Lifetime-to-date Leaderboard

Members ranked by the highest % gain in their portfolio since they joined.
Leaderboards are updated daily around midnight Pacific time.
You must be an active member to appear in this leaderboard.

Top 100         < Previous | Next >

# Username Member Since Gain Net Worth (H$)
7401 sboster 2000-04-25 7,320.28% 148,405,674
7402 matty_rich 2004-06-23 7,317.67% 148,353,342
7403 WoWz 2003-06-01 7,317.61% 148,352,180
7404 firerook 2007-03-05 7,313.34% 148,266,854
7405 ajlippke 2010-09-30 7,313.32% 148,266,450
7406 mavwebmaster 2003-05-21 7,311.99% 148,239,742
7407 KATE_POE 2000-04-29 7,302.72% 148,054,391
7408 Raven83072 2002-06-03 7,295.69% 147,913,802
7409 gwiz 1999-09-14 7,295.26% 147,905,125
7410 2ndbreakfast 2010-02-15 7,288.86% 147,777,287
7411 bofett 2007-03-02 7,278.81% 147,576,180
7412 Sirreal 2000-06-05 7,271.80% 147,436,068
7413 az3412 2000-05-09 7,268.20% 147,363,925
7414 nitlionz01 2004-08-23 7,258.82% 147,176,459
7415 Daverocks 2000-05-01 7,258.53% 147,170,540
7416 mdl 2004-02-21 7,251.54% 147,030,819
7417 Justinb81 1999-10-18 7,245.04% 146,900,799
7418 cheeterbo 1999-04-18 7,240.93% 146,818,675
7419 CharlieTheUnicorn 2009-03-30 7,240.77% 146,815,422
7420 JCurran 2006-12-14 7,239.81% 146,796,237
7421 charlieb123 2005-07-25 7,235.63% 146,712,687
7422 achats 1998-07-15 7,231.71% 146,634,174
7423 RangerJim 1999-06-07 7,227.52% 146,550,329
7424 StudioMogul323 2011-08-02 7,220.54% 146,410,891
7425 RICK100 2005-03-17 7,220.18% 146,403,515
7426 EzraKG 1998-03-23 7,216.63% 146,332,638
7427 kindablue 1999-09-07 7,210.82% 146,216,389
7428 Halo2119 1999-12-07 7,206.64% 146,132,786
7429 rionmo 2006-03-20 7,203.81% 146,076,208
7430 mavfan 1999-10-29 7,200.17% 146,003,459
7431 patrick1 2004-02-04 7,198.97% 145,979,495
7432 samige 2001-07-16 7,195.31% 145,906,126
7433 Madam_Skrald 2003-06-11 7,193.30% 145,865,993
7434 wolverine292 2017-09-20 7,190.92% 145,818,352
7435 microcon 1998-11-16 7,190.53% 145,810,514
7436 BrentIsAngry 2017-05-19 7,190.34% 145,806,784
7437 btrotter 1998-10-13 7,188.70% 145,773,949
7438 Vanamonde 2012-02-29 7,184.78% 145,695,594
7439 keverhart 2000-10-31 7,180.49% 145,609,797
7440 joshtel 2015-09-28 7,173.70% 145,474,024
7441 badxeno 2016-04-29 7,166.19% 145,323,777
7442 jbpico 1997-12-01 7,164.11% 145,282,283
7443 Mandis 1999-05-28 7,137.69% 144,753,746
7444 MooseUSCG 2001-02-07 7,135.17% 144,703,408
7445 screech101 2007-06-03 7,131.23% 144,624,633
7446 RWickson 1997-12-01 7,128.78% 144,575,639
7447 catrap14 1998-01-28 7,125.01% 144,500,254
7448 It_is_niko 2006-07-26 7,123.79% 144,475,868
7449 Indygo 2006-05-17 7,115.96% 144,319,242
7450 Mediaman 2017-08-28 7,092.38% 143,847,575
7451 DarkPredator 2005-04-28 7,088.25% 143,765,015
7452 JokHead 2010-07-18 7,082.36% 143,647,220
7453 wiselonestar 1999-03-19 7,077.31% 143,546,147
7454 slick888 1999-07-05 7,076.46% 143,529,287
7455 arnoldmodlin 2005-02-25 7,075.11% 143,502,253
7456 gameover323 2009-10-01 7,074.85% 143,496,928
7457 Stansbury 2017-08-27 7,073.68% 143,473,656
7458 Talance 2005-11-09 7,072.95% 143,459,013
7459 ltjgracer1 2000-02-04 7,068.90% 143,378,005
7460 flowergirl1016 2002-11-10 7,066.38% 143,327,611
7461 Ruvian 2007-03-02 7,062.42% 143,248,419
7462 darthjerry 1999-07-03 7,055.59% 143,111,892
7463 dhohulin 2010-08-04 7,052.63% 143,052,635
7464 B.C 1999-09-28 7,051.16% 143,023,279
7465 glavar 1998-07-24 7,047.86% 142,957,215
7466 honestcritic 2001-07-06 7,045.11% 142,902,212
7467 GLee2112 2000-06-12 7,038.17% 142,763,353
7468 ccradio 2001-03-20 7,038.07% 142,761,319
7469 atom842 2006-04-17 7,037.60% 142,752,072
7470 Fletchius 2014-03-26 7,033.58% 142,671,682
7471 hlawyer 2001-08-10 7,032.43% 142,648,537
7472 cbwyrick 2003-12-30 7,031.46% 142,629,240
7473 Rucoolking 2004-12-10 7,026.52% 142,530,397
7474 harbolic 2000-01-24 7,023.92% 142,478,477
7475 rjstrada 2003-12-11 7,020.26% 142,405,218
7476 Joruus 1998-09-14 7,017.16% 142,343,171
7477 paddy85 2001-02-16 7,014.47% 142,289,431
7478 jeff_bax88 2003-08-04 7,013.38% 142,267,525
7479 darktower 2003-09-16 7,012.65% 142,253,046
7480 wew1331 2013-11-10 7,004.02% 142,080,433
7481 scion23 2000-03-15 7,001.59% 142,031,891
7482 hgnelson 1998-05-24 7,001.07% 142,021,394
7483 N4C1R3M4 2016-06-02 6,993.89% 141,877,706
7484 Reachforgc 2019-03-16 6,993.16% 141,863,142
7485 BartimusMaximusIV 2013-11-18 6,991.64% 141,832,764
7486 bugsysiegel 1999-12-01 6,990.54% 141,810,880
7487 FirstContact 2006-04-28 6,989.28% 141,785,585
7488 johnny_b_goode 2021-05-02 6,983.04% 141,660,800
7489 awc100 1998-06-29 6,981.70% 141,634,072
7490 LucasH 2001-10-15 6,978.01% 141,560,278
7491 novakim 2002-05-07 6,975.63% 141,512,529
7492 CenTexGal 2003-07-02 6,973.77% 141,475,359
7493 CO_scon 2023-06-17 6,973.23% 141,464,689
7494 gdquinn 1997-12-01 6,971.00% 141,420,078
7495 Booyah 2004-01-30 6,968.61% 141,372,158
7496 knightkreed 2006-06-12 6,965.31% 141,306,119
7497 JNJWORK 2001-01-11 6,965.14% 141,302,702
7498 Pepe_Nolan 2017-02-12 6,963.79% 141,275,835
7499 jol_19 2002-01-30 6,961.81% 141,236,298
7500 mirozell 2016-02-15 6,958.01% 141,160,123

