This terrible "Arena" trailer indicates that Samuel L. Jackson may need a career intervention ? Aug 01, 08:27
there arent a lot of real star power draws anymore {nm} Aug 01, 08:35
OMG u gotta be kidding me... Well It is SLJ. He'll do any movie. lol This looks STV {nm} Aug 01, 08:36
There isn't a stock so it looks like HSX was already ahead of the curve on this one. {nm} Aug 01, 09:10
Are you kidding? He's probably made enough money from his Marvel deal, he can retire if he wants. {nm} Aug 01, 08:49
he's only doing movies like Arena for the money {nm} Aug 01, 08:51
You are probably right. And then, Marvel tend to pay cheap, so I guess he wouldn't get much from his Marvel deal {nm} Aug 01, 09:00
He's trying to catch up with Michael Caine. Jackson's been in about 138 and Michael Caine has 154 {nm} Aug 01, 09:31