I Know Who Killed Me

Delist Date:Aug 20, 2007
MPAA Rating:R
Release Date:Jul 27, 2007


The psychological thriller I Know Who Killed Me stars Lindsay Lohan as a young woman who is abducted and tortured by a serial killer. When she returns home, she claims to be someone else and that the original person is still in danger. Others try to figure out if there's a sinister phenomenon taking place. Chris Siverstson directs with a screenplay from Jeff Hammond.






I Know Who Killed Me (IKWKM)

H$7.23 August 20, 2007

Delist Date Delist Price

Shares Held Long on HSX: 0
Shares Held Short on HSX: 0
Trading Volume on HSX (Today): 0

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This Week H$8.35 H$7.44
This Month H$12.46 H$7.44
This Season H$18.31 H$7.44
This Year H$20.46 H$7.44

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