Lifetime-to-date Leaderboard

Members ranked by the highest % gain in their portfolio since they joined.
Leaderboards are updated daily around midnight Pacific time.
You must be an active member to appear in this leaderboard.

Top 100         < Previous | Next >

# Username Member Since Gain Net Worth (H$)
5601 Greyjack 1998-05-20 16,502.65% 332,052,918
5602 chuan 1997-12-01 16,497.26% 331,945,223
5603 prchung 2000-10-31 16,495.69% 331,913,842
5604 matt2893 2002-11-05 16,494.16% 331,883,227
5605 StacyEliz 2003-03-03 16,468.75% 331,374,992
5606 mclee 2003-03-03 16,463.22% 331,264,339
5607 ATXTimeLord 1997-12-01 16,449.02% 330,980,337
5608 Daddy-O 1997-12-01 16,439.86% 330,797,117
5609 blazeq1 2003-02-09 16,439.11% 330,782,141
5610 goldenbear 2003-02-18 16,432.03% 330,640,543
5611 dob259 1999-12-01 16,431.57% 330,631,400
5612 wolvie24 2002-08-10 16,430.33% 330,606,505
5613 Qyve 2001-02-10 16,420.62% 330,412,382
5614 SPORTICUZ 2001-12-30 16,412.68% 330,253,679
5615 gauchogirl 2010-02-01 16,410.50% 330,209,957
5616 hexdump 1999-06-08 16,409.49% 330,189,891
5617 mrticia77 2005-10-29 16,409.45% 330,188,901
5618 tonyboy1131 2000-12-18 16,405.97% 330,119,411
5619 thomasmcdonald 1998-07-15 16,403.52% 330,070,391
5620 Dirk007 1998-03-24 16,392.94% 329,858,829
5621 Smash265 2000-02-29 16,381.48% 329,629,513
5622 ukillme 2000-05-20 16,369.82% 329,396,448
5623 niike 2016-08-24 16,361.12% 329,222,353
5624 jaymel 2011-01-23 16,356.80% 329,136,006
5625 breather_se 2001-07-23 16,356.34% 329,126,887
5626 ComicPimp 2002-03-05 16,352.69% 329,053,861
5627 Timdog 1998-11-15 16,342.51% 328,850,145
5628 GZoller 1997-12-01 16,336.30% 328,725,949
5629 tsbk 1998-03-14 16,316.08% 328,321,620
5630 ZedStorm 1999-05-24 16,315.73% 328,314,559
5631 odelay 2010-11-21 16,312.79% 328,255,830
5632 masterbongtoker 1998-12-05 16,310.76% 328,215,232
5633 Qev 1997-12-01 16,293.67% 327,873,318
5634 combatdavey 2006-12-12 16,292.44% 327,848,726
5635 tonimoco 1998-10-20 16,289.23% 327,784,695
5636 Oceanus13 1999-03-29 16,286.56% 327,731,117
5637 Mumbo 2004-04-17 16,286.20% 327,724,038
5638 Devious 1998-07-13 16,280.76% 327,615,179
5639 toucansam3 1997-12-01 16,271.32% 327,426,340
5640 DickBarr 1999-06-23 16,267.22% 327,344,446
5641 Rock-SKG 1998-11-25 16,266.62% 327,332,424
5642 dthom439 2004-09-23 16,265.73% 327,314,594
5643 Nevers 2011-09-16 16,262.05% 327,240,905
5644 MattHall 2003-08-04 16,258.86% 327,177,117
5645 philboo2 2003-02-20 16,252.09% 327,041,791
5646 fingeroot 2004-05-05 16,248.52% 326,970,338
5647 Mordee 2012-11-09 16,246.08% 326,921,671
5648 FunZy 2004-07-01 16,234.64% 326,692,768
5649 quatoff 2006-05-03 16,234.50% 326,690,046
5650 rstrib 1999-05-29 16,227.33% 326,546,631
5651 pvera 1999-01-22 16,221.13% 326,422,562
5652 deepenigma 2004-04-10 16,216.54% 326,330,710
5653 RedAngel 2002-09-19 16,215.88% 326,317,591
5654 Lochan 1999-04-08 16,212.68% 326,253,639
5655 BigFatFo 1998-10-09 16,212.62% 326,252,330
5656 ndanger 2004-12-21 16,202.36% 326,047,254
5657 MooVstr 1999-12-21 16,202.21% 326,044,101
5658 adamselby 2012-04-12 16,189.81% 325,796,247
5659 Snrub 1999-02-11 16,186.23% 325,724,560
5660 HighLightDark 2023-03-15 16,171.56% 325,431,268
5661 RocHound75 2004-01-06 16,167.66% 325,353,226
5662 iliketowatch 2005-02-07 16,167.28% 325,345,518
5663 hct 1998-10-03 16,156.19% 325,123,835
5664 vader30 2002-04-16 16,148.91% 324,978,175
5665 MRJafari 2003-04-11 16,144.62% 324,892,451
5666 JoeLesser 2003-05-10 16,133.70% 324,674,032
5667 mfenness 1997-12-01 16,132.22% 324,644,417
5668 Rwizard 1997-12-01 16,131.07% 324,621,341
5669 woobster 2002-03-06 16,128.30% 324,566,074
5670 reznor 2000-03-16 16,127.99% 324,559,837
5671 oajhala 2003-07-31 16,120.29% 324,405,883
5672 rimers 1999-05-05 16,116.91% 324,338,298
5673 buster 2009-08-22 16,106.11% 324,122,201
5674 swngr16 1998-03-09 16,098.08% 323,961,642
5675 andrew22 2002-10-06 16,090.88% 323,817,571
5676 bigdave81 2001-02-07 16,073.47% 323,469,412
5677 Gemstone777 2006-11-17 16,068.53% 323,370,501
5678 Smoke4me 1999-08-04 16,060.81% 323,216,222
5679 Redline 2002-12-12 16,059.16% 323,183,152
5680 XShadow 1998-06-21 16,045.42% 322,908,444
5681 Cairnduff 2004-03-09 16,038.13% 322,762,678
5682 BoKnowz203 2009-02-08 16,024.58% 322,491,641
5683 Mr_Beast 2012-03-15 16,020.56% 322,411,138
5684 monkeyoc 2005-04-27 16,011.63% 322,232,516
5685 El Roto 1997-12-01 16,003.65% 322,072,982
5686 kyleccwm 2022-05-04 16,001.78% 322,035,653
5687 darthswank 2004-06-08 15,994.25% 321,885,016
5688 kevin192 2011-06-20 15,990.42% 321,808,317
5689 MSavin 1998-05-11 15,989.94% 321,798,858
5690 JLWII 2002-03-04 15,988.25% 321,765,053
5691 Lgrif 1998-07-11 15,986.56% 321,731,286
5692 billytommy 1999-06-13 15,968.15% 321,363,087
5693 reginus 2000-05-16 15,958.35% 321,166,934
5694 DanHunter7433 2007-04-13 15,944.76% 320,895,111
5695 Lelio 1998-12-06 15,944.04% 320,880,868
5696 hugsalot12 2009-06-11 15,942.85% 320,857,056
5697 jennieja 2001-03-04 15,938.38% 320,767,685
5698 donaldburdin1 2008-05-14 15,936.42% 320,728,406
5699 rhall_1967 2006-08-01 15,927.49% 320,549,868
5700 aell 1998-12-03 15,919.45% 320,388,960

