
Member Since: Dec 11, 2001
Net Worth: H$226,372,463.15
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Securities Held: 21
Last Trade: Oct 14, 2018

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  • Feedback & Support – Jul 5, 2009

    Yeah, why is HSX so stingy...   Read »

Bagman (BAGMA) 149999 7.51 (+0.24)          Pirates of the Caribbean 6 (PIRT6) 3456 43.29 (+0.78)          Pirates of the Caribbean 6 (PIRT6) 9999 43.29 (+0.78)          Regretting You (RGRTU) 23456 26.57 (+0.84)          Apartment 7A (APT7A) 57435 3.29 (+0.27)          Predator: Badlands (PRED6) 150000 40.20 (-0.95)          Apartment 7A (APT7A) 11217 3.29 (+0.27)          Regretting You (RGRTU) 9999 26.57 (+0.84)          Regretting You (RGRTU) 8888 26.57 (+0.84)          Predator: Badlands (PRED6) 150000 40.20 (-0.95)          Predator: Badlands (PRED6) 150000 40.20 (-0.95)          Wallace & Gromit: Vengeance Most (GROM2) 150000 0.95 (-0.05)          The Matrix 5 (MTRX5) 200 56.11 (+0.46)          Captain America: Brave New World (CAPA4) 100 240.85 (0.00)          Top Gun 3 (TOPG3) 50 256.38 (0.00)          The Matrix 5 (MTRX5) 10000 56.11 (+0.46)          The Matrix 5 (MTRX5) 100 56.11 (+0.46)          Creed IV (CREE4) 150000 53.24 (-0.05)          The Matrix 5 (MTRX5) 149999 56.11 (+0.46)          The Matrix 5 (MTRX5) 500 56.11 (+0.46)          Wallace & Gromit: Vengeance Most (GROM2) 150000 0.95 (-0.05)          The Matrix 5 (MTRX5) 150000 56.11 (+0.46)          Creed IV (CREE4) 150000 53.24 (-0.05)          Bagman (BAGMA) 75000 7.51 (+0.24)          Joker: Folie à Deux H$80 Call (JOKE2.CA) 25000 3.45 (+0.06)          Tom Holland (TOHOL) 1000 84.74 (-0.04)          Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi (STRW1) 150000 136.33 (-0.01)          The Matrix 5 (MTRX5) 1300 56.11 (+0.46)          The Raid (RAID1) 150000 0.03 (+0.02)          Joker: Folie à Deux - Opening W (JOKE2.OW) 1889 80.72 (0.00)          Pirates of the Caribbean 6 (PIRT6) 1000 43.29 (+0.78)          Joker: Folie à Deux H$80 Put (JOKE2.PU) 25000 2.10 (+0.02)          Joker: Folie à Deux H$80 Call (JOKE2.CA) 25000 3.45 (+0.06)          Joker: Folie à Deux - Opening W (JOKE2.OW) 1000 80.72 (0.00)          Joker: Folie à Deux - Opening W (JOKE2.OW) 400 80.72 (0.00)          Pirates of the Caribbean 6 (PIRT6) 200 43.29 (+0.78)          Stockholm Bloodbath (STKBB) 150000 0.38 (-0.08)          Stockholm Bloodbath (STKBB) 150000 0.38 (-0.08)          Tom Holland (TOHOL) 15000 84.74 (-0.04)          Pirates of the Caribbean 6 (PIRT6) 150000 43.29 (+0.78)          Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi (STRW1) 150000 136.33 (-0.01)          Jon Voight (JVOIG) 25000 55.47 (+0.30)          Wallace & Gromit: Vengeance Most (GROM2) 150000 0.95 (-0.05)          Tom Holland (TOHOL) 10000 84.74 (-0.04)          Jon Voight (JVOIG) 20000 55.47 (+0.30)