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my two pennies

Posted by: Panachevitz on Dec 21, 08:44 in response to Antibody's post Announcement: More Upcoming Game Play Changes

I started playing this game almost 12 years ago and after taking several years mostly off (maybe trading once or twice a year after getting a reminder email from hsx), I came back earlier this month with the intention of playing more (I think my port was Top 500 at one point, now it's just Top 1000).  Here's my thoughts on the new changes:

1) I like it.  I've got the cash but this is a solid way to expand ports to ridiculous sizes (perhaps an unintended consequence?) once you start guessing right to roll in the dough.

2) I'd like to see how this is done, but I like it.

3) I've been away for awhile, so I don't know how prevalent manipulation is/was.  I used to have another account that I sometimes played as a way of starting from the beginning since I wasn't going to reset my main port, but I forgot the login info so I have no idea if it even still exists.  I think there are a few Economics classes playing the game, so if a student or teacher has a main account and an account for class, they can get dinged as a manipulator even if that isn't the case.  Maybe this one warrants some further thought.

4) Do Not Like.  When you first start playing any new game, you want to be sucked right in.  Coming back 8 straight times just to get your original full port is a PITA, especially since you don't have enough cash to really do much.  Even if you are interested in the game, that does take some wind from your sails.  Maybe start off with H$1 million, then add H$500K the next two times or something like that.  You don't want to lose that initial enthusiasm.

5) This is stupid.  Really stupid.  Moviestocks cash out in 4-12 weeks once released.  Now we're being punished for holding them that long?  That's goofy.  There is no incentive to hold positions any more since you get dinged with the commission regardless.  What's the point?  If it's to free up more cash in play, the 100K limits soak that back up.  This should not be implemented.

6) As a more long-term trader, I don't like this.  When I was away from the game, if this had been in effect, my port would have dropped from over a billion to only a couple hundred million.  Even when away, I had made many long term investments just in case.  If ports are inactive, what are they hurting, really?  Instead of having something to come back to, you've just pushed that player away.  Is this really going to keep people interested, or ensure that once they tire of the game there is not much to come back to?  Seems pretty punative to me, and it's one of the game changes that doesn't make the game better.

7) This could be interesting, or wickedly evil for fund managers.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't this force fund managers to keep a large amount of liquid h-bucks to cover any loss of investment if someone wants to sell their shares in a fund?  It sounds interesting, and based on the number of folks playing or that once you buy a fund you pretty much forget about it it likely won't  be an issue, but it might so I'm just tossing it out there.

Announcement: More Upcoming Game Play Changes Antibody Dec 20, 11:47

what do you mean by fund managers will be paid based on their good performance? {nm} ndmaster Dec 20, 11:54

By H$. {nm} Antibody Dec 20, 11:59

cool (except for the commission on delist, oh well :) islander Dec 20, 11:59

LOVE the public beheadings of Manipulators...its all cool except for the 1% commission on Security delists! {nm} GLAMMGUY Dec 20, 11:59

does this mean a real life profile pic will be required? LOL {nm} ndmaster Dec 20, 12:21

Full view and profile for offenders {nm} StarBondFund BUY NOW.. Jets 10-4 Dec 20, 12:22

Initilal reactions StarBondFund BUY NOW.. Jets 10-4 Dec 20, 13:00

Hate the concept of the 1% on delists JoeMetz Dec 20, 13:18

Some thoughts DTravel Dec 20, 13:58

Maybe they're just trying to close the doors, period. {nm} liioulu Dec 20, 17:24

The power button is right there. *points* {nm} DTravel Dec 20, 17:27

My feedback on the upcoming changes mcmlxixhm Dec 20, 14:51

That's a serious non-play penalty! About 43% annualized. An H$4B port ingnored for 2.5 years would be worth less than H$1B. edzep Dec 20, 15:13

Is the "No Trading" penalty cumulative? Or is it 1-time only? DTravel Dec 20, 17:26

"If you have not traded in the past 30 days" - that's cumulative, baby! {nm} edzep Dec 20, 18:47

why not pay us to trade? let's say after 100 trades in a month, we get $H for every trade we do until the end of the month? peglegpete Dec 20, 17:11

something like 1/2 of 1% or $5000 $H, [ceiling cap] whichever is least, and you round it down to avoid the 1 share trades peglegpete Dec 20, 17:21

It should be more than 100 trades a month JohnTEQP Dec 20, 22:41

Don't agree with 1% commish on delist. If you hold a security long that you think will delist higher than adjust eyescovered Dec 20, 18:23

Love the idea of new class of Movie Funds that behave like mutual funds. Other thoughts inside. Oleg Max Dec 20, 18:57

I would start new traders at H$1 million and then go up by $250K increments JohnTEQP Dec 20, 21:52

...that's a good idea ... {nm} jane_citizen Dec 21, 15:16

Any delist commission is BS, but the other changes seem mostly reasonable... except they fail to put the halt time back where it belongs {nm} Chefbobcat Dec 20, 21:30

How about a mentoring program for newbies JohnTEQP Dec 20, 22:37

That is what the Players Board, and to some extent the Leagues, are for. {nm} RogerMore Dec 21, 08:21

How are you going to charge a 1% commission on penny stocks which are no longer worth dumping due to the .02 commission being charged? {nm} secretstalker Dec 21, 05:49

agree {nm} Guillo Dec 21, 07:33

Yeah there goes any stock that are about .05 or less {nm} MuskMan Dec 21, 08:34

I'd say 0.50 or less - which means the $2 IPOs won't be worth playing anymore because 90% of them drop to that almost immediately {nm} DTravel Dec 22, 00:15

I guess they're only interested in prices being accurate up until the box office of movie x is already known jane_citizen Dec 21, 15:14

adding commissions wont encourage trading and increase liquidity especially in issues with a low spread between market price and box office. {nm} flapjack007 Dec 21, 05:54

so many fines, where on earth are the rewards for active traders ??? naughty Dec 21, 07:03

We already have traders abusing the volatility of the system... why reward them further? {nm} secretstalker Dec 21, 09:12

will 5% be taken off every 30 days, or just after the first 30 days and then the player can coast indefinitely? {nm} kurgan Dec 21, 07:40

my two pennies Panachevitz Dec 21, 08:44

I hope they're not going to charge commission on halted derivatives (calls/puts/OW)... that would blow, too. {nm} secretstalker Dec 21, 09:14

FYI - what you are describing is more akin to a hedge fund than a mutual fund. Especially the managers participation in profits. {nm} Phatcat Dec 21, 09:29

How does hsx track market manipulation? shinglerred Dec 21, 10:07

WIll there be commission charged on the delist of Calls, Puts, and OW derivatives? {nm} fourstars Dec 21, 10:35

Will there be commission charged on the delist of Dead Movie Stocks, Deceased Starbonds, and Inactive Starbonds? {nm} fourstars Dec 21, 10:40

Commissions on delists Intheway Dec 21, 12:45

You have lost me ... figuratively and literally. {nm} kibitzer Dec 21, 17:42

You have lost me ... figuratively and literally. {nm} kibitzer Dec 21, 17:42

Dunno about you, but, they're certainly not going to make it easy on newbies to learn all the little gotchas. {nm} edzep Dec 21, 18:29

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