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Switching to "Last Trade" in next update

Posted by: jeffbacon on Nov 03, 16:22 in response to DTravel's post https://www.hsx.com/portfolio/ Far right end of the...

It turns out determining a "last updated" date for the Portfolio is a bit complicated. There are a lot of updates and trying to cross reference them all to come up with a "last updated" date that is acurrate is hard.

So I'm switching to show the date of the last trade made in that spot.

It will be in my next update (this week... all going well).

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Dwayne Johnson (TROCK) 25000 145.42 (-1.00)          Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi (STRW1) 52329 135.94 (+2.44)          Scary Movie 6 (SCAR6) 150000 33.55 (+3.96)          Tom Hanks (THANK) 25000 53.65 (-1.71)          Tom Hanks (THANK) 25000 53.65 (-1.71)          Robin Wright (RWPEN) 25000 80.65 (+1.53)          Tom Hanks (THANK) 25000 53.65 (-1.71)          Tom Hanks (THANK) 25000 53.65 (-1.71)          Robin Wright (RWPEN) 25000 80.65 (+1.53)          Lucy Liu (LLIU) 25000 65.41 (+0.75)          The Bad Guys 2 (TBAD2) 14900 85.69 (+0.58)          Robin Wright (RWPEN) 25000 80.65 (+1.53)          Kelly Reilly (KREIL) 25000 11.85 (-0.31)          Rainn Wilson (RAWIL) 25000 38.59 (+1.19)          Kiernan Shipka (KSHIP) 25000 76.95 (+1.00)          Rainn Wilson (RAWIL) 25000 38.59 (+1.19)          Rainn Wilson (RAWIL) 25000 38.59 (+1.19)          Paul Bettany (PBETT) 25000 145.21 (-0.64)          Michelle Dockery (MDOCK) 25000 38.34 (+3.56)          Rainn Wilson (RAWIL) 25000 38.59 (+1.19)          Michelle Dockery (MDOCK) 25000 38.34 (+3.56)          Andy Serkis (ASERK) 25000 125.96 (-33.27)          Andy Serkis (ASERK) 25000 125.96 (-33.27)          Michelle Dockery (MDOCK) 25000 38.34 (+3.56)          Wicked Part 2 (WCKD2) 150000 214.28 (+1.27)          Robin Wright (RWPEN) 25000 80.65 (+1.53)          Robin Wright (RWPEN) 25000 80.65 (+1.53)          Liam Neeson (LNEES) 25000 3.29 (-0.12)          Andy Serkis (ASERK) 25000 125.96 (-33.27)          Robert Zemeckis (RZEME) 25000 33.37 (-1.74)          George Clooney (GCLOO) 25000 37.28 (+0.12)          Meghann Fahy (MFAHY) 25000 5.00 (0.00)          Tom Hanks (THANK) 25000 53.65 (-1.71)          Tom Hanks (THANK) 25000 53.65 (-1.71)          Crazy Rich Asians 2: China Rich (CRAS2) 1 32.37 (-1.10)          Andy Serkis (ASERK) 25000 125.96 (-33.27)          Moana 2 (MOAN2) 146178 277.37 (-0.95)          Andy Serkis (ASERK) 25000 125.96 (-33.27)          Kelly Reilly (KREIL) 25000 11.85 (-0.31)          Rebuilding (RBULD) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 150000 84.77 (+5.01)          Michelle Dockery (MDOCK) 25000 38.34 (+3.56)          Brad Pitt (BPITT) 25000 71.46 (-0.25)          Michelle Dockery (MDOCK) 25000 38.34 (+3.56)          Michelle Dockery (MDOCK) 25000 38.34 (+3.56)          Michelle Dockery (MDOCK) 25000 38.34 (+3.56)          Amy Ryan (AMRYA) 25000 15.28 (-0.10)          Wicked (WICKD) 50000 308.52 (-1.55)          Rebuilding (RBULD) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Crazy Rich Asians 2: China Rich (CRAS2) 150000 32.37 (-1.10)