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James Bond 26 (JB26) 50000 119.20 (+0.93)          Frozen III (FROZ3) 150000 265.47 (-0.84)          James Bond 26 (JB26) 150000 119.20 (+0.93)          Frozen III (FROZ3) 337 265.47 (-0.84)          Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi (STRW1) 10 151.71 (-0.39)          Guys and Dolls (GUYDL) 150000 35.00 (0.00)          Until Dawn (UDAWN) 150000 22.92 (-0.07)          Until Dawn (UDAWN) 150000 22.92 (-0.07)          My Dead Friend Zoe (MDFZO) 10000 9.15 (-0.02)          How to Train Your Dragon (HTTYD) 88676 200.37 (+0.49)          Planes, Trains and Automobiles (PTAUT) 150000 13.43 (-0.07)          Shrek 5 (SHRK5) 5 155.47 (+0.22)          Planes, Trains and Automobiles (PTAUT) 150000 13.43 (-0.07)          Verity (VERTY) 75000 41.57 (+1.57)          Heads of State (HDSST) 150000 14.99 (-0.08)          Heads of State (HDSST) 150000 14.99 (-0.08)          Regretting You (RGRTU) 150000 33.45 (+0.83)          Guys and Dolls (GUYDL) 150000 35.00 (0.00)          The Conjuring: Last Rites (CNJU4) 150000 59.33 (+0.25)          Guys and Dolls (GUYDL) 50000 35.00 (0.00)          Downton Abbey 3 (DWTA3) 150000 31.19 (-0.01)          The Damned (DAMND) 150000 2.30 (+0.34)          Alpha Gang (ALPHG) 150000 5.93 (-0.01)          Alpha Gang (ALPHG) 150000 5.93 (-0.01)          Guys and Dolls (GUYDL) 150000 35.00 (0.00)          Lunik Heist (LUNIK) 15000 19.01 (+1.91)          Frozen III (FROZ3) 362 265.47 (-0.84)          Running Man (TRUNM) 150000 81.79 (+0.43)          Predator: Badlands (PRED6) 150000 56.68 (+0.17)          Alita: Battle Angel 2 (ALIT2) 25000 29.61 (+1.98)          Now You See Me 3 (NYSM3) 150000 36.62 (+0.13)          Zootopia 2 (ZOOT2) 150000 223.80 (+1.15)          Anaconda (ANAC3) 150000 48.65 (+0.35)          Freaky Tales (FRKYT) 21000 4.66 (-0.01)          The Housemaid (HMAID) 150000 38.80 (+0.22)          Jumanji sequel (JUMN3) 10 102.72 (+0.27)          Warfare (WARFR) 150000 30.98 (+0.02)          Nosferatu (NOSFR) 150000 75.37 (+2.85)          Panic Carefully (PNCRF) 150000 18.81 (+0.05)          Panic Carefully (PNCRF) 150000 18.81 (+0.05)          Homestead (HMSTD) 150000 18.30 (+0.54)          Homestead (HMSTD) 150000 18.30 (+0.54)          28 Years Later: The Bone Temple (28LT4) 150000 75.40 (+0.25)          Babygirl (BBGRL) 150000 24.58 (+1.90)          Babygirl (BBGRL) 150000 24.58 (+1.90)          Verity (VERTY) 50000 41.57 (+1.57)          Sherlock Holmes 3 (HOLM3) 98402 13.34 (-0.05)          Sherlock Holmes 3 (HOLM3) 110000 13.34 (-0.05)          Sherlock Holmes 3 (HOLM3) 51598 13.34 (-0.05)          Wuthering Heights (WUTHR) 150000 38.76 (+0.21)