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Guys and Dolls (GUYDL) 25000 37.85 (-0.68)          The Matrix 5 (MTRX5) 149999 36.55 (-0.45)          Lobo (LOBO) 40000 23.96 (-0.55)          The Matrix 5 (MTRX5) 149999 36.55 (-0.45)          Tower of Terror (TOWRT) 149999 18.36 (-0.28)          The Thing with Feathers (TWFTH) 150000 1.67 (+0.07)          The Thing with Feathers (TWFTH) 149999 1.67 (+0.07)          The Thing with Feathers (TWFTH) 149999 1.67 (+0.07)          Armor Wars (ARMWR) 5000 47.39 (0.00)          The Thing with Feathers (TWFTH) 150000 1.67 (+0.07)          Armor Wars (ARMWR) 200 47.39 (0.00)          Barbarella (BARBA) 21000 45.80 (+0.02)          Love Me (LOVME) 149999 4.78 (+0.20)          Blade (BLAD1) 3000 72.43 (+0.01)          Opus (OPUS) 150000 15.38 (+0.29)          Love Me (LOVME) 150000 4.78 (+0.20)          Alita: Battle Angel 2 (ALIT2) 10000 32.09 (+0.02)          Lunik Heist (LUNIK) 150000 18.90 (+0.76)          The Housemaid (HMAID) 600 38.96 (0.00)          The Housemaid (HMAID) 1200 38.96 (0.00)          Lunik Heist (LUNIK) 50000 18.90 (+0.76)          Grendel (GREND) 149999 21.27 (+0.54)          Tower of Terror (TOWRT) 80000 18.36 (-0.28)          Grendel (GREND) 150000 21.27 (+0.54)          Lunik Heist (LUNIK) 50000 18.90 (+0.76)          September 5 (SEPT5) 150000 14.65 (+0.71)          Lunik Heist (LUNIK) 100000 18.90 (+0.76)          Grendel (GREND) 150000 21.27 (+0.54)          The Matrix 5 (MTRX5) 150000 36.55 (-0.45)          Lobo (LOBO) 150000 23.96 (-0.55)          Lobo (LOBO) 150000 23.96 (-0.55)          Lobo (LOBO) 150000 23.96 (-0.55)          Lunik Heist (LUNIK) 50000 18.90 (+0.76)          Superman (SUPRM) 121307 246.34 (0.00)          Lobo (LOBO) 150000 23.96 (-0.55)          Lobo (LOBO) 150000 23.96 (-0.55)          Lobo (LOBO) 150000 23.96 (-0.55)          Lobo (LOBO) 150000 23.96 (-0.55)          Headhunters (HDHUN) 50000 22.35 (+0.01)          Rege-Jean Page (RPAGE) 1999 35.52 (0.00)          Superman (SUPRM) 121307 246.34 (0.00)          Lunik Heist (LUNIK) 150000 18.90 (+0.76)          Rege-Jean Page (RPAGE) 1999 35.52 (0.00)          Guys and Dolls (GUYDL) 150000 37.85 (-0.68)          Lobo (LOBO) 29999 23.96 (-0.55)          Verity (VERTY) 150000 40.48 (-0.46)          You Should Be Dancing aka Untitl (BEEGE) 50000 19.94 (-0.01)          The Matrix 5 (MTRX5) 150000 36.55 (-0.45)          Guys and Dolls (GUYDL) 150000 37.85 (-0.68)          Together (TGETR) 49999 5.72 (-0.22)