way off on Sat and Sun, then that would create more traffic for those to take advantage of the price difference. {nm} Antibody Sep 21, 13:40

I assume the traffic today for Saturday is quite a lot higher than it was, comparatively, before this late-halt, right? (NM) frosa Sep 21, 13:59

I tend to doubt it. If prices are way off you get that action on Saturday before the halt and then again Sunday after halt. In your pmb Sep 21, 14:09

+1 {nm} TwoMisfits Sep 21, 16:57

I fully support ending the halt and adjust. The box office landscape has changed in the last 6 years and all of your points are valid. RollingThunder Sep 21, 13:23

I'm for ending halt and adjust on the stocks. we have the derivatives that halt and adjust anyway..... PARAX (NOLEAFCLOVR) Sep 21, 13:32

Personally, I prefer halts and adjusts... Flash Sep 21, 13:36

You make some good points there. But wouldn't we have constantly changing multipliers based on history... PARAX (NOLEAFCLOVR) Sep 21, 14:49

to expand more, i remember the multipliers at 3 the 2.8 them 2.7. Are you saying to just change the multiplier... PARAX (NOLEAFCLOVR) Sep 21, 14:58

Well...HSX could adjust it as needed...it's a hard choice to make, but I'm probably biased. Flash Sep 21, 16:38

I'd also prefer going back to Friday halts...more fun in the game. {nm} Flash Sep 21, 16:42

I agree with you on both accounts. I think the community will have to find a middle ground on maintaining the PARAX (NOLEAFCLOVR) Sep 21, 18:27

I wouldn't view it as an improvement of the game. I don't think it improves it as a predictive device since your just eliminating the pmb Sep 21, 13:36

I think it is an extremely bad idea... RazorHawk Sep 21, 14:56

Agree 100%! {nm} Chimpmuck Sep 21, 15:13

I have to say i 100% agree as well. I want hsx to be more accurate, thats why if antibody says removing adjusts PARAX (NOLEAFCLOVR) Sep 21, 15:38

Great Points Razor - I think make changes for predictive value you need to do something about day trading too. But then I think you'll have JDolphin Sep 21, 15:38

Before going that drastic, maybe lower the adjust multiplier and try no adjust for Christmas movies. {nm} JDolphin Sep 21, 15:39

Oopa this was supposed to be under the main thread. But a big question is - Do you want more accurate predictions or more site views? {nm} JDolphin Sep 21, 16:10

I think this is clearly the big question. And, happy or not about it, it is something that HSX has to decide. I don't think us traders can.. Willroast Sep 24, 21:15

You make some great points Razor {nm} Dorfman Sep 21, 18:11

Negative ports and reset trading are short-term blips that don't really affect the long-term pricing of the MovieStocks. {nm} Antibody Sep 21, 15:45

Yes, but if they are annoying and don't serve the goals of the site why not get rid of them? {nm} the_treachery_of_images Sep 21, 17:05

We can't nor want to control how players trade their investments. {nm} Antibody Sep 22, 10:52

But if you're trying to improve predictive data, then wouldn't traders trading for non-predictive reasons defeat that purpose? {nm} JDolphin Sep 22, 21:04

I think Antibody has an ironclad line of reasoning here. Deciding who is (and isn't) trading a certain way is speculative and certainly... Willroast Sep 24, 21:19

Negative ports could be easily stopped by once your port goes below zero - game over, if you want to continue playing reset your port. That JDolphin Sep 25, 14:04

+1 {nm} TwoMisfits Sep 21, 17:00

I think reset trading would be made sufficiently difficult if the price change indicator didn't reset to zero at midnight (more). DTravel Sep 21, 18:28

+1. Excellent solution. {nm} the_treachery_of_images Sep 21, 19:15

+1 on rolling 24-hour changes instead of daily resets {nm} BSmurf Sep 22, 11:40

I think this is a brilliant idea. I don't actually care one way or the other about reset, but you want it gone, then this is the way. {nm} Willroast Sep 24, 21:24

You Go Razor - thanks for the taking the time to be so thoughtful! As a long time trader I've many of these concerns for many years. {nm} MAlbi Sep 21, 20:55

AGREED - 100% PERCENT {nm} vadym Sep 21, 22:45

I really agree mostly with RazorHawk....keep the system. Tweak it..... Buy BONDS 26 Sep 22, 06:50

Isn't this what markets do? pabruce Sep 22, 09:03

my one objection to your post (while agreeing with most everything else you said) pacrat Sep 22, 12:52

I completely agree {nm} ceregon Sep 22, 14:24

I agree completly with Razor. iagommc Sep 22, 14:36

RH's suggestions will be a very good beginning to get HSX going towards being a proper predictive tool. Please implement. Tq. {nm} DiNar0 Sep 22, 14:38

Some really solid points here. The problem with several of them (NegPorts and Reset, for example) seem like they would be very hard to... Willroast Sep 24, 21:07

Answers... RazorHawk Sep 25, 13:26

Those are obviously negative accounts, but if they're already negative they probably are not making any trades. RogerMore Sep 25, 13:43

Agreed 100% {nm} Steved1998 Sep 28, 20:02

Yeah Razor has some *very*good points. {nm} Buckee Oct 19, 10:13

I'm for it as well . . . maybe make the algorithim move prices faster when they are further away from where they should be. {nm} durf Sep 21, 13:37

