Lifetime-to-date Leaderboard

Members ranked by the highest % gain in their portfolio since they joined.
Leaderboards are updated daily around midnight Pacific time.
You must be an active member to appear in this leaderboard.

Top 100         < Previous | Next >

# Username Member Since Gain Net Worth (H$)
5901 wakeupbomb 2005-06-08 14,638.10% 294,761,909
5902 ManifestStefany 2000-01-14 14,634.36% 294,687,150
5903 Jxilgenfritz 2015-03-22 14,633.19% 294,663,896
5904 TheMonsterWith21Faces 2003-11-11 14,632.70% 294,653,930
5905 tmikct 2016-04-07 14,627.64% 294,552,841
5906 Kwyjibo 1998-10-07 14,623.07% 294,461,317
5907 minnowpa 1998-02-11 14,621.02% 294,420,451
5908 PDBobr 2014-06-25 14,619.47% 294,389,339
5909 JoeBesser 2003-05-10 14,605.87% 294,117,305
5910 5601sm 1998-11-13 14,594.60% 293,891,953
5911 jeremywhitt 2006-10-08 14,566.71% 293,334,240
5912 enigmagic 2000-02-08 14,565.09% 293,301,877
5913 spoolman 2001-07-26 14,562.48% 293,249,523
5914 hgh3 1998-04-07 14,558.14% 293,162,750
5915 glezencm 2002-01-17 14,547.93% 292,958,526
5916 cathi8 2003-10-25 14,543.82% 292,876,443
5917 spinmatt 2013-01-03 14,536.21% 292,724,215
5918 BaztheSpaz 2001-02-22 14,536.05% 292,720,933
5919 nkris 2004-01-01 14,528.70% 292,574,014
5920 BombayPhD 1999-07-02 14,522.57% 292,451,441
5921 heathbar02 2003-05-06 14,508.28% 292,165,598
5922 M@rc 2000-04-24 14,505.58% 292,111,545
5923 JgooSe 2000-06-22 14,504.90% 292,097,965
5924 LostBoys 1998-10-02 14,502.59% 292,051,807
5925 ThePhule 2000-07-21 14,491.41% 291,828,152
5926 dgoad 1998-09-06 14,483.55% 291,671,058
5927 Pampi 1999-02-17 14,471.50% 291,430,067
5928 JCR123 1998-08-10 14,470.11% 291,402,182
5929 CCC-Mark 1997-12-01 14,454.53% 291,090,663
5930 pynester 1999-05-13 14,448.09% 290,961,870
5931 boomtime44 2002-07-08 14,448.09% 290,961,787
5932 Aeron65432 2000-03-24 14,401.47% 290,029,349
5933 J.Blanco 1999-03-19 14,400.98% 290,019,676
5934 cwh 1999-08-19 14,393.62% 289,872,492
5935 blueelf 1998-03-13 14,389.28% 289,785,579
5936 danielcastillo 2003-10-05 14,373.14% 289,462,845
5937 dtrealty 1998-05-22 14,372.39% 289,447,795
5938 MarkEriksen89 2012-07-23 14,358.02% 289,160,375
5939 crheine 2004-03-24 14,340.89% 288,817,878
5940 cb161907 2003-11-14 14,339.87% 288,797,316
5941 Fiona88 1999-05-24 14,339.58% 288,791,662
5942 McGyvor 1999-08-08 14,331.79% 288,635,723
5943 shaotime 2010-06-15 14,324.69% 288,493,800
5944 Jeepman775 2007-10-03 14,309.69% 288,193,769
5945 GlennHof 2004-02-26 14,307.42% 288,148,485
5946 ElCid2002 2004-11-16 14,301.17% 288,023,451
5947 Lovetron7 2008-12-04 14,300.69% 288,013,722
5948 Antidentite 2001-02-07 14,298.78% 287,975,558
5949 Screwface 2002-02-17 14,293.92% 287,878,486
5950 Dulcet 2001-02-12 14,290.22% 287,804,370
5951 bliu 2001-10-20 14,290.06% 287,801,164
5952 exposfan123 2017-08-27 14,281.34% 287,626,798
5953 sheppard 1999-07-17 14,277.36% 287,547,180
5954 MATLORD 2003-05-25 14,276.65% 287,533,015
5955 geonetro 2004-06-21 14,273.89% 287,477,785
5956 VeronicaX 1999-09-07 14,258.57% 287,171,422
5957 moviemaniak 2004-04-20 14,254.19% 287,083,728
5958 wcdst3 2000-02-20 14,246.56% 286,931,254
5959 joeegee 1999-11-14 14,233.53% 286,670,676
5960 Hemingway25 2013-01-10 14,233.50% 286,670,082
5961 HeyEP 2011-03-29 14,225.89% 286,517,711
5962 Flip5x5 1999-06-23 14,220.95% 286,419,087
5963 bale0014 1997-12-01 14,217.38% 286,347,697
5964 Beetle021 2007-07-07 14,214.61% 286,292,204
5965 kino 1998-10-31 14,180.98% 285,619,614
5966 croman 2003-10-09 14,175.40% 285,508,067
5967 G-Dude 1998-10-25 14,165.89% 285,317,871
5968 Ninjetic 2000-03-16 14,164.62% 285,292,337
5969 Belliveaud1 2015-05-30 14,155.98% 285,119,632
5970 kerish 1997-12-01 14,153.94% 285,078,706
5971 MooseD 2004-04-17 14,153.31% 285,066,122
5972 billyt 1998-04-14 14,150.32% 285,006,339
5973 ojupju 2015-04-02 14,146.89% 284,937,859
5974 keeuhn 2001-08-03 14,145.95% 284,919,037
5975 smarba 1999-12-13 14,127.07% 284,541,422
5976 greatdeath6 2000-03-22 14,126.24% 284,524,724
5977 trboycejr 2006-02-21 14,125.92% 284,518,440
5978 Leo2kP 2001-01-11 14,124.39% 284,487,854
5979 hsx531 1999-04-20 14,124.34% 284,486,783
5980 sixth_sense 2003-12-12 14,114.56% 284,291,267
5981 Xavier1965 1999-10-02 14,111.38% 284,227,507
5982 mobbish 2011-01-07 14,107.50% 284,149,953
5983 duncan1974 2005-02-01 14,099.03% 283,980,571
5984 Londo 1997-12-01 14,097.01% 283,940,262
5985 Bloarg 2004-02-23 14,091.93% 283,838,622
5986 DrHitchcock 2013-10-22 14,091.11% 283,822,131
5987 barsox 2003-03-18 14,090.34% 283,806,724
5988 jnymc8989 2006-02-17 14,089.85% 283,797,065
5989 Nateazy 1999-03-29 14,085.69% 283,713,815
5990 mrmanny34 2001-07-11 14,082.85% 283,657,040
5991 GP2814 2016-04-20 14,080.10% 283,601,965
5992 dupa 2009-02-13 14,079.50% 283,590,005
5993 prcov 1999-12-08 14,070.70% 283,413,946
5994 Judge Smails 2000-03-26 14,070.15% 283,403,044
5995 Thecompguys 2002-04-01 14,068.85% 283,376,960
5996 BonnieParker 2010-03-14 14,065.99% 283,319,799
5997 gnawgahide 2003-05-07 14,057.31% 283,146,187
5998 hockeyjockey66 2003-10-10 14,055.50% 283,109,940
5999 PuddyTat 2002-11-07 14,054.45% 283,089,071
6000 martinking 2004-09-15 14,053.30% 283,065,990

