Hannah Montana & Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert

Delist Date:Feb 25, 2008
MPAA Rating:G
Release Date:Feb 1, 2008


Fans who missed out on seeing the Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert Tour live will get a second chance in theaters. Performances will be captured in 3-D at several venues during its 54-city tour. Miley Cyrus will perform as both herself and as her TV character, Hannah Montana. The concert film is directed by Bruce Hendricks.

Note: Since the film is scheduled to play for only one week, this MovieStock will halt and adjust using a 1.0 mutiplier if it opens on more than 650 theaters.



Walt Disney



Hannah Montana & Miley Cyrus: Be (HMMCB)

H$61.95 February 25, 2008

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Trading Volume on HSX (Today): 0

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This Week H$58.87 H$55.07
This Month H$58.87 H$23.46
This Season H$58.87 H$3.83
This Year H$58.87 H$3.83

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O'Shea Jackson Jr. (OJACK) 20000 52.65 (-0.16)          Frankenstein (FRNST) 150000 3.67 (-0.50)          Last Breath (LBRTH) 150000 19.13 (-0.27)          Fablehaven (FBLHV) 150000 21.71 (-1.72)          The Rule of Jenny Pen (TROJP) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Frankenstein (FRNST) 150000 3.67 (-0.50)          Jack Ryan (RYAN1) 149999 60.52 (+0.40)          Last Breath (LBRTH) 150000 19.13 (-0.27)          Frankenstein (FRNST) 150000 3.67 (-0.50)          Jack Ryan (RYAN1) 149999 60.52 (+0.40)          Turn Me On (TMEON) 8000 0.01 (-0.01)          Queen of the Ring (QUOTR) 150000 1.00 (0.00)          The Rule of Jenny Pen (TROJP) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Samo Lives (SAMOL) 8000 0.01 (0.00)          Untitled Event Film Directed by (UEFDD) 5000 90.64 (-0.42)          The Phoenician Scheme (TPSCH) 15000 16.57 (-1.13)          Queen of the Ring (QUOTR) 150000 1.00 (0.00)          Dreamquil (DRMQL) 150000 4.57 (+0.26)          Dreamquil (DRMQL) 150000 4.57 (+0.26)          The Rule of Jenny Pen (TROJP) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Fablehaven (FBLHV) 10000 21.71 (-1.72)          North Star aka My Mother's Weddi (MMWED) 150000 1.31 (+0.71)          Rosa Salazar (RSALA) 25000 71.53 (-1.30)          North Star aka My Mother's Weddi (MMWED) 150000 1.31 (+0.71)          Rosa Salazar (RSALA) 25000 71.53 (-1.30)          Christopher Abbott (CABBO) 25000 14.99 (-1.21)          Riff Raff (RIFRF) 150000 9.87 (+0.91)          Riff Raff (RIFRF) 150000 9.87 (+0.91)          Christopher Abbott (CABBO) 25000 14.99 (-1.21)          100 Nights of Hero (100NH) 25000 15.19 (-0.84)          North Star aka My Mother's Weddi (MMWED) 1 1.31 (+0.71)          Mason Thames (MTHAM) 25000 102.26 (+2.26)          100 Nights of Hero (100NH) 25000 15.19 (-0.84)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 150000 5.78 (+1.02)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 150000 5.78 (+1.02)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 150000 5.78 (+1.02)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 25000 5.78 (+1.02)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 150000 5.78 (+1.02)          Mason Thames (MTHAM) 25000 102.26 (+2.26)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 25000 5.78 (+1.02)          Christopher Abbott (CABBO) 25000 14.99 (-1.21)          Christopher Abbott (CABBO) 25000 14.99 (-1.21)          Tron: Ares (TRON3) 10000 119.38 (-0.13)          Riff Raff (RIFRF) 25000 9.87 (+0.91)          Riff Raff (RIFRF) 25000 9.87 (+0.91)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 150000 45.70 (+0.40)          The Dog Stars (DOGST) 149996 46.96 (+0.18)          The Dog Stars (DOGST) 149999 46.96 (+0.18)          Rosa Salazar (RSALA) 25000 71.53 (-1.30)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 150000 45.70 (+0.40)          O'Shea Jackson Jr. (OJACK) 20000 52.65 (-0.16)          Frankenstein (FRNST) 150000 3.67 (-0.50)          Last Breath (LBRTH) 150000 19.13 (-0.27)          Fablehaven (FBLHV) 