
Member Since: Aug 20, 2017
Net Worth: H$1,644,890.88
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Securities Held: 5
Last Trade: Oct 5, 2017

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Death Of A Unicorn (DUNIC) 97798 31.41 (+0.22)          Michael Pena (MPENA) 25000 33.99 (-0.12)          Donald Glover (DOGLO) 25 224.90 (-1.50)          Ben Schwartz (BSCHW) 5 129.44 (-1.01)          You Should Be Dancing aka Untitl (BEEGE) 100 20.15 (+0.10)          The Dog Stars (DOGST) 10 54.86 (+0.10)          Selena Gomez (SGOME) 5 88.89 (-0.12)          Oh, Hi! (OHHI) 150000 2.33 (+0.05)          Screamboat (SCMBT) 150000 4.55 (+0.16)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 100000 34.11 (+1.15)          Pete Davidson (PDAVI) 25000 48.30 (+0.16)          Ash (ASH) 150000 3.84 (+0.10)          I Can Only Imagine 2 (ICOI2) 50000 31.54 (+0.06)          Ash (ASH) 150000 3.84 (+0.10)          One of Them Days (1OTDS) 150000 18.62 (-0.94)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 1 34.11 (+1.15)          Mike Flanagan (MFLAN) 100 30.62 (+0.62)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 73354 34.11 (+1.15)          Cliff Curtis (CCURT) 25000 83.29 (-0.50)          Ghostbusters animated (GBUST) 100000 16.35 (+1.44)          Cliff Curtis (CCURT) 25000 83.29 (-0.50)          You Should Be Dancing aka Untitl (BEEGE) 130000 20.15 (+0.10)          Demon Slayer: Infinity Castle (DSIC1) 150000 23.86 (-2.04)          The Gutter (GUTER) 150000 0.10 (-0.04)          Simu Liu (SLIU) 25000 131.47 (-0.66)          Legally Blonde 3 (BLON3) 100000 16.52 (-0.08)          Simu Liu (SLIU) 25000 131.47 (-0.66)          Blitz (BLTZ) 150000 0.03 (-0.04)          Corey Hawkins (CHAWK) 25000 57.63 (-0.16)          Zoe Saldana (ZSALD) 25000 132.95 (-0.66)          Selena Gomez (SGOME) 25000 88.89 (-0.12)          Plainclothes (PLNCL) 150000 1.82 (-0.18)          The Dog Stars (DOGST) 150000 54.86 (+0.10)          You Should Be Dancing aka Untitl (BEEGE) 150000 20.15 (+0.10)          Ben Schwartz (BSCHW) 25000 129.44 (-1.01)          Donald Glover (DOGLO) 25000 224.90 (-1.50)          Eric Bana (EBANA) 25000 13.75 (+0.20)          Idris Elba (IELBA) 25000 98.05 (-0.27)          Screamboat (SCMBT) 1 4.55 (+0.16)          Jim Carrey (JCARR) 25000 124.90 (-0.67)          James Marsden (JMARS) 25000 131.45 (-1.33)          Kelvin Harrison Jr. (KHARR) 25000 70.55 (+0.28)          Mads Mikkelsen (MMIKK) 25000 91.81 (-0.25)          Neal McDonough (NMCDO) 25000 11.36 (+0.90)          Thandiwe Newton (TNEWT) 25000 81.83 (-0.75)          Tika Sumpter (TSUMP) 25000 114.31 (-0.33)          Ghostbusters animated (GBUST) 20000 16.35 (+1.44)          Demon Slayer: Infinity Castle (DSIC1) 150000 23.86 (-2.04)          Blitz (BLTZ) 150000 0.03 (-0.04)          Barry Jenkins (BJENK) 25000 58.01 (-0.16)