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Mickey 17 aka Mickey7 (MCKY7) 99 87.88 (-0.91)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 108529 80.10 (+5.09)          Pharrell Williams (PWILL) 250 133.76 (-0.33)          Gladiator II (GLAD2) 500 167.44 (-3.06)          Mickey 17 aka Mickey7 (MCKY7) 99 87.88 (-0.91)          Avengers: Doomsday (AVNG5) 5000 451.40 (+1.27)          All of You (ALOFU) 15000 0.82 (+0.02)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 48777 80.10 (+5.09)          Inheritance (NHTNC) 10000 2.37 (+0.02)          Lips Like Sugar (LIPLS) 4000 5.95 (+0.05)          Blade (BLAD1) 2089 89.23 (-0.94)          Flow (FLOW) 150000 5.31 (+3.06)          Marlon Wayans (MWAYA) 1 25.00 (0.00)          Mission: Impossible - The Final (MISS8) 82048 163.85 (+0.06)          Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (SONC3) 150000 169.38 (+0.70)          Tow (TOW) 3000 4.89 (-0.01)          Flow (FLOW) 889 5.31 (+3.06)          Jazzy (JAZZY) 10000 1.04 (-0.01)          Greenhouse aka The Uninhabitable (GRENH) 150000 32.96 (-0.10)          Father, Mother, Sister, Brother (FMSB) 5000 2.56 (-0.01)          Everything’s Going to Be Great (EGTBG) 5000 2.14 (-0.01)          Conception (CNCPT) 6000 2.92 (-0.01)          Flow (FLOW) 888 5.31 (+3.06)          Savage House (SVGHS) 10000 1.19 (-0.02)          The Housekeeper (HSKPR) 2000 7.77 (-0.02)          Blade (BLAD1) 2996 89.23 (-0.94)          CC: Emily (CCEML) 2000 7.04 (-0.02)          Welcome to the Jungle (WLCM3) 10000 1.75 (-0.03)          O'Dessa (ODESA) 3000 4.36 (-0.03)          Late Fame (LTFAM) 4000 3.52 (-0.04)          Spider-Man Untitled (SPID9) 109 355.18 (-1.12)          Gladiator II (GLAD2) 150000 167.44 (-3.06)          The Wedding Banquet (TWEDB) 22000 8.83 (-0.24)          The Man in the White Van (MITWV) 149990 1.15 (+0.03)          Pirates of the Caribbean 6 (PIRT6) 9997 44.15 (-1.99)          Wicked (WICKD) 3456 306.86 (+0.96)          Ernest Cole: Lost and Found (ECLAF) 149990 0.46 (+0.03)          Wicked (WICKD) 8765 306.86 (+0.96)          Pirates of the Caribbean 6 (PIRT6) 10003 44.15 (-1.99)          Wicked (WICKD) 9999 306.86 (+0.96)          Wicked (WICKD) 4545 306.86 (+0.96)          Gladiator II (GLAD2) 95 167.44 (-3.06)          The Last Adventures Of Constance (CVERT) 30000 1.26 (+0.01)          Watch Dogs (WTDOG) 2000 20.37 (+0.02)          Primate (PRIMT) 2000 15.62 (+0.02)          Gladiator II (GLAD2) 105 167.44 (-3.06)          Metal Men (METAL) 2000 14.05 (+0.02)          Idris Elba (IELBA) 25000 83.66 (+0.50)          Hypno-Hustler (HYPHU) 2000 17.22 (+0.02)          Captain America: Brave New World (CAPA4) 150000 216.23 (+0.89)