150000 21.71 (-1.72)          The Rule of Jenny Pen (TROJP) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Frankenstein (FRNST) 150000 3.67 (-0.50)          Jack Ryan (RYAN1) 149999 60.52 (+0.40)          Last Breath (LBRTH) 150000 19.13 (-0.27)          Frankenstein (FRNST) 150000 3.67 (-0.50)          Jack Ryan (RYAN1) 149999 60.52 (+0.40)          Turn Me On (TMEON) 8000 0.01 (-0.01)          Queen of the Ring (QUOTR) 150000 1.00 (0.00)          The Rule of Jenny Pen (TROJP) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Samo Lives (SAMOL) 8000 0.01 (0.00)          Untitled Event Film Directed by (UEFDD) 5000 90.64 (-0.42)          The Phoenician Scheme (TPSCH) 15000 16.57 (-1.13)          Queen of the Ring (QUOTR) 150000 1.00 (0.00)          Dreamquil (DRMQL) 150000 4.57 (+0.26)          Dreamquil (DRMQL) 150000 4.57 (+0.26)          The Rule of Jenny Pen (TROJP) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Fablehaven (FBLHV) 10000 21.71 (-1.72)          North Star aka My Mother's Weddi (MMWED) 150000 1.31 (+0.71)          Rosa Salazar (RSALA) 25000 71.53 (-1.30)          North Star aka My Mother's Weddi (MMWED) 150000 1.31 (+0.71)          Rosa Salazar (RSALA) 25000 71.53 (-1.30)          Christopher Abbott (CABBO) 25000 14.99 (-1.21)          Riff Raff (RIFRF) 150000 9.87 (+0.91)          Riff Raff (RIFRF) 150000 9.87 (+0.91)          Christopher Abbott (CABBO) 25000 14.99 (-1.21)          100 Nights of Hero (100NH) 25000 15.19 (-0.84)          North Star aka My Mother's Weddi (MMWED) 1 1.31 (+0.71)          Mason Thames (MTHAM) 25000 102.26 (+2.26)          100 Nights of Hero (100NH) 25000 15.19 (-0.84)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 150000 5.78 (+1.02)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 150000 5.78 (+1.02)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 150000 5.78 (+1.02)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 25000 5.78 (+1.02)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 150000 5.78 (+1.02)          Mason Thames (MTHAM) 25000 102.26 (+2.26)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 25000 5.78 (+1.02)          Christopher Abbott (CABBO) 25000 14.99 (-1.21)          Christopher Abbott (CABBO) 25000 14.99 (-1.21)          Tron: Ares (TRON3) 10000 119.38 (-0.13)          Riff Raff (RIFRF) 25000 9.87 (+0.91)          Riff Raff (RIFRF) 25000 9.87 (+0.91)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 150000 45.70 (+0.40)          The Dog Stars (DOGST) 149996 46.96 (+0.18)          The Dog Stars (DOGST) 149999 46.96 (+0.18)          Rosa Salazar (RSALA) 25000 71.53 (-1.30)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 150000 45.70 (+0.40)          O'Shea Jackson Jr. (OJACK) 20000 52.65 (-0.16)          Frankenstein (FRNST) 150000 3.67 (-0.50)          Last Breath (LBRTH) 150000 19.13 (-0.27)          Fablehaven (FBLHV) 150000 21.71 (-1.72)          The Rule of Jenny Pen (TROJP) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Frankenstein (FRNST) 150000 3.67 (-0.50)          Jack Ryan (RYAN1) 149999 60.52 (+0.40)          Last Breath (LBRTH) 150000 19.13 (-0.27)          Frankenstein (FRNST) 150000 3.67 (-0.50)          Jack Ryan (RYAN1) 149999 60.52 (+0.40)          Turn Me On (TMEON) 8000 0.01 (-0.01)          Queen of the Ring (QUOTR) 150000 1.00 (0.00)          The Rule of Jenny Pen (TROJP) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Samo Lives (SAMOL) 8000 0.01 (0.00)          Untitled Event Film Directed by (UEFDD) 5000 90.64 (-0.42)          The Phoenician Scheme (TPSCH) 15000 16.57 (-1.13)          Queen of the Ring (QUOTR) 150000 1.00 (0.00)          Dreamquil (DRMQL) 150000 4.57 (+0.26)          Dreamquil (DRMQL) 150000 4.57 (+0.26)          The Rule of Jenny Pen (TROJP) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Fablehaven (FBLHV) 10000 21.71 (-1.72)          North Star aka My Mother's Weddi (MMWED) 150000 1.31 (+0.71)          Rosa Salazar (RSALA) 25000 71.53 (-1.30)          North Star aka My Mother's Weddi (MMWED) 150000 1.31 (+0.71)          Rosa Salazar (RSALA) 25000 