Bruce Nash of the-numbers has been a friend of HSX, longer than I have been here.
His data base is YUGE and accurate. I miss his projections of box office and in today's HSX would be really useful. Back in the day, his site was one of the BONDS sites we could go to.
It was a good place to figure out which movie made more box office in Movie Mogul.
Then came the ads. I understand the need for revenue. In over 20 years on the web, I know how to not click on ads. We all do. But the-numbers' ads became overpowering. It would expand. It would force me to mute my computer. It would come back every time I refreshed or changed pages. Eventually, I moved to BOM. Those 20 page hits per day have moved on.
Now we have to deal with ads at HSX. They were preventing cut and paste, necessary for BONDS to maintain its spread sheet. REEAAALLLLY difficult for this week's adjust. I figured out the work-around, and BONDS is good.
This AM I followed through on the opt-outs. Problem solved BIG LEAGUE.