Volume Traded Today
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RotoHockeyYTD2014 4,200,000
SUZIEQ 3,335,003
SenJohnBlutarsky 2,399,992
adele88 2,100,000
slappydavid 1,949,986
RattyBatty 1,800,000
Serendipity 1,500,000
ladybegood 1,350,000
kbllewis 1,244,016
TheWeekendWarrior 1,100,000

Volume Traded This Week
More »

RotoHockeyYTD2014 34,700,000
SenJohnBlutarsky 31,224,911
tristan 25,278,038
Mr.Strum 24,005,000
RattyBatty 23,100,000
adele88 21,825,004
Jeff910 21,225,001
movieguyfromoregon 19,000,002
psisson 18,477,681
SUZIEQ 18,085,032

Shares Held
More »

slight1 207,297,940
JohnBracken 171,898,100
Galestorm 168,570,040
lukasck 168,000,421
SenJohnBlutarsky 167,024,903
shelact 166,900,000
Decoman 166,445,000
Slimstyl 166,435,000
jpass 166,275,001
RotoHockeyYTD2014 166,140,000

More »

aanchal98 53.58%
robenanderson 38.63%
sstayrook 20.93%
OnyxIris 15.90%
Matthew_Day 14.90%
cupido79 14.02%
apparition001 13.96%
noproblempablo 13.18%
JohnWilkesBooty 12.62%
Scooby_Doo 12.43%

