
Member Since: Mar 16, 2007
Net Worth: H$31,137,984.06
Rank: 9,885 (43.4%)
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Last Trade: Feb 22, 2020

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The Comeback Trail (CMBKT) 150000 0.22 (+0.04)          Home (HOME1) 149999 17.77 (-0.23)          The Comeback Trail (CMBKT) 150000 0.22 (+0.04)          Home (HOME1) 150000 17.77 (-0.23)          The Memory Police (TMEMP) 149975 9.82 (-0.04)          Adria Arjona (AARJO) 6467 36.88 (-0.03)          Clayface (CLAYF) 150000 53.08 (+0.30)          Clayface (CLAYF) 149999 53.08 (+0.30)          The Dog Stars (DOGST) 231 51.07 (0.00)          Monopoly (MONOP) 150000 7.59 (-0.03)          Clayface (CLAYF) 140000 53.08 (+0.30)          Flight Risk (FLTRS) 150000 27.79 (+0.19)          Rosebush Pruning (RPRUN) 150000 3.83 (-0.05)          Hard Truths (HTRUT) 150000 3.53 (+0.05)          Rosebush Pruning (RPRUN) 150000 3.83 (-0.05)          The Beast (TBEAS) 1 13.78 (-0.02)          The Beast (TBEAS) 1 13.78 (-0.02)          Black Bag (BLCBG) 16668 28.36 (+0.11)          The Room Next Door (TRND) 150000 4.87 (+0.02)          The Room Next Door (TRND) 150000 4.87 (+0.02)          Bruce Lee (BRLEE) 1 19.42 (-0.04)          Bruce Lee (BRLEE) 1 19.42 (-0.04)          I Heart Murder (IHMUR) 1 2.83 (0.00)          I Heart Murder (IHMUR) 1 2.83 (0.00)          Pillion (PILON) 150000 4.01 (-0.07)          Pillion (PILON) 150000 4.01 (-0.07)          Fackham Hall (FACKH) 1 4.09 (-0.07)          Fackham Hall (FACKH) 1 4.09 (-0.07)          In The Lost Lands (INTLL) 150000 8.35 (-0.11)          In The Lost Lands (INTLL) 150000 8.35 (-0.11)          Suicide by Sunlight aka Untitled (SCBSL) 150000 11.92 (-0.12)          Suicide by Sunlight aka Untitled (SCBSL) 150000 11.92 (-0.12)          The Rivals Of Amziah King (TROAK) 150000 4.87 (-0.02)          Becoming Led Zeppelin (BLZEP) 150000 3.44 (+0.06)          Becoming Led Zeppelin (BLZEP) 150000 3.44 (+0.06)          Hot Spot (HTSPT) 150000 4.07 (-0.15)          Hot Spot (HTSPT) 150000 4.07 (-0.15)          Reykjavik (REYKJ) 150000 3.27 (-0.08)          Reykjavik (REYKJ) 150000 3.27 (-0.08)          Moana 2 $360 Blockbuster Warrant (MOAN2.BW) 25000 16.90 (+0.21)          Joni MItchell biopic (JONIM) 150000 13.60 (-0.14)          Joni MItchell biopic (JONIM) 150000 13.60 (-0.14)          They Follow aka It Follows 2 (TFLW2) 150000 10.70 (-0.12)          They Follow aka It Follows 2 (TFLW2) 150000 10.70 (-0.12)          If I Had Legs I'd Kick You (IHLKY) 150000 4.46 (-0.09)          The Rivals Of Amziah King (TROAK) 150000 4.87 (-0.02)          If I Had Legs I'd Kick You (IHLKY) 150000 4.46 (-0.09)          Planes, Trains and Automobiles (PTAUT) 150000 13.78 (-0.10)          Planes, Trains and Automobiles (PTAUT) 150000 13.78 (-0.10)          Train Dreams (TRDRM) 150000 5.02 (-0.01)