
We once ruled this land but were cast into exile by a higher power that deemed us "undesirable". We lost a few along the way but we have returned... WE! ARE! ST!

League Type: Private Avg Net Worth: H$5,083,490,000
Members: 56 Total Net Worth: H$284,675,000,000
Created: May 27, 2014 League Admin: spamlet

Flag Question: ST username

League Standings

Rank Name Flag Joined Net Worth Yest Gain League Gain
1 Inigo75 Inigo 05/27/14 H$1,644,956,699 0.00% 789.41%
2 budice budice 05/29/14 H$5,540,125,937 0.04% 604.01%
3 Mdh9857 MDH 05/27/14 H$7,940,698,927 0.02% 346.59%
4 Loyola Loyola 08/20/15 H$1,341,202,858 0.00% 306.80%
5 CSBD I'm Awshum 05/27/14 H$11,928,896,662 0.02% 213.01%
6 colinski colinski 08/20/15 H$1,332,627,326 0.14% 192.50%
7 whatmary peggy ann 05/27/14 H$6,148,091,015 0.02% 165.96%
8 AndieH Andie 05/27/14 H$4,935,672,812 0.01% 142.88%
9 Volnelk Volnelk 05/27/14 H$5,253,009,715 0.06% 142.44%
10 RufusS -- 05/27/14 H$19,702,644,354 0.05% 139.22%
11 JenBro JenBro 05/27/14 H$621,435,970 0.00% 138.37%
12 VeraCharles VeraCharles 04/30/15 H$2,810,020,054 0.03% 132.88%
13 Max Max 05/28/14 H$3,067,928,554 -0.01% 131.33%
14 Sceire Sceire/Stephen/IrishStephen 05/31/14 H$896,111,917 0.03% 125.78%
15 groiny groiny 05/27/14 H$2,457,279,017 -0.01% 125.08%
16 bigshaunu Shaun 03/28/16 H$6,161,610,568 0.01% 119.20%
17 Crashquick Crashquick 08/20/15 H$2,717,334,285 0.04% 116.66%
18 Flavorize Flavorize 05/28/14 H$3,161,546,598 0.03% 112.95%
19 Anniebecca Beaker 05/30/14 H$2,955,614,583 0.04% 112.15%
20 maxcaddy J 05/31/14 H$2,529,224,115 0.04% 109.76%
21 BaronWasteland Baron 05/27/14 H$8,962,912,450 0.01% 104.91%
22 grayman Beryllium 05/27/14 H$1,766,916,410 0.01% 88.89%
23 spamlet spamlet 05/27/14 H$6,483,465,084 0.02% 88.64%
24 JoeMetz Will Hunting 05/27/14 H$7,539,683,323 0.01% 85.39%
25 eag31 eag31 06/02/14 H$2,087,363,290 -0.01% 79.35%
26 abattoir decline 08/20/15 H$1,423,722,941 0.00% 78.67%
27 Spawn08 Spawn! 05/27/14 H$4,033,432,738 0.00% 73.94%
28 not2fast GregW 02/08/15 H$16,056,212,982 0.01% 69.78%
29 RogerMore What information? 05/27/14 H$21,337,683,716 0.01% 68.29%
30 Boogaloo Cuzzin Todd 05/29/14 H$7,604,432,244 0.01% 67.06%
31 pmb pmb 05/28/14 H$10,547,744,977 0.01% 66.35%
32 Elvis206 Elvis 05/28/14 H$4,163,300,415 0.03% 65.42%
33 Mojave Meg 05/28/14 H$11,442,864,367 0.01% 63.71%
34 ty97 my voice is my passport 05/27/14 H$7,526,577,245 0.01% 60.86%
35 FiniteMike Mr. Richard Roma 08/20/15 H$2,605,582,836 0.02% 58.34%
36 JaxSean JaxSean 08/20/15 H$2,086,822,558 -0.05% 58.02%
37 Remlik Remlik 05/27/14 H$2,251,027,471 0.00% 53.31%
38 Joel_C Hey! It's me, ReluctantCynic 05/12/16 H$531,645,411 0.02% 51.95%
39 zolliman that swiss guy 05/28/14 H$2,043,561,833 0.06% 51.16%
40 behmd2 gort 08/20/15 H$6,679,952,495 0.03% 44.67%
41 genghis Genghis 05/29/14 H$5,915,321,462 0.02% 44.13%
42 rbernard Ender 05/27/14 H$3,398,292,710 0.03% 42.72%
43 amoxy amoxy 05/28/14 H$625,002,533 0.00% 37.33%
44 mikebny mikebny 05/27/14 H$8,317,014,477 0.01% 37.01%
45 Karl_S Karl from ST 08/20/15 H$3,861,739,986 0.00% 36.62%
46 Wink Dignan 08/20/15 H$5,876,607,206 0.01% 29.10%
47 Baddaddy Baddaddy BAD 05/29/14 H$13,114,030,424 0.00% 25.85%
48 Guigue -- 05/27/14 H$323,040,393 0.00% 25.35%
49 ReluctantCynic ReluctantCynic 02/08/16 H$5,381,146 0.00% 25.04%
50 Jimman07 Jim 05/27/14 H$1,716,022,078 0.00% 23.87%
51 mafic mafic 05/28/14 H$2,916,840,806 0.03% 23.65%
52 zeitgeist zeitgeist 05/29/14 H$9,098,417,745 -0.02% 22.67%
53 dariusX Mel Profit 05/27/14 H$2,846,536,578 0.00% 21.90%
54 mop Mop 05/27/14 H$3,153,241,552 0.00% 16.16%
55 M00shu Buzz 05/29/14 H$2,661,460,441 0.05% 13.66%
56 Walt_Disney I am THE Walt Disney!!!!!! 05/27/14 H$525,413,435 0.01% 6.95%