71.53 (-1.30)          Christopher Abbott (CABBO) 25000 14.99 (-1.21)          Riff Raff (RIFRF) 150000 9.87 (+0.91)          Riff Raff (RIFRF) 150000 9.87 (+0.91)          Christopher Abbott (CABBO) 25000 14.99 (-1.21)          100 Nights of Hero (100NH) 25000 15.19 (-0.84)          North Star aka My Mother's Weddi (MMWED) 1 1.31 (+0.71)          Mason Thames (MTHAM) 25000 102.26 (+2.26)          100 Nights of Hero (100NH) 25000 15.19 (-0.84)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 150000 5.78 (+1.02)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 150000 5.78 (+1.02)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 150000 5.78 (+1.02)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 25000 5.78 (+1.02)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 150000 5.78 (+1.02)          Mason Thames (MTHAM) 25000 102.26 (+2.26)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 25000 5.78 (+1.02)          Christopher Abbott (CABBO) 25000 14.99 (-1.21)          Christopher Abbott (CABBO) 25000 14.99 (-1.21)          Tron: Ares (TRON3) 10000 119.38 (-0.13)          Riff Raff (RIFRF) 25000 9.87 (+0.91)          Riff Raff (RIFRF) 25000 9.87 (+0.91)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 150000 45.70 (+0.40)          The Dog Stars (DOGST) 149996 46.96 (+0.18)          The Dog Stars (DOGST) 149999 46.96 (+0.18)          Rosa Salazar (RSALA) 25000 71.53 (-1.30)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 150000 45.70 (+0.40)          O'Shea Jackson Jr. (OJACK) 20000 52.65 (-0.16)          Frankenstein (FRNST) 150000 3.67 (-0.50)          Last Breath (LBRTH) 150000 19.13 (-0.27)          Fablehaven (FBLHV) 150000 21.71 (-1.72)          The Rule of Jenny Pen (TROJP) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Frankenstein (FRNST) 150000 3.67 (-0.50)          Jack Ryan (RYAN1) 149999 60.52 (+0.40)          Last Breath (LBRTH) 150000 19.13 (-0.27)          Frankenstein (FRNST) 150000 3.67 (-0.50)          Jack Ryan (RYAN1) 149999 60.52 (+0.40)          Turn Me On (TMEON) 8000 0.01 (-0.01)          Queen of the Ring (QUOTR) 150000 1.00 (0.00)          The Rule of Jenny Pen (TROJP) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Samo Lives (SAMOL) 8000 0.01 (0.00)          Untitled Event Film Directed by (UEFDD) 5000 90.64 (-0.42)          The Phoenician Scheme (TPSCH) 15000 16.57 (-1.13)          Queen of the Ring (QUOTR) 150000 1.00 (0.00)          Dreamquil (DRMQL) 150000 4.57 (+0.26)          Dreamquil (DRMQL) 150000 4.57 (+0.26)          The Rule of Jenny Pen (TROJP) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Fablehaven (FBLHV) 10000 21.71 (-1.72)          North Star aka My Mother's Weddi (MMWED) 150000 1.31 (+0.71)          Rosa Salazar (RSALA) 25000 71.53 (-1.30)          North Star aka My Mother's Weddi (MMWED) 150000 1.31 (+0.71)          Rosa Salazar (RSALA) 25000 71.53 (-1.30)          Christopher Abbott (CABBO) 25000 14.99 (-1.21)          Riff Raff (RIFRF) 150000 9.87 (+0.91)          Riff Raff (RIFRF) 150000 9.87 (+0.91)          Christopher Abbott (CABBO) 25000 14.99 (-1.21)          100 Nights of Hero (100NH) 25000 15.19 (-0.84)          North Star aka My Mother's Weddi (MMWED) 1 1.31 (+0.71)          Mason Thames (MTHAM) 25000 102.26 (+2.26)          100 Nights of Hero (100NH) 25000 15.19 (-0.84)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 150000 5.78 (+1.02)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 150000 5.78 (+1.02)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 150000 5.78 (+1.02)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 25000 5.78 (+1.02)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 150000 5.78 (+1.02)          Mason Thames (MTHAM) 25000 102.26 (+2.26)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 25000 5.78 (+1.02)          Christopher Abbott (CABBO) 25000 14.99 (-1.21)          Christopher Abbott (CABBO) 25000 14.99 (-1.21)          Tron: Ares (TRON3) 10000 119.38 (-0.13)          Riff Raff (RIFRF) 25000 9.87 (+0.91)          Riff Raff (RIFRF) 25000 9.87 (+0.91)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 150000 45.70 (+0.40)          The Dog Stars (DOGST) 149996 46.96 (+0.18)          The Dog Stars (DOGST) 149999 46.96 (+0.18)          Rosa Salazar (RSALA) 25000 71.53 (-1.30)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 150000 45.70 (+0.40)          O'Shea Jackson Jr. (OJACK) 20000 52.65 (-0.16)          Frankenstein (FRNST) 150000 3.67 (-0.50)          Last Breath (LBRTH) 150000 19.13 (-0.27)          Fablehaven (FBLHV) 150000 21.71 (-1.72)          The Rule of Jenny Pen (TROJP) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Frankenstein (FRNST) 150000 3.67 (-0.50)          Jack Ryan (RYAN1) 149999 60.52 (+0.40)          Last Breath (LBRTH) 150000 19.13 (-0.27)          Frankenstein (FRNST) 150000 3.67 (-0.50)          Jack Ryan (RYAN1) 149999 60.52 (+0.40)          Turn Me On (TMEON) 8000 0.01 (-0.01)          Queen of the Ring (QUOTR) 150000 1.00 (0.00)          The Rule of Jenny Pen (TROJP) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Samo Lives (SAMOL) 8000 0.01 (0.00)          Untitled Event Film Directed by (UEFDD) 5000 90.64 (-0.42)          The Phoenician Scheme (TPSCH) 15000 16.57 (-1.13)          Queen of the Ring (QUOTR) 150000 1.00 (0.00)          Dreamquil (DRMQL) 150000 4.57 (+0.26)          Dreamquil (DRMQL) 150000 4.57 (+0.26)          The Rule of Jenny Pen (TROJP) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Fablehaven (FBLHV) 10000 21.71 (-1.72)          North Star aka My Mother's Weddi (MMWED) 150000 1.31 (+0.71)          Rosa Salazar (RSALA) 25000 71.53 (-1.30)          North Star aka My Mother's Weddi (MMWED) 150000 1.31 (+0.71)          Rosa Salazar (RSALA) 25000 71.53 (-1.30)          Christopher Abbott (CABBO) 25000 14.99 (-1.21)          Riff Raff (RIFRF) 150000 9.87 (+0.91)          Riff Raff (RIFRF) 150000 9.87 (+0.91)          Christopher Abbott (CABBO) 25000 14.99 (-1.21)          100 Nights of Hero (100NH) 25000 15.19 (-0.84)          North Star aka My Mother's Weddi (MMWED) 1 1.31 (+0.71)          Mason Thames (MTHAM) 25000 102.26 (+2.26)          100 Nights of Hero (100NH) 25000 15.19 (-0.84)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 150000 5.78 (+1.02)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 150000 5.78 (+1.02)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 150000 5.78 (+1.02)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 25000 5.78 (+1.02)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 150000 5.78 (+1.02)          Mason Thames (MTHAM) 25000 102.26 (+2.26)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 25000 5.78 (+1.02)          Christopher Abbott (CABBO) 25000 14.99 (-1.21)          Christopher Abbott (CABBO) 25000 14.99 (-1.21)          Tron: Ares (TRON3) 10000 119.38 (-0.13)          Riff Raff (RIFRF) 25000 9.87 (+0.91)          Riff Raff (RIFRF) 25000 9.87 (+0.91)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 150000 45.70 (+0.40)          The Dog Stars (DOGST) 149996 46.96 (+0.18)          The Dog Stars (DOGST) 149999 46.96 (+0.18)          Rosa Salazar (RSALA) 25000 71.53 (-1.30)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 150000 45.70 (+0.40)          O'Shea Jackson Jr. (OJACK) 20000 52.65 (-0.16)          Frankenstein (FRNST) 150000 3.67 (-0.50)          Last Breath (LBRTH) 150000 19.13 (-0.27)          Fablehaven (FBLHV) 150000 21.71 (-1.72)          The Rule of Jenny Pen (TROJP) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Frankenstein (FRNST) 150000 3.67 (-0.50)          Jack Ryan (RYAN1) 149999 60.52 (+0.40)          Last Breath (LBRTH) 150000 19.13 (-0.27)          Frankenstein (FRNST) 150000 3.67 (-0.50)          Jack Ryan (RYAN1) 149999 60.52 (+0.40)          Turn Me On (TMEON) 8000 0.01 (-0.01)          Queen of the Ring (QUOTR) 150000 1.00 (0.00)          The Rule of Jenny Pen (TROJP) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Samo Lives (SAMOL) 8000 0.01 (0.00)          Untitled Event Film Directed by (UEFDD) 5000 90.64 (-0.42)          The Phoenician Scheme (TPSCH) 15000 16.57 (-1.13)          Queen of the Ring (QUOTR) 150000 