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Heart Eyes (HRTEY) 150000 22.39 (+0.06)          Rule Breakers (RULBR) 10000 4.88 (-0.05)          Frozen III (FROZ3) 5000 255.25 (-0.25)          Grendel (GREND) 150000 22.55 (+0.08)          Wolfs (WOLFS) 150000 0.77 (-0.10)          Greenhouse aka The Uninhabitable (GRENH) 150000 32.83 (-0.13)          Last Breath (LBRTH) 50 18.29 (-0.98)          Ice Age 6 (ICEA6) 96541 76.51 (+3.96)          King (KING) 150000 5.00 (0.00)          Fixed (FIXED) 150000 8.56 (-0.03)          Sonic the Hedgehog 3 H$70 Put (SONC3.PU) 25000 2.00 (0.00)          Jumanji sequel (JUMN3) 5000 91.00 (+0.01)          Get Away (GAWAY) 150000 2.00 (-0.11)          Hoppers (HOPPR) 4000 110.64 (0.00)          Sonic the Hedgehog 3 H$70 Call (SONC3.CA) 25000 2.00 (0.00)          Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - Opening W (SONC3.OW) 100000 70.00 (0.00)          Day Drinker (DRNKR) 149998 12.92 (+1.42)          Mufasa: The Lion King H$70 Put (LION2.PU) 25000 2.00 (0.00)          Rebuilding (RBULD) 100000 1.72 (0.00)          Day Drinker (DRNKR) 149998 12.92 (+1.42)          Homestead - Opening Weekend (HMSTD.OW) 100000 5.00 (0.00)          The Gallerist (GALRS) 149998 17.40 (-1.86)          Mufasa: The Lion King H$70 Call (LION2.CA) 25000 2.00 (0.00)          The Gallerist (GALRS) 149998 17.40 (-1.86)          King (KING) 28497 5.00 (0.00)          Mufasa: The Lion King - Opening (LION2.OW) 100000 70.00 (0.00)          Last Breath (LBRTH) 149998 18.29 (-0.98)          Ernest Cole: Lost and Found (ECLAF) 150000 0.34 (-0.02)          The Horror Fund 9 (SPOOK) 20000 20.13 (+0.08)          Standing on the Shoulders of Kit (SOTSK) 100000 2.21 (+0.44)          Emmanuelle (EMANU) 150000 1.50 (-0.02)          King (KING) 150000 5.00 (0.00)          Parthenope (PRTNP) 20000 2.14 (-0.03)          Paper Tiger (PTIGR) 149998 22.95 (+1.36)          The Gallerist (GALRS) 50 17.40 (-1.86)          Armand (ARMAN) 20000 1.32 (0.00)          The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Loo (DTEBU) 2 27.75 (+2.26)          Bethlehem (BTLHM) 150000 32.50 (+0.09)          The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Loo (DTEBU) 250 27.75 (+2.26)          Y2K - Opening Weekend (Y2K.OW) 100000 5.61 (-0.04)          Bethlehem (BTLHM) 149998 32.50 (+0.09)          Inheritance (NHTNC) 20000 2.85 (0.00)          King (KING) 50000 5.00 (0.00)          Crawl 2 (CRAW2) 150000 20.80 (-0.09)          Cleaner (CENER) 40921 9.01 (-0.18)          Ice Age 6 (ICEA6) 15000 76.51 (+3.96)          Cleopatra (CLEOP) 150000 35.64 (+0.31)          The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Loo (DTEBU) 150000 27.75 (+2.26)          Hard Truths (HTRUT) 21000 2.61 (0.00)          Emily Watson (EWATS) 12025 21.05 (+0.44)