Dear HSX Trader,
For over 10 years, the Hollywood Stock Exchange's online virtual trading market has been an exciting game for many movie enthusiasts worldwide. Cantor Fitzgerald remains committed to HSX and is taking steps to reinvigorate the game. In order to stimulate trading and grow the exchange, we are evolving HSX to become a more realistic stock market simulation, and we are adding features that will allow HSX to become the leader in entertainment oriented social games. To make this happen, over the next few months we will be adding new ways to redeem your H$ and updating some of the HSX game play rules.
We have already implemented the following improvements:
- Increased the share limits to a maximum of 75,000 shares for MovieStocks
- Raising the max shares generates more trading activity for every trader.
- Reduced the minimum price increment to H$0.01, down from H$0.125
- Changing to penny price increment creates more price points to more accurately represent trends in the market.
- Provided more information on each security page and on the ticker bar
- Market-wide positions held are displayed in real time on each security page.
- Ticker bar provides real-time transactions to highlight trends.
- Together these features let you make more informed trading decisions.
Soon, we’ll be making the following additional changes:
- Increase the share limits further, to a maximum of 100,000 shares for MovieStocks
- We will raise the limit again on January 19th, to generate additional trading opportunities for all traders.
- Move the trading HALT for wide releases to Saturday, 6 pm Pacific
- Beginning with Warrior’s Way opening on December 5th, each wide release will halt on Saturday, rather than on its opening day.
- You will have the chance to change your position after seeing the movie for yourself and gauging its performance on opening night.
- Limit the initial shares available at the IPO price
- Beginning on Monday, December 7th, new IPO securities will begin trading at 9 am Pacific and the prices for MovieStocks and StarBonds may move on the IPO date.
- A pre-set number of shares will be available at the IPO price. Once the initial shares are sold, the price will be subject to market forces.
- Set a Minimum Commission Rate of H$0.02 per share
- Beginning on Monday, December 7th, there will be a minimum commission charge of H$0.02 per share on any security priced below H$2.00.
We know that HSX’s best and most loyal traders have built up substantial portfolio value over the years. These changes are designed to offer all HSX members new and different trading strategies. We hope you find that all these changes will enhance the game play and keep the game exciting for all traders.
Thank you,
HSX Support Team