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Snow White (SNWHT) 20000 213.98 (+0.20)          Wicked (WICKD) 150000 308.27 (-1.80)          Wicked (WICKD) 150000 308.27 (-1.80)          Paul Bettany (PBETT) 25000 145.21 (-0.64)          Frozen III (FROZ3) 25000 253.27 (+0.62)          Famous (FAMOS) 150000 20.08 (-0.03)          Solo Leveling - ReAwakening (SOLVL) 43859 3.85 (-0.46)          Ron Perlman (RPERL) 25000 37.38 (+0.61)          Robin Wright (RWPEN) 25000 80.65 (+1.53)          Zootopia 2 (ZOOT2) 25000 208.63 (+0.83)          Robert Zemeckis (RZEME) 25000 33.37 (-1.74)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 150000 84.11 (+4.35)          The Bad Guys 2 (TBAD2) 24683 85.73 (+0.62)          Crazy Rich Asians 2: China Rich (CRAS2) 1 32.32 (-1.15)          Crazy Rich Asians 2: China Rich (CRAS2) 1 32.32 (-1.15)          Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi (STRW1) 20000 135.96 (+2.46)          Captain America: Brave New World (CAPA4) 150000 215.45 (+0.07)          A Real Pain (ARLPN) 150000 7.49 (+0.27)          Snow White (SNWHT) 7000 213.98 (+0.20)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 150000 84.11 (+4.35)          Captain America: Brave New World (CAPA4) 10000 215.45 (+0.07)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 150000 84.11 (+4.35)          Spa Weekend (SPAWK) 150000 15.58 (+1.81)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 150000 84.11 (+4.35)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 25000 84.11 (+4.35)          A Big Bold Beautiful Journey (ABBBJ) 89000 39.43 (+0.03)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 150000 84.11 (+4.35)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 150000 84.11 (+4.35)          Kraven the Hunter (KRAVN) 1000 72.12 (-1.76)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 150000 84.11 (+4.35)          Snow White (SNWHT) 10000 213.98 (+0.20)          Scary Movie 6 (SCAR6) 150000 33.52 (+3.93)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 15000 84.11 (+4.35)          Captain America: Brave New World (CAPA4) 10000 215.45 (+0.07)          Scary Movie 6 (SCAR6) 10000 33.52 (+3.93)          Rebuilding (RBULD) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Dog Man (DOGM1) 10000 48.96 (+0.14)          Late Fame (LTFAM) 50000 3.39 (-0.10)          Panopticon (PANOP) 150000 0.12 (0.00)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 50000 84.11 (+4.35)          Robin Wright (RWPEN) 25000 80.65 (+1.53)          Sniff (SNIFF) 150000 0.09 (+0.03)          Mega Man (MGAMN) 150000 0.09 (+0.02)          Snow White (SNWHT) 20000 213.98 (+0.20)          Andy Serkis (ASERK) 25000 125.96 (-33.27)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 100000 84.11 (+4.35)          Bum's Rush (BUMSR) 150000 0.09 (+0.02)          Meghann Fahy (MFAHY) 25000 5.00 (0.00)          Karate Kid Legends (KKID2) 10000 124.18 (+0.21)          Millers in Marriage (MILRS) 50000 2.74 (-0.02)