Volume Traded Today
More »

jfg45 11,150,000
RotoHockeyYTD2014 9,975,000
SenJohnBlutarsky 9,899,968
adele88 7,200,000
RattyBatty 6,725,000
Jeff910 6,665,000
nulemoni 6,629,000
psisson 5,725,576
Professor Frink 5,460,000
ladybegood 5,300,000

Volume Traded This Week
More »

RotoHockeyYTD2014 23,350,000
SenJohnBlutarsky 19,374,945
adele88 15,550,004
RattyBatty 15,450,000
psisson 14,577,098
Jeff910 14,125,003
JohnBracken 12,909,000
movieguyfromoregon 12,900,000
Professor Frink 12,535,000
Yao_Zhu 11,524,959

Shares Held
More »

slight1 207,297,940
JohnBracken 171,493,100
Galestorm 167,870,037
lukasck 167,550,418
SenJohnBlutarsky 166,574,909
jpass 166,275,000
shelact 166,175,000
Slimstyl 165,985,000
Decoman 165,820,000
RotoHockeyYTD2014 165,690,000

More »

robenanderson 34.15%
aanchal98 30.03%
OnyxIris 29.17%
sstayrook 20.15%
Scooby_Doo 18.23%
Matthew_Day 15.34%
apparition001 13.61%
Chappiemaniac 12.47%
4leafclover 11.95%
JohnWilkesBooty 11.74%