Volume Traded Today
More »

jfg45 11,150,000
RotoHockeyYTD2014 7,800,000
SenJohnBlutarsky 7,649,976
psisson 5,725,576
adele88 5,100,000
nulemoni 4,929,000
Initech 4,298,167
Decoman 4,200,000
RattyBatty 4,175,000
Hippysmacker 3,799,987

Volume Traded This Week
More »

RotoHockeyYTD2014 21,175,000
SenJohnBlutarsky 17,124,953
psisson 14,577,098
adele88 13,450,004
RattyBatty 12,900,000
JohnBracken 12,664,000
movieguyfromoregon 11,500,000
jfg45 11,150,000
Thack 9,974,990
Jeff910 9,960,003

Shares Held
More »

slight1 207,297,940
JohnBracken 171,488,100
Galestorm 167,870,037
lukasck 167,550,418
SenJohnBlutarsky 166,724,905
jpass 166,275,000
shelact 166,175,000
Slimstyl 165,985,000
Decoman 165,820,000
RotoHockeyYTD2014 165,515,000

More »

robenanderson 34.15%
aanchal98 30.03%
OnyxIris 29.17%
sstayrook 20.15%
Scooby_Doo 18.23%
Matthew_Day 15.34%
apparition001 13.61%
Chappiemaniac 12.47%
4leafclover 11.95%
JohnWilkesBooty 11.74%

