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Guys and Dolls (GUYDL) 149999 34.66 (-0.50)          PAW Patrol 3 (PAWP3) 149999 36.90 (+0.09)          Headhunters (HDHUN) 100000 22.54 (-0.78)          Warfare (WARFR) 100000 30.99 (-0.10)          The Trip (TETRP) 100000 9.06 (-0.10)          Guys and Dolls (GUYDL) 149999 34.66 (-0.50)          Saw XI aka Saw 11 (SAW11) 149999 30.42 (-0.23)          The Gutter (GUTER) 150000 0.19 (+0.02)          Bring Them Down (BRTDW) 150000 1.30 (-0.03)          Bring Them Down (BRTDW) 1 1.30 (-0.03)          Headhunters (HDHUN) 2 22.54 (-0.78)          Headhunters (HDHUN) 2 22.54 (-0.78)          Onslaught (ONSLT) 1 14.37 (-0.12)          Onslaught (ONSLT) 1 14.37 (-0.12)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 150000 40.95 (+0.95)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 150000 40.95 (+0.95)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 150000 40.95 (+0.95)          Headhunters (HDHUN) 150000 22.54 (-0.78)          Ghostbusters animated (GBUST) 150000 15.94 (-0.76)          Legally Blonde 3 (BLON3) 150000 13.54 (+1.30)          Headhunters (HDHUN) 10000 22.54 (-0.78)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 20000 40.95 (+0.95)          Legally Blonde 3 (BLON3) 10000 13.54 (+1.30)          Joni MItchell biopic (JONIM) 10000 13.53 (+0.08)          Bob the Builder (BOBTB) 20000 22.91 (+0.41)          Legally Blonde 3 (BLON3) 20000 13.54 (+1.30)          The Amateur (AMTUR) 5000 43.37 (0.00)          Better Man (BETRM) 2643 8.36 (+0.16)          Better Man (BETRM) 2643 8.36 (+0.16)          Better Man (BETRM) 98366 8.36 (+0.16)          Better Man (BETRM) 98366 8.36 (+0.16)          The Death of Robin Hood (TDORH) 10000 30.47 (+0.94)          Better Man (BETRM) 48991 8.36 (+0.16)          Better Man (BETRM) 50000 8.36 (+0.16)          Better Man (BETRM) 50000 8.36 (+0.16)          Better Man (BETRM) 50000 8.36 (+0.16)          A Simple Favor 2 (ASFA2) 150000 15.57 (-0.37)          A Simple Favor 2 (ASFA2) 150000 15.57 (-0.37)          Guys and Dolls (GUYDL) 150000 34.66 (-0.50)          Guys and Dolls (GUYDL) 150000 34.66 (-0.50)          Headhunters (HDHUN) 150000 22.54 (-0.78)          Headhunters (HDHUN) 150000 22.54 (-0.78)          Ghostbusters animated (GBUST) 150000 15.94 (-0.76)          The Familiars (FAMIL) 150000 17.31 (-0.43)          Ghostbusters animated (GBUST) 150000 15.94 (-0.76)          The Man with the Bag (TMWTB) 150000 29.16 (-0.66)          Regretting You (RGRTU) 24000 34.83 (+0.01)          Transformers 8 (TFRM8) 40000 84.99 (-0.15)          Tower of Terror (TOWRT) 150000 20.48 (+0.86)          Tower of Terror (TOWRT) 150000 20.48 (+0.86)