Respectfully, how and who determines what the prices "should" be? DTravel Sep 22, 08:55

If it helps HSX do what it was designed to do then that is what should be done. Let the stocks fall (or rise) where they may. {nm} arbybaker Sep 21, 13:40

/game {nm} slipping jimmy Sep 21, 13:47

I don't have a problem with it...I'm already thinking ahead to how I need to change my approach on weekends =P {nm} tealfan Sep 21, 13:53

As a long time player, frankly, opening weekends are less important since the halt was moved so if it helps the HSX, I'm for it. {nm} spamlet Sep 21, 13:53

If you really care above all else for OW predictions.. frosa Sep 21, 13:57

I do have to say, years ago before the ow derivatives, the halt of the stock on friday at 9am was more exciting PARAX (NOLEAFCLOVR) Sep 21, 14:41

The issue here.. frosa Sep 21, 14:48

Very good point. Well then maybe something can be changed with the OW derivatives to compensate for that... PARAX (NOLEAFCLOVR) Sep 21, 14:54

If you do go ahead, make sure it's glaringly obvious on the site both about it happening and when and the first couple of weekends at least. notfabio Sep 21, 14:00

While i agree with RollingThunder and NOLEAFCLOVR, I also see Flash's point on maybe keeping the halt and adjusting multipliers. Dorfman Sep 21, 14:37

ugh meant to reply to Antibody's post. {nm} Dorfman Sep 21, 14:38

I've suggested ending the halt and adjust several times already, so it will be fine with me to see it go away. {nm} pennystocks2 Sep 21, 14:08

might make EAPGod a bit irrelevant (obviously not your concern :) But I say try it, and if it stinks, you can always go back, right? {nm} islander Sep 21, 14:28

EDPGod! {nm} RogerMore Sep 21, 15:06

ED209 {nm} tealfan Sep 21, 15:08

Meh, the Saturday halt has never really made sense anyway. If it's not moving back to Friday morning then eliminating it makes some sense, shadowking Sep 21, 14:58

Keep Halt/Adjust and move it back to Friday. It's part of the game. Do not get rid of it. {nm} Fechin Sep 21, 15:08

I enjoy the halts and adjusts too... numbersix_99 Sep 21, 15:15

What if we just halt and catch fire? {nm} DTshakes Sep 21, 15:26

Thoughts inside... Chimpmuck Sep 21, 15:30

The MovieStock value has always been delist at the 4-week box office. The adjust brings the price closer to the delist. {nm} Antibody Sep 21, 16:20

That was the intent, but the average doesn't work for movies that don't behave like the average. {nm} Antibody Sep 21, 16:24

Wouldn't this just make the examples more ARB near delist? I think a seasonal multiplier would help. Less frontloading like SUICD & CAPA3. socby19 Sep 21, 16:44

Being that a lot of us are open to moving the adjust back to Friday as it was. The saturday traffic seems to be... PARAX (NOLEAFCLOVR) Sep 21, 18:38

My two cents- the game is too easy. ndmaster Oct 21, 22:12

One thing that I think would enrich the conversation is Marlowe Sep 21, 15:51

Getting rid of the adjust makes the game more realistic, but less fun. I vote fun! {nm} skunkrunner Sep 21, 16:16

+1 {nm} TwoMisfits Sep 21, 17:18

Ideas: Move OW deriv to Thurs evening an stock halt to Fri evening. Have some kind of derivative for the delist price, maybe like the Oscar JDolphin Sep 21, 16:26

Pretty good idea! I can get behind that. {nm} PARAX (NOLEAFCLOVR) Sep 21, 18:29

There are some good ideas coming out of the community here. {nm} PARAX (NOLEAFCLOVR) Sep 21, 18:31

as someone who actually uses the hsx data for work, because of the rise of tracking, HSX's value is more in long term projections Moviesnob Sep 22, 09:34

Didn't the .CX derivative not halt and adjust? Maybe try that out for the fall/winter? {nm} socby19 Sep 22, 09:54

Depends on what the data is trying to predict. Are you trying to predict OW or delist price? lapuckfan Sep 22, 10:24

How does the multiplier being off for xmas hurt HSX as a predictive tool? MattW Sep 22, 11:39

Thanksgiving has the same pattern every year - movies open on Wednesday. Christmas has a different pattern each year, which changes the RogerMore Sep 22, 13:12

Right, I was pointing out that a wed thanksgiving has a different multiplier than normal wednesday openings. MattW Sep 22, 22:39

You'd need a different multiplier for each year, and you'd have less data on which to set each multiplier {nm} RogerMore Sep 23, 10:38

A lurker's take albrown Sep 23, 09:04

I haven't yet read the many responses but my 2 pennies...Wouldn't there potentially be an issue similar t BWs if there was no halt/adjust... Willroast Sep 24, 14:35

Would be a shame to see adjusts go, would rather that moved back to before a movie opened. {nm} Karl_S Sep 28, 21:09

I'm all for it! {nm} It's Evolution, Baby! Oct 11, 11:51

The goal of HSX may be as a predictive tool for box office but it is also mainly a game for the users. magicdreamer Oct 21, 17:48

Why not try this for two months ( dec-jan ) and see if we get more acurate, and after that more fun discussion {nm} jmt-nl Oct 21, 23:35

I really like halt and adjusts, they are integral to the game. HSX should introduce higher mults for holiday season, lower Mults for horror {nm} extepan Oct 22, 10:38

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