More »

noproblempablo 72.96%
aanchal98 64.88%
MaddexTheGoat 53.57%
contender 51.39%
randomviolinz 44.10%
MrEdgingtonCantBeBeat 41.20%
cupido79 40.71%
Harsh1t 40.11%
jadonsand03 34.55%
robenanderson 34.15%

More »

jadonsand03 682.98%
randomviolinz 572.33%
noproblempablo 362.66%
Wisdom_of_the_Ages 358.62%
Sagtoad 345.44%
apparition001 309.51%
hillis 250.36%
meowmeoww9911 188.24%
jhl888 146.71%
CWSensation 135.99%

More »

billwoody 216,097.58%
WASunDevil 31,736.02%
gogreenytd 24,887.12%
shaotime 6,981.38%
Stone_Temple_Pilot 6,629.19%
mjwill2424 6,624.22%
Relevation 6,449.16%
j0rd4n 5,667.84%
mc7263 4,648.96%
Sagtoad 4,501.90%

Rebuilding (RBULD) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Kelly Reilly (KREIL) 25000 11.85 (-0.31)          The Lord of the Rings: The Hunt (LOTR5) 20000 167.94 (-0.96)          Wicked (WICKD) 150000 306.34 (-3.73)          Rush Hour 4 (RUSH4) 150000 15.97 (-0.08)          Christmas Eve in Miller's Point (CEIMP) 150000 0.45 (-0.14)          Memoir of a Snail (MOASN) 150000 1.21 (-0.14)          Ron Perlman (RPERL) 25000 37.38 (+0.61)          Robin Wright (RWPEN) 25000 80.65 (+1.53)          Robin Wright (RWPEN) 25000 80.65 (+1.53)          The Best Christmas Pageant Ever (TBCPE) 150000 29.35 (+0.63)          The Best Christmas Pageant Ever (TBCPE) 150000 29.35 (+0.63)          Gladiator II (GLAD2) 150000 164.25 (-1.09)          Robin Wright (RWPEN) 25000 80.65 (+1.53)          Robin Wright (RWPEN) 25000 80.65 (+1.53)          Heretic (HERTC) 150000 28.17 (+0.69)          Heretic (HERTC) 150000 28.17 (+0.69)          Wicked (WICKD) 150000 306.34 (-3.73)          Wicked (WICKD) 150000 306.34 (-3.73)          Wicked (WICKD) 150000 306.34 (-3.73)          Rainn Wilson (RAWIL) 25000 38.59 (+1.19)          Rainn Wilson (RAWIL) 25000 38.59 (+1.19)          Moana 2 (MOAN2) 150000 277.37 (-0.95)          Rainn Wilson (RAWIL) 25000 38.59 (+1.19)          Rainn Wilson (RAWIL) 25000 38.59 (+1.19)          Inheritance (NHTNC) 150000 2.94 (+0.59)          Inheritance (NHTNC) 150000 2.94 (+0.59)          Wicked (WICKD) 150000 306.34 (-3.73)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 150000 83.51 (+3.75)          Rebuilding (RBULD) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Tom Hanks (THANK) 25000 53.65 (-1.71)          Tom Hanks (THANK) 1 53.65 (-1.71)          Robert Zemeckis (RZEME) 5000 33.37 (-1.74)          Rebuilding (RBULD) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Mufasa: The Lion King (LION2) 80 303.96 (+1.11)          Robin Wright (RWPEN) 25000 80.65 (+1.53)          Robin Wright (RWPEN) 20000 80.65 (+1.53)          Ron Perlman (RPERL) 25000 37.38 (+0.61)          Rebuilding (RBULD) 3 2.00 (0.00)          Tom Hanks (THANK) 25000 53.65 (-1.71)          Tom Hanks (THANK) 25000 53.65 (-1.71)          Scary Movie 6 (SCAR6) 150000 33.83 (+4.24)          Paul Bettany (PBETT) 5000 145.21 (-0.64)          OVERLORD: The Sacred Kingdom (OLTSK) 150000 3.71 (+0.04)          Michelle Dockery (MDOCK) 25000 38.34 (+3.56)          Michelle Dockery (MDOCK) 25000 38.34 (+3.56)          Kelly Reilly (KREIL) 25000 11.85 (-0.31)          Rebuilding (RBULD) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          OVERLORD: The Sacred Kingdom (OLTSK) 150000 3.71 (+0.04)          Flow (FLOW) 150000 5.14 (-1.25)