We have seen a total of 3/4% move up in the fed fund rate, but no change in the HSX cash. Its stuck at .25% {nm} May 08, 08:58
Antibody has decided that the HSX interest rate on cash will be 0.25% permanently, announced some time ago. {nm} May 08, 13:37
that sucks! {nm} May 09, 09:24
Eliminating Interest Income altogether would be a Great Idea. Interest does nothing for the HSX Game. {nm} May 09, 20:54
it still sucks May 11, 07:19
I meant that to refer to the "earn $H" games in general, not just the Classic Cash {nm} May 13, 20:29
They are a usefull source of cash for small ports, help to keep newer players interested and playing. {nm} May 14, 09:10
That's what they already are effectively. {nm} May 16, 17:00
Elimination of Interest Income might Encourage CASH Hoarders to Invest in more HSX Securities. {nm} May 09, 21:00
How much cash do you have earing interest? {nm} May 10, 17:41
At some point, there are no more securities to inest cash into and/or position limits have been reached. Everyone with May 10, 20:14
Which is somewhere 5 billion I believe... {nm} May 10, 21:07
Currently H$4,478,790,050 (see KaiGee homepage) {nm} May 11, 20:13
Thank you. (I looked but missed seeing it.) {nm} May 11, 20:18
Of course, those who are sufficiently desparate to put money somewhere can always May 11, 20:40
Holding both ways on one security is a really stupid thing to do. It guarentees you make no profit. {nm} May 12, 18:49
I said sufficiently desparate to put money somewhere {nm} May 12, 20:43
500m {nm} May 11, 07:18
With just 476 Securities in the Portfolio & 500 MILL in CASH, that's CASH HOARDING. May 11, 08:38
my trading style is smart and safe! Who are you the trading gestapo? {nm} May 11, 10:50
Invest in StarBonds. Do it the Easy Peasy Way - Watch what (BONDS) Invests in when the New (BONDS) IPO shows up. {nm} May 11, 14:20
all i want is a fair interest % {nm} May 11, 21:36
When the chips were down i gave real $ to HSX! I love this game! {nm} May 11, 21:38
Invest in ALL Concept M/S. Celebrate when they Bite the Salty Pickle of Pardinky (Dead Delist CashOut at 0.00). {nm} May 11, 20:35
Typically 92% to 96% of ALL M/S Trend Downward. The Results Speak for Themselves. {nm} May 11, 20:43
better yet short every woke BS IPO! {nm} May 12, 13:28