We Bought a Zoo H$25 (Fri-Mon) Call

Delist Date:Dec 27, 2011


Options are Hollywood Derivatives based around a specific event. Typically 'calls' and 'puts' options are offered for a MovieStock opening in wide release. This form of speculation lasts only for the opening weekend.


A call option speculates that the related MovieStock will have a higher box office take for its opening weekend than the strike price. A $20 call has a strike price of $20, and will delist at zero if the movie does not make $20 million or more during opening weekend. If the film makes more than $20 million it will cash out at a price determined by the following formula: (Actual Box Office - Strike Price). For Example: if the film made $25 million the call would cash out at H$5.00 (H$25 - H$20).

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We Bought a Zoo H$25 (Fri-Mon) C (WBZOO.CA)

H$0.00 December 27, 2011

Delist Date Delist Price

Shares Held Long on HSX: 0
Shares Held Short on HSX: 0
Trading Volume on HSX (Today): 0

High and Low Trading Prices

This Week H$1.05 H$0.71
This Month H$2.16 H$0.71
This Season H$2.16 H$0.71
This Year H$2.16 H$0.71

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