More »

noproblempablo 72.96%
aanchal98 64.88%
MaddexTheGoat 53.57%
contender 51.39%
randomviolinz 44.10%
MrEdgingtonCantBeBeat 41.20%
cupido79 40.71%
Harsh1t 40.11%
jadonsand03 34.55%
robenanderson 34.15%

More »

jadonsand03 682.98%
randomviolinz 572.33%
noproblempablo 362.66%
Wisdom_of_the_Ages 358.62%
Sagtoad 345.44%
apparition001 309.51%
hillis 250.36%
meowmeoww9911 188.24%
jhl888 146.71%
CWSensation 135.99%

More »

billwoody 216,097.58%
WASunDevil 31,736.02%
gogreenytd 24,887.12%
shaotime 6,981.38%
Stone_Temple_Pilot 6,629.19%
mjwill2424 6,624.22%
Relevation 6,449.16%
j0rd4n 5,667.84%
mc7263 4,648.96%
Sagtoad 4,501.90%

Anora (ANORA) 150000 13.56 (-0.18)          Gundam (GUNDM) 50000 13.46 (-0.11)          Jason Mewes (JMEWE) 25000 4.03 (-0.35)          Vera Farmiga (VFARM) 25000 32.63 (-0.37)          The Batman: Part II (TBAT2) 150000 270.26 (+1.25)          Vera Farmiga (VFARM) 25000 32.63 (-0.37)          Rush Hour 4 (RUSH4) 100000 15.93 (-0.12)          Matt Dillon (MDILL) 25000 13.30 (+0.30)          Matt Dillon (MDILL) 25000 13.30 (+0.30)          Hailee Steinfeld (HSTEI) 25000 141.36 (-0.34)          Kieran Culkin (KCULK) 25000 9.59 (+0.10)          Kieran Culkin (KCULK) 25000 9.59 (+0.10)          A Real Pain (ARLPN) 150000 7.49 (+0.27)          A Real Pain (ARLPN) 150000 7.49 (+0.27)          Chloe East (CHEAS) 25000 13.81 (+0.40)          Scary Movie 6 (SCAR6) 50000 33.72 (+4.13)          Florian Zeller (FZELL) 25000 0.82 (-0.05)          Florian Zeller (FZELL) 25000 0.82 (-0.05)          Anthony Mackie (AMACK) 25000 69.03 (-0.25)          Finn Wolfhard (FWOLF) 25000 51.80 (+0.83)          Clue (CLUE) 50000 20.88 (+0.06)          Finn Wolfhard (FWOLF) 25000 51.80 (+0.83)          Clue (CLUE) 50000 20.88 (+0.06)          Ben Mendelsohn (BMEND) 25000 70.53 (+0.50)          Ben Mendelsohn (BMEND) 25000 70.53 (+0.50)          Moana 2 H$130 Call Wed-Sun (MOAN2.CA) 25000 7.53 (+0.37)          Moana 2 H$130 Put Wed-Sun (MOAN2.PU) 25000 0.62 (-0.10)          Bugonia aka Save the Green Plane (STGPL) 50000 18.81 (+0.06)          Daniel Craig (DCRAI) 25000 84.63 (-0.77)          Daniel Craig (DCRAI) 25000 84.63 (-0.77)          Moana 2 - Opening Weekend Wed-Su (MOAN2.OW) 100000 144.16 (+3.21)          Bride of Frankenstein (BRIDF) 20000 0.36 (-0.04)          Bob Trevino Likes It (BTLIT) 20000 1.69 (-0.01)          Spa Weekend (SPAWK) 150000 14.63 (+0.86)          Spa Weekend (SPAWK) 150000 14.63 (+0.86)          Evil Dead Untitled (EVLD6) 150000 27.99 (+1.40)          Bob the Builder (BOBTB) 150000 23.76 (-0.18)          Evil Dead Untitled (EVLD6) 150000 27.99 (+1.40)          Bob the Builder (BOBTB) 150000 23.76 (-0.18)          Sean Baker (SEBAK) 25000 3.58 (+0.19)          Spa Weekend (SPAWK) 150000 14.63 (+0.86)          Spa Weekend (SPAWK) 150000 14.63 (+0.86)          Mark Strong (MSTRO) 21325 77.14 (+0.50)          David Dastmalchian (DDAST) 25000 67.47 (0.00)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 50000 81.84 (+2.08)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 25000 81.84 (+2.08)          David Dastmalchian (DDAST) 25000 67.47 (0.00)          David Dastmalchian (DDAST) 25000 67.47 (0.00)          David Dastmalchian (DDAST) 25000 67.47 (0.00)          David Dastmalchian (DDAST) 25000 67.47 (0.00)