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Update: New site release coming this weekend (hopefully)

Posted by: jeffbacon on Nov 13, 15:03

I wanted to give everyone here a heads up that I'm testing hopfully final builds of a major update for HSX which I may push lilve this weekend.

There are no gameplay changes - it's all UX changes.

The primary motivation is to make the mobile view of the site a "first class citizen" so that you can do everything on mobile that you can do on the main site with a nice interface.

Moving the site to a responsive design means there are changes to the desktop layouts as well. Some you will like, some will likely cause some frustration as you get used to the changes since "muscle memory" for where things are is hard to overcome.

It's basically impossible to have every possible mobile deivce and desktop be perfect on a site this complex (and with code that's been around this long) but I have done a lot of work to try and make reasonable compromises where I needed to have something work "good" instead of "great" in order for desktop or mobile not to suck.

Hopefully, on balance, it's something that will improve the site - but there WILL be bugs. I'll tackle those as they come up and since I don't have every mobile device, I'll do what I can for devices that have unique issues.

Update: New site release coming this weekend (hopefully) jeffbacon Nov 13, 15:03

Great....Just keep away from ORANGE {nm} mrbinns Nov 13, 20:21

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