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Robert Eggers (REGGE) 25000 30.44 (0.00)          Lewis Pullman (LPULL) 25000 55.75 (0.00)          Nickel Boys (NICKB) 150000 2.81 (+0.07)          Lewis Pullman (LPULL) 25000 55.75 (0.00)          Bill Skarsgard (BSKAR) 25000 66.82 (-0.75)          Tower of Terror (TOWRT) 10 17.54 (+3.54)          Verity (VERTY) 150000 40.00 (0.00)          Brightwater (BRTWT) 150000 0.08 (+0.03)          American Radical (AMRAD) 150000 0.14 (+0.03)          A Minecraft Movie (MINEC) 150000 174.89 (-0.08)          Sinners (SINER) 5000 90.62 (+0.63)          The Batman: Part II (TBAT2) 2269 254.56 (-0.33)          Sinners (SINER) 5000 90.62 (+0.63)          Nicholas Hoult (NHOUL) 25000 35.62 (+0.37)          Wolf Man - Opening Weekend Fri-M (TWLFM.OW) 2000 22.16 (+0.28)          Sinners (SINER) 5000 90.62 (+0.63)          Nicholas Hoult (NHOUL) 25000 35.62 (+0.37)          Kraven the Hunter (KRAVN) 150000 24.18 (-0.42)          The Thing with Feathers (TWFTH) 50000 1.57 (-0.43)          Bubble & Squeak (BUBSQ) 50000 1.72 (-0.28)          Verity (VERTY) 32500 40.00 (0.00)          James Bond 26 (JB26) 70001 118.26 (+1.20)          The Horror Fund 9 (SPOOK) 1 24.28 (+0.14)          Wicked: For Good (WCKD2) 48920 293.29 (+1.70)          Hot Spot (HTSPT) 150000 4.08 (-0.10)          Bubble & Squeak (BUBSQ) 150000 1.72 (-0.28)          The Thing with Feathers (TWFTH) 150000 1.57 (-0.43)          Superman (SUPRM) 16595 246.15 (+0.27)          Clayface (CLAYF) 99159 58.46 (+2.48)          Standing on the Shoulders of Kit (SOTSK) 150000 1.44 (+0.03)          Wolf Man (TWLFM) 150000 41.55 (+0.55)          Wicked: For Good (WCKD2) 1 293.29 (+1.70)          Nightbitch (NTBTC) 150000 2.51 (+0.06)          The Literary Fund (BOOKS) 10000 84.38 (+0.37)          The Sequel Fund (SQUEL) 20000 48.72 (+0.04)          The Horror Fund 9 (SPOOK) 20000 24.28 (+0.14)          The Family Business Fund V (GENES) 20000 25.41 (+0.32)          The Comic Fund (COMIC) 20000 68.42 (+0.13)          Sgt. Rock (SGROC) 150000 50.77 (+1.54)          The African-American Fund (AFRAM) 20000 30.11 (-0.01)          Jean Reno (JRENO) 25000 2.74 (-0.02)          Jackie Chan (JCHAN) 25000 24.06 (-0.12)          The Lord of the Rings: The War o (LOTR4) 150000 11.75 (-0.46)          Rumours (RUMRS) 150000 1.60 (-0.09)          Together (TGETR) 150000 5.58 (+1.90)          Miranda Otto (MOTTO) 25000 13.67 (+0.09)          Verity (VERTY) 150000 40.00 (0.00)          Verity (VERTY) 1000 40.00 (0.00)          Together (TGETR) 3000 5.58 (+1.90)          Mike Tyson biopic (MTYSN) 10000 0.10 (0.00)