More »

aanchal98 94.74%
noproblempablo 76.25%
contender 59.75%
MaddexTheGoat 57.54%
randomviolinz 47.18%
cupido79 45.83%
MrEdgingtonCantBeBeat 40.62%
Harsh1t 40.43%
robenanderson 38.63%
hillis 36.88%

More »

jadonsand03 693.20%
randomviolinz 586.70%
Wisdom_of_the_Ages 383.27%
noproblempablo 371.46%
Sagtoad 365.47%
apparition001 310.79%
hillis 257.80%
meowmeoww9911 188.28%
jhl888 151.93%
omrshp 143.56%

More »

billwoody 216,223.91%
WASunDevil 32,356.56%
gogreenytd 25,270.23%
shaotime 7,125.18%
mjwill2424 6,715.96%
Relevation 6,649.08%
Stone_Temple_Pilot 6,612.88%
j0rd4n 5,857.16%
mc7263 4,817.71%
Sagtoad 4,708.91%

Panda Plan (PPLAN) 150000 0.85 (+0.02)          Oh, Canada (OCNDA) 990 2.41 (+0.02)          Oh, Canada (OCNDA) 2990 2.41 (+0.02)          Woman of the Hour (DATGM) 150000 0.83 (+0.02)          Street Fighter (STFTR) 150000 38.11 (+0.27)          Ballerina (BLRNA) 150000 84.82 (+0.58)          The Outrun (OUTRN) 150000 1.34 (+0.01)          The Lord of the Rings: The War o (LOTR4.OW) 100000 24.37 (-0.63)          Masters of the Universe (HEMAN) 150000 61.43 (+0.32)          Lake George (LAKEG) 999 0.18 (0.00)          Pirates of the Caribbean 6 (PIRT6) 150000 43.11 (+0.35)          Pirates of the Caribbean 6 (PIRT6) 150000 43.11 (+0.35)          Lake George (LAKEG) 999 0.18 (0.00)          Street Fighter (STFTR) 150000 38.11 (+0.27)          Get Away (GAWAY) 75259 2.58 (-0.01)          Street Fighter (STFTR) 150000 38.11 (+0.27)          Moana 2 (MOAN2) 150000 308.13 (+9.15)          Y2K (Y2K) 3999 15.73 (-0.16)          Alan Tudyk (ATUDY) 25000 104.41 (-0.33)          Kraven the Hunter (KRAVN) 150000 69.73 (-0.99)          Y2K (Y2K) 6999 15.73 (-0.16)          The Hand That Rocks the Cradle (HTRTC) 6029 23.30 (+0.02)          James Bond 26 (JB26) 50000 138.16 (-0.79)          Red One (REDON) 150000 81.73 (-2.19)          Werewolves (WEREW) 5000 15.43 (-0.04)          Werewolves (WEREW) 2000 15.43 (-0.04)          Gladiator II (GLAD2) 150000 165.46 (-0.13)          Dog Man (DOGM1) 150000 51.84 (+0.15)          Temuera Morrison (TMORR) 25000 146.50 (+1.00)          The Return (TRETU) 1016 7.09 (0.00)          The Return (TRETU) 984 7.09 (0.00)          Dwayne Johnson (TROCK) 25000 148.09 (+0.33)          The Order (TORDR) 987 5.53 (+0.01)          Den of Thieves: Pantera (DENO2) 150000 28.82 (-0.04)          Den of Thieves: Pantera (DENO2) 150000 28.82 (-0.04)          The Order (TORDR) 4987 5.53 (+0.01)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 11100 79.06 (-2.14)          James Bond 26 (JB26) 50000 138.16 (-0.79)          Unstoppable (USTPB) 1 7.05 (-0.07)          The Return (TRETU) 1 7.09 (0.00)          Solo Leveling - ReAwakening (SOLVL) 1006 4.13 (0.00)          Imelda Staunton (ISTAU) 25000 59.59 (+0.16)          Solo Leveling - ReAwakening (SOLVL) 4006 4.13 (0.00)          Spa Weekend (SPAWK) 14714 14.97 (-0.06)          Nightbitch (NTBTC) 4984 8.40 (-0.03)          Paddington in Peru (PADT3) 100000 53.21 (+0.50)          Zootopia 2 (ZOOT2) 50000 207.15 (-1.84)          Wuthering Heights (WUTHR) 3495 37.10 (-0.12)          Gladiator II (GLAD2) 150000 165.46 (-0.13)          Untitled Event Film Directed by (UEFCN) 44016 128.07 (-0.09)