Trading Leagues

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Welcome to the new HSX Leagues! Grab your friends, family, colleagues, classmates and fellow traders to compete amongst yourselves and prove your predictive prowess.

  • Bragging rights come complimentary of your hosts; all other prizes are determined (and delivered) within your own leagues.
  • When you join a league, your current Net Worth will be used as the starting point for % gain calculations. All new league members will start at 0% gain. Your standing in your league will be determined by % gain comparison.
  • Each leagues admin can optionally decide to reset all league member's percent gain to 0%, whenever he or she chooses to do so. This will not affect any league member's actual net worth, just starting net worth for the current round of league competition. This way, if you want to maintain a monthly contest within your league, in which everyone starts fresh each month, just reset the %gain to 0% at the beginning of the month (or whatever interval you choose).
  • Join public leagues with the click of a button. Join private leagues by admin approval. Create and trade in as many leagues as you like.

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Name Size Avg Worth Status
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New Leagues

Name Size Avg Worth Status
League of legends323854 1 H$2,480,700 details | apply
test league 123 1 H$23,796,700 details | apply
Riverside BEP2O-02 25 H$2,612,750 details | join
The Legion of Doom 4 H$6,800,780 details | apply
swordfishies 1 H$2,747,610 details | apply
Beginners Luck 3 H$177,545,000 details | apply
Show Me the Money 7 H$497,809,000 details | join
Olathe West High School 1 H$2,001,880 details | apply
The Film-unati 3 H$1,814,500 details | apply
So Many Sequels 2 H$4,744,380 details | apply

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Trading Leagues

Saoirse Ronan (SRONA) 25000 26.67 (0.00)          Mads Mikkelsen (MMIKK) 25000 92.06 (+2.84)          Mads Mikkelsen (MMIKK) 25000 92.06 (+2.84)          The Fire Inside (FLNTS) 150000 8.30 (-0.09)          Eric Bana (EBANA) 25000 13.55 (-1.87)          Josh Brolin (JBROL) 25000 128.65 (+1.33)          The Fire Inside (FLNTS) 150000 8.30 (-0.09)          Neal McDonough (NMCDO) 20000 10.46 (-8.07)          Mads Mikkelsen (MMIKK) 25000 92.06 (+2.84)          Karen Gillan (KGILL) 25000 116.22 (0.00)          Barry Jenkins (BJENK) 25000 58.17 (+4.60)          James Marsden (JMARS) 25000 132.78 (+8.91)          Mads Mikkelsen (MMIKK) 20000 92.06 (+2.84)          Jurassic World Rebirth (JURA7) 31271 300.66 (-0.30)          Kelvin Harrison Jr. (KHARR) 25000 70.27 (+9.52)          Mads Mikkelsen (MMIKK) 25000 92.06 (+2.84)          Kelvin Harrison Jr. (KHARR) 25000 70.27 (+9.52)          Can I Get a Witness (CIGAW) 150000 1.72 (+0.11)          David Dastmalchian (DDAST) 25000 67.97 (0.00)          Chiwetel Ejiofor (CEJIO) 25000 144.66 (-0.33)          Kodi Smit-McPhee (KSMCP) 20000 81.73 (+0.30)          The Life of Chuck (LCHUC) 150000 24.44 (+0.31)          Jane Austen Wrecked My Life (JAWML) 150000 1.64 (-0.05)          Kodi Smit-McPhee (KSMCP) 25000 81.73 (+0.30)          Kodi Smit-McPhee (KSMCP) 25000 81.73 (+0.30)          Kodi Smit-McPhee (KSMCP) 25000 81.73 (+0.30)          Idris Elba (IELBA) 25000 98.32 (+0.42)          Tika Sumpter (TSUMP) 25000 114.64 (+8.62)          Donald Glover (DOGLO) 25000 226.40 (+0.49)          Kelvin Harrison Jr. (KHARR) 25000 70.27 (+9.52)          Kelvin Harrison Jr. (KHARR) 25000 70.27 (+9.52)          Donald Glover (DOGLO) 25000 226.40 (+0.49)          The Woman in the Yard (TWITY) 150000 21.91 (+1.02)          The Woman in the Yard (TWITY) 150000 21.91 (+1.02)          Thandiwe Newton (TNEWT) 25000 82.58 (+3.99)          One of Them Days (1OTDS) 150000 20.06 (+2.76)          Seth Rogen (SROGE) 25000 117.93 (+0.08)          Kodi Smit-McPhee (KSMCP) 25000 81.73 (+0.30)          Kodi Smit-McPhee (KSMCP) 25000 81.73 (+0.30)          Can I Get a Witness (CIGAW) 150000 1.72 (+0.11)          Neal McDonough (NMCDO) 25000 10.46 (-8.07)          Alto Knights (WISEG) 150000 20.74 (+1.23)          Seth Rogen (SROGE) 25000 117.93 (+0.08)          Seth Rogen (SROGE) 25000 117.93 (+0.08)          Mads Mikkelsen (MMIKK) 25000 92.06 (+2.84)          Neal McDonough (NMCDO) 25000 10.46 (-8.07)          Neal McDonough (NMCDO) 25000 10.46 (-8.07)          Barry Jenkins (BJENK) 25000 58.17 (+4.60)          Dust Bunny (DUSTB) 150000 4.03 (+0.09)          Can I Get a Witness (CIGAW) 150000 1.72 (+0.11)