1.00 (0.00)          Dreamquil (DRMQL) 150000 4.57 (+0.26)          Dreamquil (DRMQL) 150000 4.57 (+0.26)          The Rule of Jenny Pen (TROJP) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Fablehaven (FBLHV) 10000 21.71 (-1.72)          North Star aka My Mother's Weddi (MMWED) 150000 1.31 (+0.71)          Rosa Salazar (RSALA) 25000 71.53 (-1.30)          North Star aka My Mother's Weddi (MMWED) 150000 1.31 (+0.71)          Rosa Salazar (RSALA) 25000 71.53 (-1.30)          Christopher Abbott (CABBO) 25000 14.99 (-1.21)          Riff Raff (RIFRF) 150000 9.87 (+0.91)          Riff Raff (RIFRF) 150000 9.87 (+0.91)          Christopher Abbott (CABBO) 25000 14.99 (-1.21)          100 Nights of Hero (100NH) 25000 15.19 (-0.84)          North Star aka My Mother's Weddi (MMWED) 1 1.31 (+0.71)          Mason Thames (MTHAM) 25000 102.26 (+2.26)          100 Nights of Hero (100NH) 25000 15.19 (-0.84)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 150000 5.78 (+1.02)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 150000 5.78 (+1.02)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 150000 5.78 (+1.02)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 25000 5.78 (+1.02)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 150000 5.78 (+1.02)          Mason Thames (MTHAM) 25000 102.26 (+2.26)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 25000 5.78 (+1.02)          Christopher Abbott (CABBO) 25000 14.99 (-1.21)          Christopher Abbott (CABBO) 25000 14.99 (-1.21)          Tron: Ares (TRON3) 10000 119.38 (-0.13)          Riff Raff (RIFRF) 25000 9.87 (+0.91)          Riff Raff (RIFRF) 25000 9.87 (+0.91)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 150000 45.70 (+0.40)          The Dog Stars (DOGST) 149996 46.96 (+0.18)          The Dog Stars (DOGST) 149999 46.96 (+0.18)          Rosa Salazar (RSALA) 25000 71.53 (-1.30)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 150000 45.70 (+0.40)          O'Shea Jackson Jr. (OJACK) 20000 52.65 (-0.16)          Frankenstein (FRNST) 150000 3.67 (-0.50)          Last Breath (LBRTH) 150000 19.13 (-0.27)          Fablehaven (FBLHV) 150000 21.71 (-1.72)          The Rule of Jenny Pen (TROJP) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Frankenstein (FRNST) 150000 3.67 (-0.50)          Jack Ryan (RYAN1) 149999 60.52 (+0.40)          Last Breath (LBRTH) 150000 19.13 (-0.27)          Frankenstein (FRNST) 150000 3.67 (-0.50)          Jack Ryan (RYAN1) 149999 60.52 (+0.40)          Turn Me On (TMEON) 8000 0.01 (-0.01)          Queen of the Ring (QUOTR) 150000 1.00 (0.00)          The Rule of Jenny Pen (TROJP) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Samo Lives (SAMOL) 8000 0.01 (0.00)          Untitled Event Film Directed by (UEFDD) 5000 90.64 (-0.42)          The Phoenician Scheme (TPSCH) 15000 16.57 (-1.13)          Queen of the Ring (QUOTR) 150000 1.00 (0.00)          Dreamquil (DRMQL) 150000 4.57 (+0.26)          Dreamquil (DRMQL) 150000 4.57 (+0.26)          The Rule of Jenny Pen (TROJP) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Fablehaven (FBLHV) 10000 21.71 (-1.72)          North Star aka My Mother's Weddi (MMWED) 150000 1.31 (+0.71)          Rosa Salazar (RSALA) 25000 71.53 (-1.30)          North Star aka My Mother's Weddi (MMWED) 150000 1.31 (+0.71)          Rosa Salazar (RSALA) 25000 71.53 (-1.30)          Christopher Abbott (CABBO) 25000 14.99 (-1.21)          Riff Raff (RIFRF) 150000 9.87 (+0.91)          Riff Raff (RIFRF) 150000 9.87 (+0.91)          Christopher Abbott (CABBO) 25000 14.99 (-1.21)          100 Nights of Hero (100NH) 25000 15.19 (-0.84)          North Star aka My Mother's Weddi (MMWED) 1 1.31 (+0.71)          Mason Thames (MTHAM) 25000 102.26 (+2.26)          100 Nights of Hero (100NH) 25000 15.19 (-0.84)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 150000 5.78 (+1.02)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 150000 5.78 (+1.02)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 150000 5.78 (+1.02)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 25000 5.78 (+1.02)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 150000 5.78 (+1.02)          Mason Thames (MTHAM) 25000 102.26 (+2.26)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 25000 5.78 (+1.02)          Christopher Abbott (CABBO) 25000 14.99 (-1.21)          Christopher Abbott (CABBO) 25000 14.99 (-1.21)          Tron: Ares (TRON3) 10000 119.38 (-0.13)          Riff Raff (RIFRF) 25000 9.87 (+0.91)          Riff Raff (RIFRF) 25000 9.87 (+0.91)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 150000 45.70 (+0.40)          The Dog Stars (DOGST) 149996 46.96 (+0.18)          The Dog Stars (DOGST) 149999 46.96 (+0.18)          Rosa Salazar (RSALA) 25000 71.53 (-1.30)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 150000 45.70 (+0.40)          O'Shea Jackson Jr. (OJACK) 20000 52.65 (-0.16)          Frankenstein (FRNST) 150000 3.67 (-0.50)          Last Breath (LBRTH) 150000 19.13 (-0.27)          Fablehaven (FBLHV) 150000 21.71 (-1.72)          The Rule of Jenny Pen (TROJP) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Frankenstein (FRNST) 150000 3.67 (-0.50)          Jack Ryan (RYAN1) 149999 60.52 (+0.40)          Last Breath (LBRTH) 150000 19.13 (-0.27)          Frankenstein (FRNST) 150000 3.67 (-0.50)          Jack Ryan (RYAN1) 149999 60.52 (+0.40)          Turn Me On (TMEON) 8000 0.01 (-0.01)          Queen of the Ring (QUOTR) 150000 1.00 (0.00)          The Rule of Jenny Pen (TROJP) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Samo Lives (SAMOL) 8000 0.01 (0.00)          Untitled Event Film Directed by (UEFDD) 5000 90.64 (-0.42)          The Phoenician Scheme (TPSCH) 15000 16.57 (-1.13)          Queen of the Ring (QUOTR) 150000 1.00 (0.00)          Dreamquil (DRMQL) 150000 4.57 (+0.26)          Dreamquil (DRMQL) 150000 4.57 (+0.26)          The Rule of Jenny Pen (TROJP) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Fablehaven (FBLHV) 10000 21.71 (-1.72)          North Star aka My Mother's Weddi (MMWED) 150000 1.31 (+0.71)          Rosa Salazar (RSALA) 25000 71.53 (-1.30)          North Star aka My Mother's Weddi (MMWED) 150000 1.31 (+0.71)          Rosa Salazar (RSALA) 25000 71.53 (-1.30)          Christopher Abbott (CABBO) 25000 14.99 (-1.21)          Riff Raff (RIFRF) 150000 9.87 (+0.91)          Riff Raff (RIFRF) 150000 9.87 (+0.91)          Christopher Abbott (CABBO) 25000 14.99 (-1.21)          100 Nights of Hero (100NH) 25000 15.19 (-0.84)          North Star aka My Mother's Weddi (MMWED) 1 1.31 (+0.71)          Mason Thames (MTHAM) 25000 102.26 (+2.26)          100 Nights of Hero (100NH) 25000 15.19 (-0.84)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 150000 5.78 (+1.02)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 150000 5.78 (+1.02)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 150000 5.78 (+1.02)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 25000 5.78 (+1.02)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 150000 5.78 (+1.02)          Mason Thames (MTHAM) 25000 102.26 (+2.26)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 25000 5.78 (+1.02)          Christopher Abbott (CABBO) 25000 14.99 (-1.21)          Christopher Abbott (CABBO) 25000 14.99 (-1.21)          Tron: Ares (TRON3) 10000 119.38 (-0.13)          Riff Raff (RIFRF) 25000 9.87 (+0.91)          Riff Raff (RIFRF) 25000 9.87 (+0.91)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 150000 45.70 (+0.40)          The Dog Stars (DOGST) 149996 46.96 (+0.18)          The Dog Stars (DOGST) 149999 46.96 (+0.18)          Rosa Salazar (RSALA) 25000 71.53 (-1.30)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 150000 45.70 (+0.40)          O'Shea Jackson Jr. (OJACK) 20000 52.65 (-0.16)          Frankenstein (FRNST) 150000 3.67 (-0.50)          Last Breath (LBRTH) 150000 19.13 (-0.27)          Fablehaven (FBLHV) 150000 21.71 (-1.72)          The Rule of Jenny Pen (TROJP) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Frankenstein (FRNST) 150000 3.67 (-0.50)          Jack Ryan (RYAN1) 149999 60.52 (+0.40)          Last Breath (LBRTH) 150000 19.13 (-0.27)          Frankenstein (FRNST) 