M3GAN 2.0 (M3GA2) 105 75.39 (0.00)          The Familiars (FAMIL) 45009 15.80 (-0.01)          Stuntnuts: The Movie (STUNT) 150000 21.66 (-0.06)          Crazy Rich Asians 2: China Rich (CRAS2) 17000 33.82 (-0.04)          Ranger's Apprentice (RNGAP) 75009 1.70 (-0.01)          Sherlock Holmes 3 (HOLM3) 45000 15.99 (-0.01)          The Saint (TSAIN) 60000 17.55 (+0.32)          Harbinger (HARBN) 100009 0.38 (-0.02)          They Found Us (THFUS) 19999 15.44 (-0.43)          Sneaks (SNEKS) 20000 11.03 (-0.97)          Micronauts (MCRON) 10000 3.29 (0.00)          Red One (REDON) 25000 88.16 (+0.13)          Look Who's Talking (LWTLK) 1 4.26 (0.00)          Look Who's Talking (LWTLK) 50000 4.26 (0.00)          The Fire Inside (FLNTS) 1 8.33 (-0.03)          The Fire Inside (FLNTS) 150000 8.33 (-0.03)          One of Them Days aka Untitled Ke (1OTDS) 1 17.47 (0.00)          One of Them Days aka Untitled Ke (1OTDS) 1 17.47 (0.00)          Wicked Part 2 (WCKD2) 150000 197.30 (+0.50)          Wicked H$100 Call (WICKD.CA) 25000 7.92 (+0.10)          I Love Boosters (ILBOS) 1 10.34 (+0.02)          I Love Boosters (ILBOS) 50000 10.34 (+0.02)          Wicked - Opening Weekend (WICKD.OW) 100000 116.78 (+0.75)          The Housekeeper (HSKPR) 50000 7.92 (-0.08)          Screamboat (SCMBT) 1 5.80 (+0.01)          Screamboat (SCMBT) 1 5.80 (+0.01)          They Found Us (THFUS) 150000 15.44 (-0.43)          Y2K (Y2K) 75000 16.20 (+0.05)          The Saint (TSAIN) 149999 17.55 (+0.32)          Wuthering Heights (WUTHR) 149999 37.09 (-0.54)          The Housekeeper (HSKPR) 149999 7.92 (-0.08)          Gundam (GUNDM) 1 14.29 (+0.88)          Gundam (GUNDM) 150000 14.29 (+0.88)          Famous (FAMOS) 1 21.08 (-0.85)          Famous (FAMOS) 150000 21.08 (-0.85)          They Found Us (THFUS) 20000 15.44 (-0.43)          Splitsville (SPTSV) 1 4.42 (+0.45)          Splitsville (SPTSV) 150000 4.42 (+0.45)          Wicked H$100 Call (WICKD.CA) 25000 7.92 (+0.10)          Wicked - Opening Weekend (WICKD.OW) 100000 116.78 (+0.75)          The Chronicles of Narnia (NARN4) 150000 3.63 (-0.52)          The Chronicles of Narnia (NARN4) 150000 3.63 (-0.52)          Snow White (SNWHT) 2600 211.88 (+0.33)          Brave the Dark (BRVTD) 150000 5.21 (+0.31)          Brave the Dark (BRVTD) 150000 5.21 (+0.31)          Singham Again (SNGH3) 150000 2.40 (+0.05)          Singham Again (SNGH3) 150000 2.40 (+0.05)          J.J. Abrams (JABRA) 25000 166.69 (+1.00)          Relay (RELAY) 129083 3.45 (-0.04)          Gundam (GUNDM) 150000 14.29 (+0.88)