Cannot view user profile -- maintenance error {nm} Oct 31, 08:33
no UserAgent? Oct 31, 09:04
Chrome on PC Version 86.0.4240.111 (Official Build) (64-bit) {nm} Oct 31, 09:09
I cannot post the UserAgent string of my browser as reported by Google (gives an error) but it appears normal {nm} Oct 31, 09:17
Same error - Firefox 82.0.2 (64-bit) - Windows 10 Version 2004 (OS Build 19041.572) {nm} Oct 31, 09:44
I'm able to reproduce... trying to determine what the issue is {nm} Oct 31, 10:07
FIXED - you may need to do a hard refresh (CTRL+R on Chrome/Windows) but this is fixed {nm} Oct 31, 10:18
Sorry, still getting this error. Did a complete power down and restart. {nm} Oct 31, 11:29
I can't find any logs indicating failures... please try the links below and see if any work Oct 31, 12:47
uname does not work, the other three do work (at least for me). {nm} Oct 31, 14:26
ok, well I'll call that a win unless Nobody still has issues. not sure why the uname one isn't working for you {nm} Oct 31, 20:49
Not a win in my opinion. It means I can only view my own profile, no one else's. {nm} Oct 31, 21:53
Poked at it some more. It appears that the links in various places to player's profiles work, its just your's (jeffbacon) and Nobody's that Oct 31, 21:57
It works for me now, including jeffbacon and my own {nm} Nov 01, 08:26
it could have been a cached maintenance page response which took some time to clear out {nm} Nov 01, 08:29
I have to do a ctrl-shift-R on the individual pages but that clears it for me. Thank you for the patience and work. {nm} Nov 01, 08:51