The Little Mermaid $260M Blockbuster Warrant

Delist Date:Aug 14, 2023


Blockbuster Warrants

Blockbuster Warrants are Hollywood Derivatives which allow traders the opportunity to invest in the long-term financial success of the biggest studio movies. Blockbuster Warrants are similar to Call Options, except the strike price is set for 12 weekends of box office in wide release.

If this particular film makes the strike price by its 12th weekend of wide release, then the warrant will cash out at the difference between the actual box office and the strike price. If the film does not hit the strike price, then the warrant will cash out at zero.

For Example: A $100M Blockbuster Warrant has a strike price of H$100. It will delist at zero if the movie does not make more than $100 million after 12 weekends. If the film makes more than $100 million, then the Warrant will cash out at a price determined by the following formula: (Actual Box Office - Strike Price). If the film made $125 million, then the Warrant would cash out at H$25.00 ($125 - $100).

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The Little Mermaid $260M Blockbu (TLMER.BW)

H$37.19 August 14, 2023

Delist Date Delist Price

Shares Held Long on HSX: 0
Shares Held Short on HSX: 0
Trading Volume on HSX (Today): 150,000

High and Low Trading Prices

This Week H$20.26 H$17.90
This Month H$20.26 H$14.62
This Season H$20.26 H$5.00
This Year H$20.26 H$5.00

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