150000 3.67 (-0.50)          Jack Ryan (RYAN1) 149999 60.52 (+0.40)          Turn Me On (TMEON) 8000 0.01 (-0.01)          Queen of the Ring (QUOTR) 150000 1.00 (0.00)          The Rule of Jenny Pen (TROJP) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Samo Lives (SAMOL) 8000 0.01 (0.00)          Untitled Event Film Directed by (UEFDD) 5000 90.64 (-0.42)          The Phoenician Scheme (TPSCH) 15000 16.57 (-1.13)          Queen of the Ring (QUOTR) 150000 1.00 (0.00)          Dreamquil (DRMQL) 150000 4.57 (+0.26)          Dreamquil (DRMQL) 150000 4.57 (+0.26)          The Rule of Jenny Pen (TROJP) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Fablehaven (FBLHV) 10000 21.71 (-1.72)          North Star aka My Mother's Weddi (MMWED) 150000 1.31 (+0.71)          Rosa Salazar (RSALA) 25000 71.53 (-1.30)          North Star aka My Mother's Weddi (MMWED) 150000 1.31 (+0.71)          Rosa Salazar (RSALA) 25000 71.53 (-1.30)          Christopher Abbott (CABBO) 25000 14.99 (-1.21)          Riff Raff (RIFRF) 150000 9.87 (+0.91)          Riff Raff (RIFRF) 150000 9.87 (+0.91)          Christopher Abbott (CABBO) 25000 14.99 (-1.21)          100 Nights of Hero (100NH) 25000 15.19 (-0.84)          North Star aka My Mother's Weddi (MMWED) 1 1.31 (+0.71)          Mason Thames (MTHAM) 25000 102.26 (+2.26)          100 Nights of Hero (100NH) 25000 15.19 (-0.84)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 150000 5.78 (+1.02)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 150000 5.78 (+1.02)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 150000 5.78 (+1.02)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 25000 5.78 (+1.02)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 150000 5.78 (+1.02)          Mason Thames (MTHAM) 25000 102.26 (+2.26)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 25000 5.78 (+1.02)          Christopher Abbott (CABBO) 25000 14.99 (-1.21)          Christopher Abbott (CABBO) 25000 14.99 (-1.21)          Tron: Ares (TRON3) 10000 119.38 (-0.13)          Riff Raff (RIFRF) 25000 9.87 (+0.91)          Riff Raff (RIFRF) 25000 9.87 (+0.91)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 150000 45.70 (+0.40)          The Dog Stars (DOGST) 149996 46.96 (+0.18)          The Dog Stars (DOGST) 149999 46.96 (+0.18)          Rosa Salazar (RSALA) 25000 71.53 (-1.30)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 150000 45.70 (+0.40)          O'Shea Jackson Jr. (OJACK) 20000 52.65 (-0.16)          Frankenstein (FRNST) 150000 3.67 (-0.50)          Last Breath (LBRTH) 150000 19.13 (-0.27)          Fablehaven (FBLHV) 150000 21.71 (-1.72)          The Rule of Jenny Pen (TROJP) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Frankenstein (FRNST) 150000 3.67 (-0.50)          Jack Ryan (RYAN1) 149999 60.52 (+0.40)          Last Breath (LBRTH) 150000 19.13 (-0.27)          Frankenstein (FRNST) 150000 3.67 (-0.50)          Jack Ryan (RYAN1) 149999 60.52 (+0.40)          Turn Me On (TMEON) 8000 0.01 (-0.01)          Queen of the Ring (QUOTR) 150000 1.00 (0.00)          The Rule of Jenny Pen (TROJP) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Samo Lives (SAMOL) 8000 0.01 (0.00)          Untitled Event Film Directed by (UEFDD) 5000 90.64 (-0.42)          The Phoenician Scheme (TPSCH) 15000 16.57 (-1.13)          Queen of the Ring (QUOTR) 150000 1.00 (0.00)          Dreamquil (DRMQL) 150000 4.57 (+0.26)          Dreamquil (DRMQL) 150000 4.57 (+0.26)          The Rule of Jenny Pen (TROJP) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Fablehaven (FBLHV) 10000 21.71 (-1.72)          North Star aka My Mother's Weddi (MMWED) 150000 1.31 (+0.71)          Rosa Salazar (RSALA) 25000 71.53 (-1.30)          North Star aka My Mother's Weddi (MMWED) 150000 1.31 (+0.71)          Rosa Salazar (RSALA) 25000 71.53 (-1.30)          Christopher Abbott (CABBO) 25000 14.99 (-1.21)          Riff Raff (RIFRF) 150000 9.87 (+0.91)          Riff Raff (RIFRF) 150000 9.87 (+0.91)          Christopher Abbott (CABBO) 25000 14.99 (-1.21)          100 Nights of Hero (100NH) 25000 15.19 (-0.84)          