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Alessandro Nivola (ANIVO) 25000 7.56 (+0.10)          Michelle Dockery (MDOCK) 25000 38.34 (+3.56)          Michelle Dockery (MDOCK) 25000 38.34 (+3.56)          CBS: Matlock (MATLOC) 25000 14.81 (-0.14)          Andy Serkis (ASERK) 25000 125.96 (-33.27)          Andy Serkis (ASERK) 25000 125.96 (-33.27)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 24999 81.85 (+2.09)          Chairman Spaceman (CSPCM) 150000 1.04 (0.00)          Andrew Stanton (ANSTA) 25000 178.43 (+1.50)          Tom Hanks (THANK) 25000 53.65 (-1.71)          The Silent Hour (SLNHR) 150000 2.52 (-0.03)          Wicked (WICKD) 1 306.32 (-3.75)          Andy Warhol biopic (WARHL) 10000 0.02 (0.00)          Wicked (WICKD) 10000 306.32 (-3.75)          Robin Wright (RWPEN) 25000 80.65 (+1.53)          NBC: St. Denis Medical (STDMED) 25000 10.87 (+0.21)          Paul Bettany (PBETT) 25000 145.21 (-0.64)          The Collaboration (COLAB) 150000 1.01 (-0.03)          NBC: St. Denis Medical (STDMED) 25000 10.87 (+0.21)          Lesley Manville (LMANV) 25000 14.04 (-0.72)          The Gauntlet (GNTLT) 143851 39.88 (-0.16)          Wicked (WICKD) 150000 306.32 (-3.75)          Jason Sudeikis (JSUDE) 25000 18.38 (-0.27)          ABC: Doctor Odyssey (DOCODY) 25000 12.59 (+0.21)          ABC: Doctor Odyssey (DOCODY) 25000 12.59 (+0.21)          Andy Serkis (ASERK) 25000 125.96 (-33.27)          Jason Mewes (JMEWE) 25000 4.08 (-0.30)          Liam Neeson (LNEES) 25000 3.29 (-0.12)          Robin Wright (RWPEN) 20000 80.65 (+1.53)          Kelly Reilly (KREIL) 25000 11.85 (-0.31)          Rebuilding (RBULD) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Robin Wright (RWPEN) 20000 80.65 (+1.53)          Michelle Dockery (MDOCK) 25000 38.34 (+3.56)          The Bad Guys 2 (TBAD2) 20000 85.76 (+0.65)          Michelle Dockery (MDOCK) 25000 38.34 (+3.56)          Flight Risk (FLTRS) 150000 29.31 (-0.03)          Rebuilding (RBULD) 20000 2.00 (0.00)          The Unbreakable Boy (UNBOY) 150000 5.59 (+1.61)          The Unbreakable Boy (UNBOY) 150000 5.59 (+1.61)          Scary Movie 6 (SCAR6) 150000 32.95 (+3.36)          Gladiator II (GLAD2) 1 164.24 (-1.10)          Rebuilding (RBULD) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          The Man with the Bag (TMWTB) 25000 25.48 (-0.66)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 6310 81.85 (+2.09)          The Man with the Bag (TMWTB) 75000 25.48 (-0.66)          Bonhoeffer (BNHFR) 150000 14.04 (+1.57)          Tom Hanks (THANK) 25000 53.65 (-1.71)          Moana 2 - Opening Weekend Wed-Su (MOAN2.OW) 470 144.16 (+3.21)          Tom Hanks (THANK) 25000 53.65 (-1.71)          The Super Mario Bros. Movie 2 (MARI2) 148193 371.14 (+0.28)