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Lunik Heist (LUNIK) 20000 20.23 (+2.09)          Guys and Dolls (GUYDL) 65029 36.39 (-2.14)          The Man with the Bag (TMWTB) 46861 28.36 (+1.71)          Guys and Dolls (GUYDL) 10000 36.39 (-2.14)          Together (TGETR) 75000 5.04 (-0.90)          Verity (VERTY) 70459 38.67 (-2.27)          Together (TGETR) 75000 5.04 (-0.90)          Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (SONC3) 150000 212.47 (+1.17)          Belly of the Beast (BELYB) 50000 7.46 (+0.03)          Together (TGETR) 35099 5.04 (-0.90)          Belly of the Beast (BELYB) 50000 7.46 (+0.03)          Belly of the Beast (BELYB) 50000 7.46 (+0.03)          Peter Hujar’s Day (HUJAR) 150000 1.65 (0.00)          Guys and Dolls (GUYDL) 66349 36.39 (-2.14)          Belly of the Beast (BELYB) 50000 7.46 (+0.03)          Better Man (BETRM) 25000 15.24 (-1.09)          The Horror Fund 9 (SPOOK) 20000 24.69 (-0.09)          Guys and Dolls (GUYDL) 95854 36.39 (-2.14)          The Family Business Fund V (GENES) 20000 26.01 (+0.02)          Belly of the Beast (BELYB) 50000 7.46 (+0.03)          Mortal Kombat 2 (MKMB2) 150000 39.72 (+0.13)          Guys and Dolls (GUYDL) 25000 36.39 (-2.14)          Opus (OPUS) 150000 15.84 (+0.75)          Nia DaCosta (NDACO) 25000 53.06 (+0.33)          The Thing with Feathers (TWFTH) 50000 1.65 (+0.05)          Nickel Boys (NICKB) 150000 3.37 (+0.19)          The Prosecutor (PRSCT) 150000 1.63 (-0.08)          Grendel (GREND) 150000 22.13 (+1.40)          Lunik Heist (LUNIK) 150000 20.23 (+2.09)          The Thing with Feathers (TWFTH) 50000 1.65 (+0.05)          Nickel Boys (NICKB) 150000 3.37 (+0.19)          The Man with the Bag (TMWTB) 149569 28.36 (+1.71)          The Thing with Feathers (TWFTH) 50000 1.65 (+0.05)          28 Years Later (28LT3) 150000 109.25 (+0.23)          Headhunters (HDHUN) 150000 23.16 (+0.82)          The Thing with Feathers (TWFTH) 50000 1.65 (+0.05)          Cillian Murphy (CMURP) 25000 88.77 (+0.25)          Lunik Heist (LUNIK) 80000 20.23 (+2.09)          The Thing with Feathers (TWFTH) 50000 1.65 (+0.05)          28 Years Later: The Bone Temple (28LT4) 150000 75.20 (+0.08)          The Thing with Feathers (TWFTH) 50000 1.65 (+0.05)          Lunik Heist (LUNIK) 150000 20.23 (+2.09)          CBS: Watson (WATSON) 25000 12.14 (+0.21)          The Brutalist (BRUTL) 150000 6.90 (+0.20)          CBS: Watson (WATSON) 25000 12.14 (+0.21)          Masters of the Universe (HEMAN) 150000 68.33 (+0.20)          Moana (MOAN1) 130000 190.88 (+0.96)          Find Me (CMBY2) 150000 0.02 (-0.02)          Love Me (LOVME) 50000 4.78 (+0.20)          Verity (VERTY) 75000 38.67 (-2.27)