North Star aka My Mother's Weddi (MMWED) 1 1.31 (+0.71)          Mason Thames (MTHAM) 25000 102.26 (+2.26)          100 Nights of Hero (100NH) 25000 15.19 (-0.84)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 150000 5.78 (+1.02)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 150000 5.78 (+1.02)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 150000 5.78 (+1.02)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 25000 5.78 (+1.02)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 150000 5.78 (+1.02)          Mason Thames (MTHAM) 25000 102.26 (+2.26)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 25000 5.78 (+1.02)          Christopher Abbott (CABBO) 25000 14.99 (-1.21)          Christopher Abbott (CABBO) 25000 14.99 (-1.21)          Tron: Ares (TRON3) 10000 119.38 (-0.13)          Riff Raff (RIFRF) 25000 9.87 (+0.91)          Riff Raff (RIFRF) 25000 9.87 (+0.91)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 150000 45.70 (+0.40)          The Dog Stars (DOGST) 149996 46.96 (+0.18)          The Dog Stars (DOGST) 149999 46.96 (+0.18)          Rosa Salazar (RSALA) 25000 71.53 (-1.30)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 150000 45.70 (+0.40)          O'Shea Jackson Jr. (OJACK) 20000 52.65 (-0.16)          Frankenstein (FRNST) 150000 3.67 (-0.50)          Last Breath (LBRTH) 150000 19.13 (-0.27)          Fablehaven (FBLHV) 150000 21.71 (-1.72)          The Rule of Jenny Pen (TROJP) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Frankenstein (FRNST) 150000 3.67 (-0.50)          Jack Ryan (RYAN1) 149999 60.52 (+0.40)          Last Breath (LBRTH) 150000 19.13 (-0.27)          Frankenstein (FRNST) 150000 3.67 (-0.50)          Jack Ryan (RYAN1) 149999 60.52 (+0.40)          Turn Me On (TMEON) 8000 0.01 (-0.01)          Queen of the Ring (QUOTR) 150000 1.00 (0.00)          The Rule of Jenny Pen (TROJP) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Samo Lives (SAMOL) 8000 0.01 (0.00)          Untitled Event Film Directed by (UEFDD) 5000 90.64 (-0.42)          The Phoenician Scheme (TPSCH) 15000 16.57 (-1.13)          Queen of the Ring (QUOTR) 150000 1.00 (0.00)          Dreamquil (DRMQL) 150000 4.57 (+0.26)          Dreamquil (DRMQL) 150000 4.57 (+0.26)          The Rule of Jenny Pen (TROJP) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Fablehaven (FBLHV) 10000 21.71 (-1.72)          North Star aka My Mother's Weddi (MMWED) 150000 1.31 (+0.71)          Rosa Salazar (RSALA) 25000 71.53 (-1.30)          North Star aka My Mother's Weddi (MMWED) 150000 1.31 (+0.71)          Rosa Salazar (RSALA) 25000 71.53 (-1.30)          Christopher Abbott (CABBO) 25000 14.99 (-1.21)          Riff Raff (RIFRF) 150000 9.87 (+0.91)          Riff Raff (RIFRF) 150000 9.87 (+0.91)          Christopher Abbott (CABBO) 25000 14.99 (-1.21)          100 Nights of Hero (100NH) 25000 15.19 (-0.84)          North Star aka My Mother's Weddi (MMWED) 1 1.31 (+0.71)          Mason Thames (MTHAM) 25000 102.26 (+2.26)          100 Nights of Hero (100NH) 25000 15.19 (-0.84)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 150000 5.78 (+1.02)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 150000 5.78 (+1.02)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 150000 5.78 (+1.02)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 25000 5.78 (+1.02)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 150000 5.78 (+1.02)          Mason Thames (MTHAM) 25000 102.26 (+2.26)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 25000 5.78 (+1.02)          Christopher Abbott (CABBO) 25000 14.99 (-1.21)          Christopher Abbott (CABBO) 25000 14.99 (-1.21)          Tron: Ares (TRON3) 10000 119.38 (-0.13)          Riff Raff (RIFRF) 25000 9.87 (+0.91)          Riff Raff (RIFRF) 25000 9.87 (+0.91)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 150000 45.70 (+0.40)          The Dog Stars (DOGST) 149996 46.96 (+0.18)          The Dog Stars (DOGST) 149999 46.96 (+0.18)          Rosa Salazar (RSALA) 25000 71.53 (-1.30)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 150000 45.70 (+0.40)